Tuesday, April 19, 2022 - 10:00 to 18:00
The Kansas APCO Chapter has partnered with Ricardo and Within the Trenches Media to bring a day of training on April 19th.
10:00 am EST
Dru Clarke - 988 - A New Number for Crisis
11:00 am EST
Dru Clarke - The Art of Communication - Giving & Receiving Feedback
12:00 pm EST
Ruth Lagerquist - Yes, You Can Smell the Number 9!
1:00 pm EST
Andrea King - Be the Champion of Change!
3:00 pm EST
Samantha Hawkins - Rediscovering the Humanity Beneath the Headset
4:00 pm EST
Sabrina Henry - Extroverts, Introverts, and Workplace Culture
6:00 pm EST
Sabrina Henry - Personal Leadership Development Book - A Tool for Developing