Keeping a PSAP fully staffed can be a challenge for any agency. The desire to keep console seats filled, paired with the need to fill them with qualified and reliable employees, is one of the more difficult tasks 9-1-1 centers can face. The next phase of this process is retaining the employees you hire by actively investing in their careers as public safety professionals. The PSAP culture plays a critical role in retention of qualified employees.
This course provides information on all aspects of personnel, from creating a strong hiring policy to building and promoting successful candidates. Students will learn best practices for each stage of the process, and will take home ideas they can implement immediately, as well as benefit from class discussion as colleagues share their successes. Participants will also take home ideas on how to retain their employees, and how to support them throughout their careers.
Presenter: Jennifer Kirkland, ENP
Contact: Ty Wooten, ENP
[email protected]
(202) 618-4408
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