The ProFuturo Programme, in partnership with the OAS and the Inter-American Telecommunications Commission CITEL, will not only bring technological equipment and digital content to 11 schools in the country, but is also working with the Ministry of National Education in the Incorporation of this technology in the curriculum.
Soon, 162 teachers will also receive training for the use of new methodologies in the classroom, so students will be able to access digital content to complement the different subjects.
In Belize there is an atmosphere of enthusiasm and optimism regarding the implementation of this programme. During the official launch in the country, the officials of the Ministry of Education and attendees highlighted the advantages that ProFuturo will bring so that nearly 4,000 students have meaningful learning and are increasingly familiar with the use of technology during their educational process.
ProFuturo arrives to Belize
From left to right: Hon. Patrick Faber, Minister of Education, Youth, Sports and Culture of Belize; Valeria Gomes, ProFuturo training coordinator; Starret D. Greene, OAS representative in Belize.
Starret D. Greene, OAS representative in Belize expressed his gladness during the launching event:
“The OAS welcomes this collaboration with ProFuturo, which in particular will make learning more exciting and relevant for our students, while delivering ICT solutions that are applicable to the challenges of daily life.
In this joint effort, the ProFuturo program will complement the efforts of the Ministry of Education, allowing the expansion of a digital education model that contemplates the delivery of technological equipment. This includes tablets, computers and projectors, as well as math, English and life skills content.”
Valeria Gomes, ProFuturo training coordinator, highlighted some reasons why digital education is a strategic decision to generate active learning environments in the country's schools:
"We need to prepare students to learn to learn, to be passionate about discovering new things, to be more autonomous and to create sustainable solutions to the challenges of their communities. Redesigning education is our duty so that we can train new generations of innovators.
We have the unique opportunity to build a future where quality and equitable education is a reality for all. In Belize we will work together to close the digital and educational gaps. With this program, we will transform the teaching and learning experiences of teachers and students in rural areas and regions with socio-economic challenges.”
The Minister of Education, Youth, Sports and Culture of Belize, Hon. Patrick Faber expressed the commitment of his country's government to the sustainability of the program, while highlighting ProFuturo's contribution to the digital expansion agenda that they advance in different regions:
“Our children are growing up in an era driven by technology and, in that sense, we have two options: join it or stay isolated. The decision of this Ministry of Education is to follow the path of technology.
That is why it was so easy for us to accept the arrival of ProFuturo to the country, because its program perfectly matches our agenda and our intention to adopt the technology. We want to get to the point where each child, in the almost 300 schools - and even in early childhood programs - can ensure access to technological resources. In this way they can begin their school tour with great force, and respond to the challenges of today's world. ”
ProFuturo is a programme of the Fundación Telefónica and la Caixa, which is implemented in 5 CARICOM countries in partnership with the OAS and the Inter-American Communications Commission (CITEL). This initiative reaches more than 1,100 teachers and more than 23,000 children.
Photo galery, launching of ProFuturo Programme in Belize