Este seminario tendrá interpretación en español y necesita inscripción previa, que se accede a través del link que se proveee.
In this webinar we will hear about different learning tools and modalities that can be used to strengthen workforce capacities on laboratory practices and biosafety. We will explore the added value versus limitations of online training for laboratory personnel. We will have an overview of the recently developed eLearning course on Fundamentals of laboratory biosafety, based on the WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual 4th edition, and hear about the recently published WHO biosafety risk assessment tool.
We will welcome:
Dr Jane Shallcross (UK Health Security Agency, United Kingdom)
Dr Saskia Rutjes (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment- RIVM, Netherlands)
Dr Sandhya Dhawan (WHO Headquarters)
Miércoles, Julio 3, 2024 - 05:00 al 06:00