
Webinar Series "Digital Education of the Americas: Good Practices to Inspire"



Within the framework of the Mapping of Best Practices in Digital Education in the Americas, the OAS Alliance with ProFuturo will launch a cycle of webinars to generate conversations and collaborations among teachers from the American States. The first event will take place  on Thursday, June 29 at 11:00 am, Washington DC time (UTC –4) and will be broadcast live, with simultaneous interpretation from Spanish to English, on the  YouTube and Facebook channels of the  Educational Portal of the Americas. To participate, prior registration is requested by completing the form here.


During the webinar series “Digital Education in the Americas: Good Practices to Inspire", a series of conversations will be presented with teachers from different countries of the hemisphere who participated in the Mapping. Each of the dialogue spaces will focus on addressing different topics relevant to the educational community, which have been  presented in the report of the same name, available now  in Spanish and English and Portuguese


The first event will focus on the promotion of learning-to-learn skills and  will feature the participation of Víctor Hernández, from Guatemala, with the Disruptive Education for a Nation project;   Carlos Alberto Pino, from Peru, with Q-antu, open classroom;, and María Gabriela Linardo, from Argentina, with Atalaya Sur educational space. The format of the event will be a conversation in which teachers will share their main learning, challenges, and opportunities for collaboration within the framework of the development of skills related to digital tools, critical thinking, science, technology, among others


In addition to this event, there will be 3 additional webinars on the following months:



The OAS, in partnership with ProFuturo, the digital education program of Fundación Telefónica and Fundación "la Caixa", have identified the most innovative experiences for improving the quality of education in the region and have included them in an interactive map in English and Spanish, hosted on the OAS Educational Portal. The more than 160 educational practices collected seek to promote the exchange of habits and strategies among teachers in the Americas.

Do not miss this cycle of dialogues, it is an opportunity to rediscover ways of learning that involve creative options to transform education and learning.

For more information, please visit the OAS Alliance with ProFuturo website.

