
Renewed site!


From september, the Educational Portal of The Americas has a great renovation. This is a new space that meets the educational demands of the new generations and makes available to citizens the tools for knowledge management and for educational innovation.

Let’s take a look of what is new

Renewed Virtual Classroom:

We improved the Virtual Classroom learning environment of our Portal. We have new tools to facilitate access to courses, user profile, technical and administrative support and digital tools for learning. We currently offer 16 courses and 4 diplomats in Education, Public Management, Sustainability and Gender Focus.

Go to course catalog

MOOC Platform (New)

The new dynamics of learning and the profile of our users, led us to develop our own MOOC platform (open, online and massive courses). In this space our users can take the available courses at any time, based on self-directed learning. That is, without the mediation of a tutor. We have courses in STEAM Education (Science, Technology, Enginee, Arts and Mathematics), and Sustainability.

Go to the MOOC platform

Virtual Networks and Communities of Practice

These spaces are designed to generate communities of knowledge, around specific themes and interests. These spaces have the diversity of tools managed to the measure with the different groups can manage their activities, documents, forums, among others.

Go to Virtual Networks


Map of STEAM practices

Located within the EducaSTEAM Virtual Network, this map contains a panorama of good educational practices, carried out in the Americas that are based on the STEAM areas. Using a geolocation tool, you can contact the leaders of those experiences, and also upload your own success experience.

Go to Map of STEAM practices

Center of Resources for Innovation in Education

This is a specialized tool in which the Portal makes information, contents, practices and materials specialized in educational innovation available to citizens, institutions and governments of the OAS. All the contents published in the Center of Resource have been cured and classified, so we offer updated material of high academic value.

Go to Center of Resources (Available only in Spanish).

In addition, we have a Portfolio page where you find our services for the development of institutional capacities, the generation of customized educational content, the generation of educational content strategies, among others. Read about our work and request a plan according to the needs of your institution, region or project.

Go to Portfolio

Welcome! We hope that all these tools will be very useful for innovation in education.