Central America
The main objective in Central America is the mobilization of political dialogue on Digital Education and its connection with the Inter-American Educational Agenda (AEI). To this end, since 2020, we have been working with the Ministries of Education of the following countries:
We also articulate and accompany civil society organizations dedicated to improving education in the region in their process of institutional strengthening and sustainability.
- Fundación Acción Joven
- Fundación Omar Dengo
- Fundación Dehvi
- Fundación Padre Arrupe
- Fundación Ayudinga
- Fundación Gabriel Lewis Galindo
- Empresarios Por la Educación
- Fundación Carlos F. Novella
- Fundación DECA
- Fundación Miguel Torrebiarte Sohanin
- Fundación Paiz para la Educación y la Cultura
- Funsepa