

Proyecto HICA

Innovación curricular

Community of practice: Agronomía y Recursos Naturales

About this community

Recent activity

Maribel Gómez's picture
7 years 10 months
Maribel Gómez's picture
7 years 10 months
Maribel Gómez's picture
7 years 10 months
Maribel Gómez's picture
7 years 10 months
Maribel Gómez's picture
7 years 10 months
Raúl López's picture

Raúl López added a topic 'Diagnóstico para el rediseño' to the forum

7 years 10 months
Raúl López's picture
7 years 11 months
Raúl López's picture
7 years 11 months
Raúl López's picture
7 years 11 months
Raúl López's picture

Raúl López added a topic 'Agua Verde y paisajes...' to the forum

7 years 11 months
Raúl López's picture

Raúl López joined to the community Agronomía y Recursos Naturales

7 years 11 months
Raúl López's picture

Raúl López joined to the community Agronomía y Recursos Naturales

7 years 11 months
Yovanny Zeceña's picture
7 years 11 months
Maribel Gómez's picture
8 years 3 months
Maribel Gómez's picture

Maribel Gómez added a topic 'Comunicación y experiencia grupal' to the forum

8 years 3 months


Documents and links about this community of practice.


No photos added yet.