Miércoles, Abril 27, 2022 - 11:00 al 13:00
Opening Remarks and Introduction
- Guillermo Moncayo, Interim Director, DPS/OAS [3 minutes]
- Ing. Juan Zapata, President, ESS Subsidiary Technical Group [5 minutes]
Panel 1: Document of Experiences N˚ 2
- Presentation of the Document by Karen Bozicovich, Chief, Information and Knowledge Section, DPS/OAS [5 minutes]
- Round of Comments by Emergency and Security Services or similar agencies that collaborated in the drafting of the Document of Experiences will have the opportunity to make brief remarks on the gains/progress achieved [20 minutes]
- Costa Rica 911 Emergency System Video Presentation [2 minutes]
Panel 2: Presentation of the Protocol and Drafting Methodology
Moderator: Karen Bozicovich, Chief, Information and Knowledge Section, DPS/OAS [3 minutes]
- Celia Maritza Gomez Sanchez, ISS ECU 911 [10 minutes]
- Angelica Maria Buñay Diaz, ISS ECU 911 [10 minutes]
- Luis Fernando Viera Eguiguren, FENASEC [10 minutes]
Questions and answers [20 minutes]
Video of the Interinstitutional Protocol for the Handling of Emergency Alerts Involving Persons with Disabilities, by the Integrated Security Service (ISS) ECU 911 [2 minutes]
Panel 3: Adaptation of the mobile app
Moderator: Karen Bozicovich, Chief, Information and Knowledge Section, DPS/OAS [2 minutes]
- Monica Alexandra Nicolalde Muñoz, ISS ECU 911 [10 minutes]
Questions and Answers [15 minutes]
Karen Bozicovich, Chief, Information and Knowledge Section, DPS/OAS [3 minutes]