We often ask for the impossible from our first responders. We want them to be on-scene within seconds. We want them to manage every type of extreme medical condition. And we want them to immediately identify and appropriately respond to individuals that require extra care. Of course, these desires make sense – they are borne out of the realization that every second and one piece of vital information can often mean the difference between life and death. FirstNet has evaluated and approved three mobile solutions that help public safety agencies begin to make the impossible, possible. Take 60 minutes to learn about how:
• PulsePoint Foundation can get lifesaving care to a cardiac victim within seconds instead of minutes.
• General Devices’ e-Bridge solution can immediately connect a patient and remote medical expert via a telehealth solution
• Vitals Aware can make sure first responders are immediately informed when they have encountered vulnerable individuals who may respond in unexpected ways or need additional assistance
This event starts as 12 pm EDT.
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