


Comunidades Virtuales | Virtual Communities

3. Communications in Complex Incidents

Jueves, Mayo 14, 2020 - 14:00 al Viernes, Mayo 15, 2020 - 14:45

In the midst of an escalating Covid-19 pandemic response, the Salt Lake Valley was struck with a 5.7 earthquake. Complex hazardous materials incidents, collapsing structures, and medical responses taxed the LMR and commercial broadband networks. While commercial cellular networks were congested due to heavy usage, agencies using FirstNet had reliable access and capacity on the FirstNet network.

  • Dave Herrman, Salt Lake City Fire IT specialist, and Dustin Dern, Unified Fire Authority Battalion Chief and Operations Section Chief for the Incident Management Team, will share their stories and experience with FirstNet in a large-scale event.
  • Garett Doyle, Regional Manager with the FirstNet Program at AT&T, and Tracey Murdock, from the First Responder Network Authority, will discuss the earthquake response from the perspective of their respective agencies and address the future of FirstNet and the ongoing reinvestment and further development of the network.

The webinar starts at 2:00 pm (EST).
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