Wireless carriers are beginning to deliver X, Y and Z coordinate values with wireless 9-1-1 calls. Great value lies in transforming information into geospatial data. Leveraging this data to create actionable outputs - plans, graphics, webmaps and apps - presents an opportunity for useful 3D GIS data that, among other things, contextualizes this coordinate value information with the best response route, both outdoors and indoors.
This value begins with the process of acquiring highly accurate location data inside facilities. The best way to accomplish this is with site visits verifying floorplans and enhancing inside location information to give continuity to emergency response. The result of this process is both indoor mapping and improved, verified sub-addressing. DATAMARK and CRG will discuss their process for acquiring indoor mapping data and some concepts of 3D GIS that are relevant to the discussion.
Presenter Information
Jeff Ledbetter, Public Safety GIS Expert
Mr. Ledbetter is a Public Safety GIS Expert with DATAMARK, the public safety GIS team of Michael Baker International. He is a GIS, public safety, addressing and GIS technology subject matter expert with nearly two decades in GIS. Since 2009 Mr. Ledbetter has been supporting GIS technology in PSAPs and Emergency Operations Centers. Mr. Ledbetter is a Public Safety GIS Expert and holds GIS Professional (GISP), Emergency Number Professional (ENP) and Project Management Professional (PMP) certifications.
Sandy Dyre, Client Success Manager
Ms. Dyre is as a Client Success Manager for DATAMARK, the public safety team of Michael Baker Michael Baker Intl. Sandy’s experience comes from a public safety background covering the past 30 years including various roles as a public safety dispatcher, MSAG Coordinator, county 9-1-1 system administrator, and as a 9-1-1 Project Manager with the State of Arizona 9-1-1 Program Office. Sandy serves on various GIS and public safety committees and working groups, is an Emergency Number Professional (ENP) and a Certified Public Manager (CPM).
Mike Rodgers, CEO
Mr. Rodgers is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and a Special Operations Captain with multiple deployments as a member of the 75th Ranger Regiment. He served 6 Semesters as the Assistant Professor of Military Science and Leadership at Princeton University. After separating from the Army, he focused on transitioning Military Technology to support First Responders domestically in the private sector. Later, he co-founded and is CEO of CRG Inc. where he leads a team of professionals that work to improve the national state of emergency preparation and response.