Mission Critical Partners is organizing the 2022 Conference for Advancing the Public Sector (CAPS).
This is a two-day, live event (May 17 - May 18).
The 4 keynote speakers are:
• Dr. Katherine Kuhlman, PsyD, ABPP, principal with Kuhlman Psychology and Consulting. Dr. Kuhlman will discuss strategies that public safety and justice leaders can use to help field personnel — law enforcement, fire/rescue, emergency medical, corrections — and 911 center telecommunicators cope with uniquely stressful environments.
• Darrin Reilly, MCP president and chief executive officer. Reilly will examine the current state of communications across the public sector — i.e., public safety, justice/corrections, and government — and bring participants up to date on several initiatives designed to enhance interoperability, data integration, cybersecurity, and Next Generation 911 readiness.
• Nola Joyce, independent consultant to the public safety industry for more than 25 years and a member of the MCP board of directors. Joyce will explore the challenges facing law enforcement agencies today, and how law enforcement response might be reimagined.
• Richard Osborne, senior cybersecurity architect, and Matthew Yates, director of operations, for Secure Halo, a Mission Critical Partners company. Osborne and Yates will explore strategies being used by federal agencies that state and local public sector organizations can leverage to reduce their vulnerability to cyberattacks.
Plus more than 20 Education and Panel Sessions.