9-1-1 Goes to Washington (#NENAGTW) brings 9-1-1 professionals together with government leaders in Washinton, DC to address today's most pressing 9-1-1 and emergency communications issues. #NENAGTW is the only event where participants will learn about the policy challenges facing 9-1-1 and then take immediate action to address them through dialogue with elected and appointed officials.
#NENAGTW offers participants a significant opportunity to shape the US emergency communications policy agenda. In order to address the needs of today’s 9-1-1 systems while laying the regulatory and legislative groundwork for next-generation systems, 9-1-1 professionals must understand today’s 9-1-1 policy landscape and take an active role in educating policymakers to shape the laws and rules of tomorrow. At #NENAGTW, participants will do both. Join us for a dynamic, interactive program where participants will receive:
- The inside information to shape the 9-1-1 and emergency communications agendas for the Administration and Congress;
- Critical knowledge of federal and state 9-1-1, homeland security, and emergency communications legislation, regulation, andpolicy initiatives; and
- An opportunity to speak directly with members of Congress, administration officials, and key staff to make practiotioners' voices heard on behalf of the entire 9-1-1 community.