Jueves, Septiembre 28, 2023 - 15:00 al 16:00
What does wellness mean? The word tends to be defined or thought of differently by everyone. Is it mental, physical, emotional, nutritional, or something completely different? So, if everyone has a different idea of what wellness looks like, then how is it possible succeed at being well - and how does being well help people succeed?
In this roundtable three subject matter experts on 9-1-1 wellness will discuss how putting wellness first is beneficial both professionally and personally.
- Laurie Anderson, ENP - NENA Immediate Past President
- Roxanne VanGundy ENP - Lyon County Emergency Communications Center
- Ryan Chambers - Denise Amber Lee Foundation
- Ashley Warner - NCNENA Wellness & Peer Support Team
The Webinar starts at 3:00 pm EST.
To register, click here.