Jueves, Junio 11, 2020 - 12:00 al Viernes, Junio 12, 2020 - 16:45
The Denise Amber Lee Foundation was a driving force behind the first ever ANSI Standard for the Establishment of a Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement Program for Public Safety Answering Points. Five foundation board members were part of the national workgroup that crafted the document, including foundation president Nathan Lee and Sherrill Ornberg, the creator of the Standard's QA scoring sheets, implementation instructions and performance scoring. This training foucses on creating comprehensive quality assurance/quality improvement processes for communications center.
This complimentary Virtual 9-1-1 QA Training Day addresses:
- Why a consistent and effective QA/QI process is vital (legally and professionally) to your PSAP.
- The components of the QA/QI program and how to objectively evaluate the performance of public safety communications personnel no matter your agency's size.
- How to create and implement a successful QA/QI program and ensure staff buy in.
- How to leverage your QA/QI program to reduce employee turnover and boost confidence and performance
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