

Sustainable Cities

Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Management


Equipo de soporte | Support team

Essential materials

Introduction to Sustainable Cities Course
Wednesday, September 28, 2016 - 11:28

Espacios de conversación

This is an interaction space for the 10th Sustainable Cities Course attendees
Catalina Hernández Osorio's picture
Luisa Neira's picture
Chinyere Nwaogwugwu's picture

About this Network

Welcome to the Virtual Network of Sustainable Cities, Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Management, program of Organization of American States. This is an interactive space where you will find relevant information about our events, workshops and news. You also are invited to share your experiences of sustainability and start collaborative work with another members.


With the objective of highlighting advancements in sustainable communities, the Organization of American States (OAS), with funding from US/OAS, in partnership with the Government of Jamaica has organized a Sustainable Cities course for a group of urban and social transformation professionals.