
We celebrate 20 years providing quality education through the use of technology



We emerged from the political will of the States of the region who, at the Third Summit of the Americas held in 2001, approved the initiative: "Connecting the Americas." Thus, we have established ourselves as a virtual educational platform in which citizens can access a permanent learning offer that allows them to develop skills, practice, and specialize knowledge and strengthen their civic and democratic values.


In these two decades, we had learning:







For several organizations, digital education is an emerging topic; however, the Educational Portal of the Americas has been a pioneer in the continent. in implementing learning models using information and communication technologies (ICT). Therefore, experience allows us to ensure that we know:



  1. Developing self-directed or tutored virtual training courses, enriched with digital content that allows quality training.
  2. Integrating active learning methodologies and teaching strategies in digital environments. For example, project-based, problem-based, or gamification learning.
  3. Offering specialized tutorials to mitigate desertion, our thematic experts accompany and guide the online learning processes.
  4. Proposing an evaluation system that allows the student to identify their performance in real time, in addition to allowing them to analyze how they can improve it.
  5. Balancing the pedagogical approach with the design of the user experience, in this way, each educational product moderates learning, while entertaining..
  6. Desing interaction models based on the context of connectivity.


Join us! Talking together about digital education 

  • Time: Washington D.C., 10 a.m. / Bogotá, 9:00 a.m. / Argentina, 11:00 a.m. / El Salvador, 8:00 a.m.





