

Red de Ferias CT+I LATAM

Red de Ferias CT+I LATAM


Equipo de soporte | Support team

Julio Gil's picture
Luis Andrés Ochoa Duque's picture
Tutor del Portal Educativo de las Américas - EducaSTEAM, Organización de los Estados Americanos
Alin Valenzuela's picture
Coordinadora del Portal Educativo de las Américas/Coordinator of the Educational Portal of the Americas, OEA

Clubes - Grupos

Trabajar en equipo por el fortalecimiento de las ferias y certámenes juveniles de ciencia y tecnología en América Latina
Luis Andrés Ochoa Duque's picture
Paola Rodríguez's picture
andreso Duque's picture
Catalina Hernández Osorio's picture
Nelly Gochicoa's picture
Soporte Técnico para los administradores
Nury Pérez Cruz's picture
Alin Valenzuela's picture
Andrey Palacio's picture
Gabriel Sanchez's picture
Pilar Aubad's picture
El sueño del club: ADN LATAM
Erika Montes's picture
Gabriel Sanchez's picture
Horacio Tignanelli's picture
lilia peigñan's picture
Alin Valenzuela's picture
Promover la investigación sobre Latinoamérica y el Caribe
Martín Winocur's picture
Alexander Fonseca Rodriguez's picture
Pilar Aubad's picture
Luis Andrés Ochoa Duque's picture
Alin Valenzuela's picture
Valorizar el papel de los jóvenes en el desarrollo de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación
Abitzel Guillen's picture
Maria Noel Garelli's picture
Luis Andrés Ochoa Duque's picture
Jorge Valdivia's picture
Luis Vargas's picture
Esta comunidad de práctica es un espacio de trabajo para los profesionales encargados de planear y gestionar las diferentes actividades y tareas derivadas de las diferentes comisiones de la Feria Latinoamericana de CT+I.
Paulina Rojas's picture
Paola Rodríguez's picture
Paulina Rojas's picture
Luis Andrés Ochoa Duque's picture
Jose Ignacio Uribe's picture

Essential materials

Manifestación de Interés SEDE 2018
Tuesday, November 8, 2016 - 12:27
Presentación I Feria LATAM CT+I
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 - 18:23
Resultados del I Seminario Taller Bogotá 2016
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 - 18:14
Retos CT+I en LATAM - PhD Alejandro Olaya
Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - 16:26
Resultados taller Phoenix 12/05/2016
Wednesday, May 25, 2016 - 21:45

Sobre esta red

Recent activity

Ery Jardim's picture

Ery Jardim joined to the network

1 year 2 months
Santiago Alzate's picture

Santiago Alzate joined to the network

1 year 2 months
Ivan Chamorro Salazar Salazar's picture

Ivan Chamorro Salazar Salazar joined to the network

1 year 2 months
Luis Miguel Espinal Fuentes's picture

Luis Miguel Espinal Fuentes joined to the network

5 years 1 month
Rafael Hernández's picture
5 years 3 months
Waleska Aldana Segura's picture
6 years 11 months
Luis Andrés Ochoa Duque's picture
7 years 2 months
Luisa Fernanda Lopera Sosa's picture

Luisa Fernanda Lopera Sosa joined to the network

7 years 3 months
7 years 3 months
Humberto Peralta's picture

Humberto Peralta joined to the network

7 years 3 months
Luciana Rodríguez's picture

Luciana Rodríguez joined to the network

7 years 3 months
Alexander Fonseca's picture

Alexander Fonseca joined to the network

7 years 8 months
Maribel Gonzalez's picture
7 years 10 months
Luis Vargas's picture

Luis Vargas posted in Conecta

7 years 10 months
Maribel Gonzalez's picture

Maribel Gonzalez joined to the network

7 years 11 months
Hugo Carrion's picture

Hugo Carrion joined to the network

8 years 2 weeks
Catalina Hernández Osorio's picture
8 years 2 months
Luis Andrés Ochoa Duque's picture
8 years 3 months
Luis Vargas's picture
8 years 3 months
Jhovana Marín Pineda's picture

Jhovana Marín Pineda joined to the network

8 years 3 months
Juan José Largo Fernández's picture

Juan José Largo Fernández joined to the network

8 years 3 months
Luis Andrés Ochoa Duque's picture
8 years 3 months
Luisa Neira's picture

Luisa Neira joined to the network

8 years 3 months
Marcelo Caplan's picture

Marcelo Caplan joined to the network

8 years 3 months
Alin Valenzuela's picture
8 years 3 months
Luis Vargas's picture
8 years 3 months
Luis Andrés Ochoa Duque's picture
8 years 3 months
Alin Valenzuela's picture

Alin Valenzuela posted in Conecta

8 years 3 months
Luis Vargas's picture
8 years 4 months
Clarissa González's picture
8 years 4 months
Alin Valenzuela's picture

(Red de Ferias CT+I LATAMAlin Valenzuela replied on topic 'Continuar trabajo' at the forum of Club 3: CREA

Alin Valenzuela replied on topic 'Continuar trabajo' at the forum

8 years 4 months
Alin Valenzuela's picture
8 years 4 months
Clarissa González's picture
8 years 4 months
Alin Valenzuela's picture
8 years 4 months
Maria Noel Garelli's picture
8 years 4 months
Maria Noel Garelli's picture
8 years 4 months
Alin Valenzuela's picture
8 years 4 months
Alin Valenzuela's picture

Alin Valenzuela posted in Conecta

8 years 4 months
Nelly Gochicoa's picture

Nelly Gochicoa joined to the community Diverticiencia

8 years 4 months
Nelly Gochicoa's picture

Nelly Gochicoa joined to the community Administradores de Clubes

8 years 4 months
Nelly Gochicoa's picture

Nelly Gochicoa joined to the community Administradores de Clubes

8 years 4 months
Nelly Gochicoa's picture

Nelly Gochicoa joined to the community Administradores de Clubes

8 years 4 months
Nelly Gochicoa's picture

Nelly Gochicoa joined to the network

8 years 4 months
