

OAS KM Group

OAS KM Group

Conecta | Connect

Equipo de soporte | Support team

Karen Bozicovich's picture
Section Chief OAS / Jefa de Sección OEA,
Denise Goolsarran's picture
Organizational Development & KM Specialist, OAS
Laura Jesusita Guerrero Mateus's picture
Profesional Nacional, MAPP/OEA
Gaby Hernandez's picture
HR Specialist , OAS
Catalina Hernández Osorio's picture
Educational Portal of the Americas, OEA
Sabina Montoya's picture
Asistente Temática, Misión Apoyo al Proceso de Paz - OEA
Piedad Moreno Castrillón's picture
Coordinadora Área Gestión Conocimiento, MAPP/OEA
MariaIsabel Rivero's picture
Press and Communications Officer, OEA

Espacios de conversación

Expert locator developed to support collaboration across the GS/OAS
Catalina Hernández Osorio's picture
Gaby Hernandez's picture
Doris Lamas's picture
Denise Goolsarran's picture
To develop communication on KM for the wider organization.
Doris Lamas's picture
Karen Bozicovich's picture
MariaIsabel Rivero's picture
Gaby Hernandez's picture
Denise Goolsarran's picture

Sobre el OAS KM Group

Este grupo de trabajo nació a partir de una serie de talleres organizados por el Global Crisis Response Support Programme, un proyecto financiado por la Unión Europea y gestionado por UNIDA. 

Quienes formarmos parte del OAS KM Group estamos interesad@s en encontrar formas para gestionar el conocimiento de manera tranversal, efectiva y eficaz, y de esta manera potenciar el recurso humano interno, agilizar los procesos, mejorar la productividad, brindando un mejor servicio a los Estados Miembros y coadyuvando al logro de los objetivos y metas establecidos por la Organización.

La gestión del conocimiento tiene que ver con las siguientes 5 funciones: 

  1. Captura, sistematización y disponibilidad
  2. Uso y reuso
  3. Creación
  4. Conexión, transferencia e intercambio
  5. Diseminar, dar a conocer, socializar

Los tipos de conocimiento pueden, a su vez, categorizarse de la siguiente manera:

  • Know what (qué sabemos o qué se quisiera saber)
  • Know how (cómo se hace una determinada cosa)
  • Know why (saber por qué suceden ciertas cosas, causas y consecuencias)
  • Know where (dónde está el conocimiento)
  • Know who (saber quién tiene determinado conocimiento)
  • Know when


Essential materials

Documents and links about this network.

Recent activity

Karen Bozicovich's picture
2 years 8 months
Denise Goolsarran's picture
3 years 3 months
Karen Bozicovich's picture
3 years 4 months
Karen Bozicovich's picture
3 years 4 months
Karen Bozicovich's picture
3 years 4 months
Denise Goolsarran's picture

Denise Goolsarran  added a the resource 'Questionnaire on High Level and Technical Meetings' to the community

KM in High-level Meetings
3 years 4 months
Denise Goolsarran's picture

Denise Goolsarran  added a the resource 'APQC - Knowledge isn't Power when you can't find it' to the community

KM in High-level Meetings
3 years 4 months
Denise Goolsarran's picture

Denise Goolsarran joined to the community KM in High-level Meetings

KM in High-level Meetings
3 years 4 months
Denise Goolsarran's picture

Denise Goolsarran joined to the community KM in High-level Meetings

KM in High-level Meetings
3 years 4 months
Karen Bozicovich's picture
3 years 8 months
Denise Goolsarran's picture
3 years 8 months
Administrador OEA's picture
3 years 9 months
Administrador OEA's picture
3 years 9 months
Administrador OEA's picture
3 years 9 months
Karen Bozicovich's picture
3 years 9 months
Adriana Mayela Hurtado Bautista's picture

Adriana Mayela Hurtado Bautista joined to the network

3 years 9 months
Adriana Mayela Hurtado Bautista's picture

Adriana Mayela Hurtado Bautista joined to the network

3 years 9 months
Karen Bozicovich's picture
3 years 9 months
Karen Bozicovich's picture
Inter-Institutional KM Exchange
3 years 9 months
Karen Bozicovich's picture
Inter-Institutional KM Exchange
3 years 9 months
Andrew Vanjani's picture

Andrew Vanjani joined to the network

3 years 9 months
Denise Goolsarran's picture
3 years 9 months
Denise Goolsarran's picture
Inter-Institutional KM Exchange
3 years 10 months
Denise Goolsarran's picture
3 years 10 months
Denise Goolsarran's picture
Expert Finder
3 years 11 months
Denise Goolsarran's picture
3 years 11 months
Denise Goolsarran's picture
KM 101
3 years 11 months
MariaIsabel Rivero's picture

MariaIsabel Rivero joined to the network

3 years 11 months
MariaIsabel Rivero's picture

MariaIsabel Rivero joined to the community KM 101

KM 101
3 years 11 months
MariaIsabel Rivero's picture

MariaIsabel Rivero joined to the network

3 years 11 months
MariaIsabel Rivero's picture

MariaIsabel Rivero joined to the network

3 years 11 months
MariaIsabel Rivero's picture

MariaIsabel Rivero joined to the network

3 years 11 months
Denise Goolsarran's picture
KM 101
3 years 12 months
Denise Goolsarran's picture
3 years 12 months
Karen Bozicovich's picture

Karen Bozicovich  added a the resource 'MAPP/OAS | Infographic' to the community

Inter-Institutional KM Exchange
4 years 6 days
Karen Bozicovich's picture

Karen Bozicovich  added a the resource 'MAPP/OAS | Piedad Moreno' to the community

Inter-Institutional KM Exchange
4 years 6 days
Karen Bozicovich's picture

Karen Bozicovich  added a the resource 'WBG | Buce Summers ' to the community

Inter-Institutional KM Exchange
4 years 6 days
Karen Bozicovich's picture

Karen Bozicovich  added a the resource 'WB | Pascal Saura ' to the community

Inter-Institutional KM Exchange
4 years 6 days
Karen Bozicovich's picture

Karen Bozicovich  added a the resource 'IADB | Fernanda Camera ' to the community

Inter-Institutional KM Exchange
4 years 6 days
Karen Bozicovich's picture

Karen Bozicovich  added a the resource 'IFC | Daniel de la Moneda & David Samso Aparici' to the community

Inter-Institutional KM Exchange
4 years 6 days
Karen Bozicovich's picture

Karen Bozicovich  added a the resource 'PAHO | Eliane Pereira dos Santos' to the community

Inter-Institutional KM Exchange
4 years 6 days
Karen Bozicovich's picture

Karen Bozicovich  added a the resource 'IMF | Susan Marquardt & Roberto Loo' to the community

Inter-Institutional KM Exchange
4 years 6 days
Karen Bozicovich's picture

Karen Bozicovich  added a the resource 'OAS | Introductory Presentation | Gonzalo Koncke' to the community

Inter-Institutional KM Exchange
4 years 6 days
Karen Bozicovich's picture
Inter-Institutional KM Exchange
4 years 6 days
Karen Bozicovich's picture
Inter-Institutional KM Exchange
4 years 6 days
Doris Lamas's picture

Doris Lamas joined to the community Inter-Institutional KM Exchange

Inter-Institutional KM Exchange
4 years 1 week
Doris Lamas's picture

Doris Lamas joined to the community Inter-Institutional KM Exchange

Inter-Institutional KM Exchange
4 years 1 week
Karen Bozicovich's picture
KM in High-level Meetings
4 years 1 week
Stella Villagran's picture

Stella Villagran joined to the network

4 years 3 weeks