

Bienvenidos/as | Welcome

Bienvenidos/as a la Comunidad Virtual SES. La prioridad de esta Comunidad es habilitar un espacio común donde las autoridades y el personal de los Sistemas de Emergencia y Seguridad (o sus equivalentes) de la región puedan intercambiar, compartir y consultar información, materiales y herramientas sobre temas de interés, a fin de fortalecer y mejorar la calidad de la atención que se le brinda a la población en situaciones de emergencia.

Haga clic en la palabra Instrucciones para bajar una presentación con los pasos que debe seguir para registrarse como miembro de la Comunidad-SES.


Welcome to the ESS Virtual Community. The Community's current priority is to provide a common space where authorities and personnel of emergency and security systems (or their equivalents) in the region may exchange, share, and access information, materials, and tools on topics of interest, in order to stregnthen and improve the quality of emergency services.

Click on Instructions to download a presentation with the steps you need to follow to register as member of the ESS-Community.

Novedades | Highlights

Enlaces de interés | Relevant links

International Public Safety Association
Tuesday, December 14, 2021 - 16:54
Mission Critical Partners
Sunday, July 26, 2020 - 21:10
CDEMA COVID-19 Situation Update
Thursday, May 21, 2020 - 15:30
Emergency Response Tips, LLC
Thursday, May 7, 2020 - 14:14
Inter-Agency Standing Committee COVID-19 Outbreak Readiness and Response
Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 12:03
Disaster Responder Assets Network (DRAN) COVID-19 News and Updates
Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 11:34
COVID-19 en Honduras
Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - 14:30
Global outbreak alert and response network (GOARN) COVID-19 Knowledge Hub
Tuesday, April 28, 2020 - 20:50
HHS/ASPR COVID-19 Clinical Rounds
Monday, April 27, 2020 - 21:19
CDC Interim Guidance for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and 911 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) for COVID-19
Monday, April 27, 2020 - 21:16
NHTSA's Office of EMS: COVID-19 Resources for EMS
Monday, April 27, 2020 - 18:24
Friday, April 17, 2020 - 20:34
National 911 Program Coronavirus/COVID-19 Resources
Friday, April 17, 2020 - 20:12
911 Training Institute
Wednesday, April 15, 2020 - 13:53
LEXIPOL Coronavirus (COVID-19) Learning & Policy Center
Wednesday, April 15, 2020 - 12:43
Emergency Medical Services (EMS1) COVID-19
Wednesday, April 15, 2020 - 12:41
APCO International | Information on COVID-19 for Emergency Communications Centers
Monday, April 13, 2020 - 11:44
International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (IAED) | COVID-19 Communications
Monday, April 13, 2020 - 11:37
APCO Canada | COVID-19 Resources
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - 17:22
British APCO | COVID-19 Resources
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - 17:19
All Clear Foundation: Supporting First Responders
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - 17:16
NENA: The 911 Association | Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - 17:08
European Emergency Number Association (EENA) | COVID Resources for Emergency Services
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - 17:06
Organización Panamericana de la Salud | Recursos COVID-19
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - 17:03
Pan American Health Organization | COVID-19 Resources
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - 17:02
Organización Mundial de la Salud | Brote de enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19)
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - 17:00
World Health Organization | Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - 16:58

Sistemas de Emergencia y Seguridad | Emergency and Security Systems

Costa Rica: Sistema de Emergencias 9-1-1


Ecuador: Servicio Integrado de Seguridad ECU911


Honduras: Sistema Nacional de Emergencias (SNE)


México: 9-1-1 Emergencias 


República Dominicana: Sistema Nacional de Atención a Emergencias y Seguridad 911



Leyes | Laws

Costa Rica: Sistema de Emergencia 9-1-1

Ley Nº 7566 de Creación del Sistema de Emergencias 911 (1995)


Ecuador: Servicio Integrado de Seguridad ECU-911

Decreto Ejecutivo Nº988 para regular la implementación del Servicio Integrado de Seguridad ECU-911 (2012)

Decreto Ejecutivo Nº031 que reforma el Decreto Ejecutivo Nº988 (2013)

Registro Oficial - Edición Especial Nº314: Estatuto Orgánico de la Gestión Organizacional por Procesos (2015)


Deceto Legislativo 109-1996: Ley y Reglamento de la Coordinadora Nacional para Reducción de Desastres (1996)

Decreto Número 18-2008: Ley Marco del Sistema Nacional de Seguridad (2008)

Honduras: Sistema Nacional de Emergencia 911

Ley del Sistema Nacional de Emergencias (Decreto No. 58-2015)

Reforma de la Ley del Sistema Nacional de Emergencias (Decreto No. 49-2021)

Panamá: Sistema Nacional de Emergencias 9-1-1

Ley 44 del Sistema Unico de Manejo de Emergencias 9-1-1 (2007)

Ley 120 que crea el Sistema Nacional de Emergencias Nueve Uno Uno (911), Modifica la Ley 44 de 2007 relativa  al SUME, y dicta otras disposiciones (2019)

República Dominicana: Sistema Nacional de Atención a Emergencias y Seguridad 9-1-1

Ley que establece el Sistema Nacional de Atencióm a Emergencias y Seguridad 9-1-1 (184-17)


Día Interamericano | Inter-American Day

 2024 Celebración

 2024 Evento


EENA Conferencia Anual | Annual Conference

 EENA Conferencia Anual 2024 | 2024 Annual Conference

NENA México | Congresos Internacionales

 17 Congreso Internacional de Centros de Atención a Emergencias

SNE 911 Honduras | Boletín Informativo

Boletines Informativos 2024

Día Interamericano del Número Único de Emergencia

Evento Reciente | Recent Event

Evento Virtual de Pre Celebración del Día Interamericano del Número Unico de Emergencia

El viernes 9 de febrero, el SIS ECU 911 y el Departamento de Seguridad Pública de la OEA, organizaron un evento virtual de pre celebración del Día Interamericano del Número Unico de Emergencia.

La agenda y los materiales utilizados durante el evento están disponible aquí.

Evento Pasado | Past Event

Primer Conversatorio del 2023 del Grupo Técnico Subsidiario sobre Sistemas de Emergencia y Seguridad, tuvo lugar el miércoles 29 y jueves 30 de noviembre.

Para más información, haga clic aquí.

First 2023 Exchnange of the OAS Technical Subsidiary Group on Emergency and Security Systems took place on Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30.

For more information, please click here:

Alertas | Alerts

Impact of the Android 13 update on emergency calls and PSAPs operations

The false call mystery (The Crisis Response Journal, 18:3, September 2023)

The Android 13 update, which started in Q4 2022 with a progressive roll-out, included an emergency SOS functionality to trigger emergency calling after pressing the power button of the handset a certain number of times. That Android 13 update was adapted in different manners by OEMs, and recent data seems to suggest that there was a high increase in automatic false calls generated specifically from Samsung devices. 

Cops ask Android users to disable Emergency SOS over accidental 911 calls

Source: Phone Arena, Alan Firiedman, April 25, 2023

Public urged to disable automatic 911 feature on their phones after surge in false emergency calls

Source: NS News, Jane Seyd, May 19, 2023

Police in Ontario asking Android users to check settings after increase in 911 calls

Source: Global News, Hannah Jackson, April 14, 2023

Un importante mensaje de nuestro Jefe de Operaciones

Fuente: Cuenta de Twitter del Sistema de Emergencias 9-1-1 de Costa Rica, 2 de julio, 2023


Biblioteca | Library


NENA & Carbyne | 2024 Pulse of 9-1-1. State of the Industry Survey

2024 survey carried out by NENA and Carbyne targeting emergency ...


EENA | Emergency Communications from Third-Party Service Providers

This report aims to examine current arrangements in Europe between PSAPs and TPSPs and to compare the different approaches in place. The effectiveness of these approaches are assessed. It is also hoped that the report will serve to inform new TPSPs as to how they can more easily work with PSAPs across Europe and...


NENA | Standard to Protect the Wellbeing of 9-1-1 Professionals

This standard defines the potential impacts of 9-1-1 work on the wellbeing of the emergency telecommunicator and directs PSAP leaders to build Comprehensive Stress Resilience Plans empowering their personnel for wellness by preventing, managing, and healing from these impacts.


Pew | New Research Suggests 911 Call Centers Lack Resources to Handle Behavioral Health Crises

Pew collaborated with the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) to develop and distribute an online questionnaire to 911 call centers to inquire about handling behavioral health crisis emergencies. From a sample of 233, 37 call centers in 27 states completed the questionnaire; these answers were used for the...


Encountering People with Autism: A First Responders' Training

This video from the Allegheny County Chiefs of Police Association provides a guide for police and other first responders on effective ways on how to approach a person on the autism spectrum and minimize risk to both individuals and police officers/first responders.


Police Magazine | My Technology Can…Livestream 911 Calls Directly to Officers

A new technology securely livestreams 911 emergency calls directly to first responders, allowing them to obtain more information to make better-informed decisions, respond faster, and save people’s lives.


High School 9-1-1

High School 9-1-1 chronicles a year in the life of the only ambulance service in Darien, Connecticut that just happens to be run by high school students.


APCO Guidecards

APCO Guidecards may improve an agency’s call taking and dispatching by providing rapid and consistent instructions customized to specific call types including for emergency medical dispatch (EMD), fire service and law enforcement, and are available as racks or binders.


EENA | Transmitting video to the Public Safety Answering Point – a human perspective

Video technology has the potential to enhance emergency response by improving the situational awareness of emergency professionals and enabling citizens to easily transmit the details of complex situations. ...


EMS1 | The information gradient: How all first responders contribute to the knowledge base

Mentorship and information-sharing are invaluable among generational transitions. There is a concentrated wealth of knowledge in experienced firefighters and EMS providers – and more fresh first responders ripe to absorb that knowledge every day.


MCP | Maintaining Operations Remotely During a Public-Health Crisis

Mission Critical Partners prepared this Whitepaper in April 2020 on how to maintain Public Safety Answering Point and Emergency Communications Center Operations working remotely during a public-health crisis. They identify scenarios and options that Emergency and Security Systems can leverage if remote operations...


Maintaining ECC Operations Remotely During a Public Health Crisis

The decision to move operations to a remote environment is not one that is made lightly. Beyond the policy and technological considerations, staff members need to be properly equipped to execute their core job functions.


Within the Trenches Podcast

Podcasts from dispatcher from all over the United States including other areas such as Australia, Canada and Ireland. The stories involve all types of calls. The show is meant to be informative, humorous, serious and all around eye opening to the world of 9-1-1 dispatch.


SIS ECU-911 | Qué hacer cuando se llama al número de emergencia

Pieza de diseño, parte de la campaña en medios sociales lanzada por el SIS ECU-911 para concientizar a los/as usuarios/as acerca del buen uso del número de emergencia.


No te calles, denunciar la violencia doméstica es el primer paso para detenerla

Spot del Sistema Nacional de Emergencias 911 de Honduras para fomentar la denuncia de la violencia de género.


Tracking Violent Crime with Ambulance Data: How Much Crime Goes Uncounted?

The majority of violent incidents recorded by ambulance and emergency services are not reported to the police. This article, which examined data from West Midlands, UK, suggests that adding medical data could increase the number of identified violent offences by 15 to 20% to the totals recorded by police alone.


CSRIC VII Report Measuring Risk Magnitude and Remediation Costs in 9-1-1 and NG9-1-1 Networks

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) directed CSRIC VII to study and produce a Report on Security Risks and Best Practices for Mitigation in 9-1-1 in Legacy, Transitional, and NG9-1-1 Implementations. IP networks facilitate NG9-1-1 architectures that enable new response capabilities, while also creating...


NENA Wellness Continuum

The NENA Continuum initiative is a comprehensive approach to wellness in the 9-1-1 industry. It is an environment that brings together professionals, resources, standards, ideas, training, lessons learned, and innovation – all focused on a singular goal: the wellness of first responders.


NENA Standards: Address Points and Boundaries

Presentation used by Drew Fioranelli, GISP and Mark Whitby, ENP, during the webinar organized by Michael Baker International & DATAMARK GIS on December 15th, 2020.


PAHO | Servicios de Emergencias Médicas Pre-hospitalarias (SEM) COVID-19 Recomendaciones

En este documento se presenta orientación general para que los servicios de emergencias médicas (SEM) estén preparados para dar respuesta frente a la COVID-19. Hay que tener en cuenta que la configuración de las regulaciones y los recursos pueden variar a nivel local y estatal.


PAHO | Prehospital Emergency Medical Services (EMS) COVID-19 Recommendations

This document provides general guidance for Emergency Medical Service (EMS) preparedness and response to COVID- 19. At a local and state level, regulations and resource configurations may vary. In addition to these recommendations, EMS agencies should consult with local stakeholders.


PAHO | COVID-19 Recomendaciones para la expansión de capacidades de atención clínica y despliegue de equipos médicos de emergencia

Este documento tiene el objetivo de ofrecer recomendaciones para facilitar la expansión de capacidades de atención clínica, así como el despliegue de equipos médicos de emergencia, para asegurar la respuesta ante un elevado número de pacientes que pudiera exceder los límites de la red de salud.


PAHO | COVID-19 Recommendations for medical surge capacity and deployment of emergency medical teams

The purpose of this document is to issue recommendations to facilitate the medical surge capacity and the deployment of emergency medical teams in order to guarantee the response to high numbers of patients that could overwhelm the capacity of the integrated health services network.


CISA | Emergency Communications Best Practices for Establishing Alternate Care Sites

This document provides unique considerations for federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial entities tasked with establishing communications capabilities for an Alternate Care Site (ACS) during a health crisis or other disasters.

Repositorio colaborativo | Collaborative repository

Esta Norma Técnica elaborada por el Secretariado Ejecutivo del Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Pública, a través del Centro Nacional de Información, plantea la estandarización de los Servicios de Atención de Llamadas de Emergencia, a través de medidas esenciales y básicas de infraestructura, organización, recursos humanos, operación, evaluación, tecnología y aspectos normativos. El objetivo es la...

Centro Nacional de Información
Posted by Karen Bozicovich
Monday, October 25, 2021 - 17:44

This document is intended to serve as an outline, to assist 911 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)/Emergency Communications Center (ECC) managers/911 agencies in the preparation of a COVID-19 continuity of operations (COOP) response plan. PSAP/ECC managers/911 agencies are welcome to use this outline to develop a more detailed and specific COOP plan that meets the needs and circumstances of...

Association for Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO), the APCO Institute, the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (IAED), the National Association of State 911 Administrators (NASNA), NENA and Power Phone.
Posted by Karen Bozicovich
Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - 10:34

It offers a number of resources linke to disaster and emergency planning for U.S. EMS and disaster and contigency planning for 911 services in the U.S.It provides links to COVID-19 contingency plans for 911as well as a number of resources related to Telecommunicator Emergency Taskforce. The list includes materials to assist PSAP to better prepare for and react to a disaster situation.It also...

Laurie Flaherty, National 911 Program
Posted by Karen Bozicovich
Thursday, May 14, 2020 - 18:57

El Servicio Integrado de Seguridad ECU 911, en forma permanente mide los niveles de prestación que se entrega a la ciudadanía en respuesta a las situaciones de emergencia; en razón de que, existe evidencia que las llamadas de mal uso son elevadas, generando congestión en las líneas; así como una repercusión económica. Se plantea resolver la problemática a través de nuestra experiencia  y...

Servicio Integrado de Seguridad ECU-911
Posted by Bolívar Tello
Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - 18:41

El Número Único 9-1-1 es la línea directa de apoyo a la población en caso de emergencia. Una de las problemáticas más importantes para la consolidación de este servicio es la gran cantidad de llamadas improcedentes que se reciben todos los días. Este documento establece tres ejes para mitigar, prevenir, erradicar y sancionar aquellas llamadas consideradas de mal uso:Eje 1. Protocolo Tecnológico...

Centro Nacional de Información (CNI) del SESNSP
Posted by Karen Bozicovich
Tuesday, June 21, 2022 - 11:14

Este documento presenta una metodología que podría servir como referencia para guiar procesos de elaboración de protocolos para la atención y respuesta a emergencias relacionadas con personas con discapacidad de manera articulada e integral. El proceso se plantea en tres estapas: 1. Etapa de pre elaboración (o preparatora), 2. Etapa de elaboración, y 3. Etapa de pos elaboración. 

Servicio Integrado de Seguridad (SIS) ECU-911 con el apoyo del Departamento de Seguridad Pública de la OEA
Posted by Karen Bozicovich
Wednesday, March 29, 2023 - 16:05

El presente documento es tan solo un esquema en el que se presentan, en términos generales, los lineamientos para ayudar a los organismos de servicios de emergencia (911) y a los administradores de puntos de respuesta de seguridad pública/centros de comunicaciones de emergencia en la preparación de un plan de respuesta para la continuidad de operaciones ante la pandemia de COVID-19. 

Association for Public Safety Communications Officials International (APCO), el APCO Institute, International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (IAED), National Association of State 911 Administrators (NASNA), NENA y PowerPhone Inc.
Posted by Karen Bozicovich
Monday, July 27, 2020 - 22:30

Presentación de la herraimenta de alta tecnología, Distancia2, basada en algoritmos de inteligencia artificial para evitar la aglomeración de personas. Permite monitorear el cumplimiento de la distancia reglamentaria de 2 metros en espacios públcios y alertar a la ciudadanía a través de altavoces incorporados en las cámaras de videovigilancia. 

BID y ECU-911
Posted by Karen Bozicovich
Friday, June 26, 2020 - 11:08

Este documento, elaborado por el Sistema de Emergencias 9-1-1 de Costa Rica, ofrece una serie de respuestas preguntas básicas sobre el coronavirus, el COVID-19, cuáles son los síntomas, cuándo es necesario hacer una prueba de detección, cuáles son las conductas, comportamientos y medidas de prevención que se deben tomar, entre otras preguntas claves para la ciudadanía.

Sistema de Emergencias 9-1-1
Posted by Karen Bozicovich
Friday, April 17, 2020 - 21:43

A través de este procedimiento, el Servicio Integrado de Seguridad ECU-911 establece los lineamientos a seguir ante la activación de emergencias de alto impacto. Incluye lineamientos operativos, tecnológicos y de comunicación, y administrativos.

Servicio Integrado de Seguridad ECU-911
Posted by Karen Bozicovich
Wednesday, April 15, 2020 - 21:46


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Twitter SES | ESS Twitter

Comunidades de práctica | Communities of practice

 Ubicación Móvil Avanzada | Advanced Mobile Location


Collaborativa Coalition for International Public Safety


Comunicación en Emergencias | Emergency Communications


Estadísticas de Emergencia | Emergency Statistics


Experiencias COVID-19 | COVID-19 Experiences


Glosario | Glossary



Inclusión y Accesibilidad | Inclusion and Accessibility


 Publicación Piloto: PSAPs Edición América Latina


Salud, Bienestar y Autocuidado | Health, Wellness and Selfcare


SES - Mal Uso del Número de Emergencia | ESS - Misuse of the Emergency Number


SES-Protocolo/Guía | ESS-Protocol/Guide


SES-Violencia Doméstica | ESS-Domestic Violence





Uso de video para emergencias | Use of video in emergencies



Conversatorios 2023 | 2023 Exchanges

1er Conversatorio 2023: Violencia contra la mujer y violencia doméstica | 2023 1st Exchange: Violence against women and domestic violence

Conversatorios 2022 | 2022 Exchanges

1er Conversatorio 2022: Inclusión y Accessibilidad | 1st 2022 Exchange: Inclusion and Accesibility

2do Conversatorio 2022: Mal uso del número de emergencia | 2nd Exchange: Miuse of the emergency number

Conversatorios 2021 | 2021 Exchanges

1er Conversatorio 2021: Sistemas de Emegencia frente al COVID-19 | 1st 2021 Exchange: Emergency Systems facing COVID-19

2do Conversatorio 2021: Inclusión y accesibilidad de personas con discapacidad | 2nd 2021 Exchange: Inclusion and accessibility of people with disabilities 

3er Conversatorio 2021: Aprovechamiento de los datos 911 | 3rd 2021 Exchange: Using 911 data

Conversatorios 2020 | 2020 Exchanges

1er Conversatorio 2020: Presentación de la Comunidad GTS-SES y Medidas frente al COVID-19 | 1st 2020 Exchange: Presentation of the ESS-Community and Measures to address COVID-19

2do Conversatorio 2020: Preparación de los Sistemas de Emergencia para hacer frente a los Destastres Naturales | 2nd 2020 Exchange: Emegency Systems Preparedness to repond to Natural Disters

3er Conversatorio 2020: La importancia de los Planes para la Continuidad de Operaciones | 3rd 2020 Exchange: The importance of Continuity-of-Operations Plans

4to Converstatorio 2020: Estrategias de Comunicación en Crisis | Crises Communication Strategies


Events | Eventos

Seminario Internacional | International Seminar

Reuniones del GTS-SES | ESS-STG Meetings


Conversatorios SES 2020 | 2020 ESS Discussions





GTS-SES Presidencia | STG-ESS Presidency

Presidencia SIS ECU-911 | ECU-911 ISS Presidency


NENA Standards:
Address Points and Boundaries

Webinar organized by Michael Baker International and DATAMARK on December 15th, 2020.

Instructors Drew Fioranelli, GISP and Mark Whitby, ENP focused on:

- Site/Structure Address Points

- Civic Location Data Exchange Format (CLDXF)

- Required GIS Data Layers

- GIS Data Validations

- Data Maintenance

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GIS Basics for the Public Safety Professional

In the shift to Next Generation 9-1-1, GIS will play an important role in call routing for public safety, and much of the critical information on GIS is not widely shared with 9-1-1 dispatchers across the country. Join this webinar for an introduction of GIS and a high-level discussion of how it may affect the applications used in the PSAP for dispatch and 9-1-1.

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COVID-19: Maintaining Operations Remotely (On-demand)

Public safety answering points (PSAPs) and emergency communications centers (ECCs) play a critical role in communities during normal times, but in times of crisis, their role becomes even more important. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues its spread across the country, having a plan in place to support remote work for call takers and dispatchers to ensure ongoing operations is imperative.

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Strategic Planning for Public Safety Agencies (On-demand)

In today’s evolving emergency communications environment, public safety agencies are often expected to do more with fewer resources. This reality means that strategic planning, and determining how best to leverage the available resources, is more crucial than ever before. This webinar focuses on the benefits of strategic planning for public safety agencies and different approaches to development.


• Chris Kelly, VIce-President and Director of Operations and Facilities, Mission Critical Partners

• Bonnie Maney, Enterprise Client Manager, Mission Critical Partners

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GIS Data & NG911 Readiness - Exploring Strategies, Dispelling Misconceptions

Next Generation 911 (NG911) systems rely on geospatial routing generated by geographic information systems (GIS) to connect emergency callers and 911 centers. But GIS data first needs to be readied so that it aligns with industry standards and can be used in the NG911 environment. This webinar explores strategies for doing so while dispelling common misconceptions that lead many emergency communications center officials to believe that their GIS data is closer to NG911 readiness than it is.



• Robert Horne, Senior Technology Specialist, MCP’s Technical Domain Lead and certified emergency number professional (ENP).

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Go to Presentation


Coping with a pandemic: embracing flexibility and mobile technology for the “Next Normal”

The COVID-19 pandemic is creating the “Next Normal” with new challenges and opportunities for mobile technologies. Explore how the current disruption impacts current and emerging technologies, as well as new use cases and recommendations for communication success across industries.

On demand webinar.

The 5G Horizon: What Government Needs to Do Today to Be Prepared Tomorrow

As agencies seek to improve their services and their efficiency, many are looking at 5G as a game-changing technology. In this webinar, 5G industry experts will discuss the transparent facts of 5G, new use cases, and what agencies can do now to exploit the benefits of 5G.

On demand webinar.

Emergency Comms during the Pandemic

This webinar explores issues that have arisen with sharing devices, moving to LTE networks, the coverage in rural areas and indoors, the effect on EMS and dispatch centers as they cancel services, work from home and a need to go beyond more than emergency services. Learn how text-to-911 services, location advancements and new technologies.

On demand webinar.

Taming 911 Turnover: Strategies for Success

911 telecommunicators everywhere are reaching a breaking point. It is no wonder that in the US, the average annual turnover is nearing 30% and 1 in 5 telecommunicators leave their job in the first year. With a shrinking applicant pool, it’s more important than ever to keep telecommunicators happy and engaged.

This webinar povides innovative solutions that 911 centers are implementing to tame rising turnover.


• Joe Scaffidi
Regional Vice President of PSAP Performance Solutions
NICE Public Safety

•Patrick Botz
Director of Engagement
NICE Public Safety

Available on demand.

Click here to register.

Optimizing PSAP Staff Performance & Reducing Turnover

Running an emergency communications center isn’t easy. Challenges can come from every direction: scrutiny over incident handling, funding, and staffing issues.

Telecommunicators are the very heart of emergency communications, but with high levels of turnover, the revolving door is working against public safety answering points (PSAPs).

In this session, you’ll learn how NICE Inform can give your PSAP the tools you need to improve retention, and coach, develop and train telecommunicators for success.

This webinar features:

• Joe Scaffidi, RVP of PSAP Performance Solutions, NICE

• Karen Carlson, PSAP Product Manager, NICE, and former 911 Operations Manager at Brown County Public Safety Communications and Management Information Coordinator at FoxComm, Wisconsin

This webinar is on demand. Prior registration is needed. Click here to register. 

Top 911 Challenges with Incident Intelligence Analytics

Fourth webinar of a 4-part webinar series organized by NICE on how to overcome today's top 9-1-1 challenges.

This webinar features:

• Joe Scaffidi, Regional Vice Presidente, NICE Public Safety

• Patrick Botz, Director of Engagement, NICE Public Safety

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Why Real-time Performance Metrics Matter

This is the second wbinar of a 4-part webinar series organized by NICE on how to overcome today's top 9-1-1 challenges.

This webinar focuses on performance measurement and reporting challenges that 9-1-1 directors are facing.

The webinar features:

•  Barry Furey, CEO of Barry Furey Consulting and Training

• Patrick Botz, Director of Engagement, NICE Public Safety

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Why Next Gen 9-1-1 Matters More Now

This webinar has been organized by NICE, ATOS and Mission Critical Partners and features the following panelists:

• John Rennie, General Manager, NICE

• Phil Rotheran, Vice President, ATOS

• Darrin Reilly, Chief Operating Officer, Mision Critical Partners

The roundtable is moderated by Oatrick Botz, Director of Engagement, NICE

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911 Turnover, Staffing and Retention

Thiw webinar is part of a webinar series organized by NICE.

In this session, speakers will address one of 911 top challenges, closing the Revolving Door: 911 Turnover, Staffing and Retention.

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First Responders, Stress Management and Coronavirus

In this webinar, former paramedic, law enforcement trainer and resilience expert Mike Taigman explains how stress affects first responders and provides strategies to manage that stress during the long haul of the pandemic. He also provides guidelines on how public safety leaders can help decrease stress for their personnel on the frontlines of this epidemic.

PoliceOne, FireRescue1 and EMS1 worked together with Lexipol to organize this webinar.

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Recomendaciones para grupos USAR en el contexto de la pandemia COVID-19

USAR, oor sus siglas en inglés, significa Urban Search and Rescue, e implica la ​localización, extracción, y la estabilización inicial de personal atrapado en espacios cerrados o bajo escombros. 

Este webinar fue organizado por CEPREDENAC y contó con la intervención de:

• Patricio Fuentes von J., Ingeniero en Proyectos, Bombero voluntario en Chile e instructor USAR

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Necesidades y retos humanitarios de la población migrante en la respuesta al COVID-19

Este segundo webinar de la serie organizada por el CEPREDENAC abordó los siguientes temas:

Situación de los migrantes en el marco del COVID-19, Marcelo Pisani, Director General de la OIM para Centroamérica, Norteamérica y el Caribe (10:06)

Impacto del COVID-19 como una amenaza biológica sobre los migrantes, Raúl Salazar, Jefe de la Oficina de Naciones Unidas para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres (16:22)

Necesidades y retos humanitarios de la población migrante en la respuesta al COVID-19, Jesús Félix Rodríguez, Federación Internacional de la Cruz Roja y la Media Luna Roja (31:58)

Incluyendo a los migrantes y a las poblaciones desplazadas en las actividades de preparación y de respuesta ante el COVID-19, Katherine Fuentes, Oficial Regional de Migración para el Triángulo Norte de Centroamérica, Cruz Roja Internacional (57:45)

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COVID 19 Conocimientos básicos y medidas de prevención para intervinientes

Este webinar fue organizado por el Centro de Coordinación para la Prevención de los Desastres en América Central y República Dominicana (CEPREDENAC), perteneciente al Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA), con el apoyo de la Federación Internacional de la Cruz Roja. El mismo abordó los siguientes temas y panelistas:
• Informaciones básicas sobre el COVID-19, Dra. María Tallarico (6:34)
• Mitos y verdades sobre el COVID-19, Dr. José Antonio Ponce (25:16)
• Cuando, que y como usar equipo de protección personal, Dr. José Antonio Ponce (32:24)
• Situación epidemiológica de la región, Dr. Pedro Porrino (45:14)
• Acciones de Apoyo Psico-Social: ¿Cómo cuidamos la salud mental y física de los intervinientes?, Lic. Greisy Trejos (1:05:05)

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Sustaining Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemia
In this video series of 17 episodes, Jim Marshall, Director of the 911 Training Institute, provides some insights and tips to address the emotional and psychological impact of COVID-19. Each video is between 2 and 5 minutes long.

• Jim Marsall, Director, 911 Training Institute

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The EU Artificial Intelligence Rulebook and What it Could Mean for Public Safety

On 14 June, 2023, the European Parliament adopted its position on the AI rulebook paving the way for the interinstitutional negotiations set to finalise the world’s first comprehensive law on Artificial Intelligence. AI systems for dispatch or determining dispatch priorities may be considered as high-risk AI systems. In this webinar, EENA breaks down the EU AI Act and analyses what it could mean for emergency services.

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How disinformation & cyber threats affect emergency services during COVID-19 outbreak

Webinar organized by the European Emergency Number Association (EENA) to explore how disinformation and cyber threats are affecting the work of public safety organizations and what can be done to minimize their impact in the fight against coronavirus.


  • Stéphane Duguin, Cyberpeace Institute
  • Roman Adamczyk, EU DisinfoLab

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Introducing INSCRAM: Bridging research and public safety

In this Webinar, the Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) Association was presented to EENA members. INSCRAM is an international community of researchers who examine the design, use, and evaluation of information and communication technologies in contexts of emergency and disaster preparation, mitigation, response, and recovery.


Caroline Rizza, PhD
President of ISCRAM & Associate Professor, Télécom ParisTech

Rob Grace, PhD
Vice President of ISCRAM & Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University

Anouck Adrot, PhD
ISCRAM Secretary Associate & Professor Université Paris-Dauphine

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Data and strategies on emergency calls & public warning during COVID-19 outbreak
In this Webinar, the European Emergency Number Association (EENA) presents an overview of how each country is managing the outbreak and the challenges that can arise. It offers an opportunity for emergency services to be able to learn from each other, and to identify trends and common strategies.


  • Benoit Vivier, Public Affairs Manager, EENA
  • Cristina Lumbreras, Technical Director, EENA
  • Gary Machado, Executive Director, EENA
  • Marta Azevedo Silva, Communications and Press Officer, EENA
  • Rose Michael, Knowledge Officer and DPO, EENA

Go to Webinar (25´30¨)

Navigating the COVID-19 Pandemic from the 9-1-1 Center
This webinar has been organized by NENA: The 9-1-1- Association, and it brings together three specialists to discuss the human resource implications of COVID-19 on 9-1-1 centers, including work schedules, continuity of operations plans, workplace health precautions, remote work, stress management and the involvement of the 9-1-1 in the national response.


  • John Kelley, ENP, Ottosen Britz Kelly Cooper Gilbert & DiNolfo, Ltd.
  • Jamison Peevyhouse, ENP, TN Emergency Communications Board
  • April Henze, ENP, NENA: The 9-1-1- Association

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This is the audio section of the Crisis Response Journal.

Within the Trenches

We speak dispatch

How Livestreaming 911 Calls Makes Officers More Effective and Efficient

The ICISF Podcast Series