

September 18 2024 to September 19 2024

For more information, click here.

September 17 2024 to September 18 2024

This is the fifth year of Mission Critical Partners' Conference for Advancing the Public Sector.
Some of the topics that will be addressed in this two-day Conference are:

  • Disruptive technologies: what they are and how they are taking emergency response to new levels
  • Artificial intelligence: exploring the possibilities, dispelling the myths
  • How Amazon Connect is changing emergency response
  • 911 and 988 integration: why it is essential and how to achieve it
  • Innovating 911 digital alarm response with the ASAP Service

The agenda is available here.
Click here to register for CAPS 2024.

September 04 2024 to September 11 2024

AMEXBIO organiza el siguiente webinar:
ONLINE. Miércoles 4 y 11 de septiembre del 2024. 17:00 a 19:00 hrs CMDX
Durante 2 sesiones de 2 hrs cada una, revisaremos los conceptos básicos de la elaboración de una evaluación de riesgos biológicos, de la identificación de los riesgos biológicos, pasando por la probabilidad y las consecuencias de los riesgos biológicos y finalizando con la elaboración de un reporte de riesgos biológicos.
Este curso es para personas que nunca han elaborado una evaluación de riesgos biológicos y desean conocer la metodología de la OMS, para aplicarla a sus áreas de trabajo.
Recopilación de la información
Evaluación de riesgos
Estrategia de control de riesgos
Implementación de medidas de control
Revisión de riesgos y medidas de control
Dra. en C. Klintsy J. Torres Hernández
Incluye constancia de asistencia.
La información de conexión se envía 24 hrs antes del evento.
Fecha límite de registro 2 días antes del evento.

Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
August 30 2024

El Journal Club a cargo del Doctor Luis Ochoa, discutirá un nuevo paper sobre la implementación de la biocustodia en la educación.  Entender la biocustodia es crucial para los científicos de diversas disciplinas. Lo anterior garantiza el manejo seguro de materiales biológicos y previene el posible mal uso, que podría tener y las implicaciones globales. La educación adecuada en este campo fomenta prácticas científicas responsables y ayuda a mitigar los riesgos asociados con las tecnologías de doble uso entre profesionistas, pero también entre estudiantes de pregrado y postgrado.
El paper puede ser encontrado en

Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
July 24 2024

This webinar sponsored by Motorola Solutions offers new insights into why call routing is the cornerstone to the NG9-1-1 journey.

  • Tenea Reddick, 911 Director, City of Baltimore, MD
  • Bob Finney, Director of Communications Technology, Collier County Sheriff’s Office, FL
  • Sam Bard, Product Director, NGCS Services, Motorola Solutions

The three panelists will share their experience and outlook on what it means to implement call routing starting with the justification to the actual deployment and impact to day to day operations.
This webinar starts at 12PM Eastern (live).
To register, click here.

July 23 2024

Session 1: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 PM Eastern
MCP subject-matter experts will discuss the differences between resiliency, redundancy, and diversity in 911 centers. Learn effective strategies for achieving diversity and enhancing the robustness of emergency communications.
Session 2: 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Eastern
MCP experts and 911 center leaders will share their personal experiences about implementing diversity. Hear about the challenges they faced and the solutions they found to overcome them.
Key Takeaways:
• Understand the critical distinctions between resiliency, redundancy, and diversity.
• Discover practical strategies for enhancing diversity in emergency communications.
• Gain insights from real-world experiences of 911 center officials who have successfully implemented diversity.
• Learn about the benefits of resilient, redundant, and diverse 911 centers.
To register, click here.

July 03 2024

Este seminario tendrá interpretación en español y necesita inscripción previa, que se accede a través del link que se proveee.
In this webinar we will hear about different learning tools and modalities that can be used to strengthen workforce capacities on laboratory practices and biosafety. We will explore the added value versus limitations of online training for laboratory personnel. We will have an overview of the recently developed eLearning course on Fundamentals of laboratory biosafety, based on the WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual 4th edition, and hear about the recently published WHO biosafety risk assessment tool.
We will welcome:
Dr Jane Shallcross (UK Health Security Agency, United Kingdom)
Dr Saskia Rutjes (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment- RIVM, Netherlands)
Dr Sandhya Dhawan (WHO Headquarters)

Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
June 28 2024 to July 03 2024

At NENA 2024, participants will not only hear about public safety issues of today and tomorrow, but also gain practical, real-world know-how that they will be abel to put into action immediately.
NENA's 2024 Conference & Expo features:

  • Inspiring keynote speakers
  • More than ninety hours of breakout sessions that inform and empower
  • Career-building courses and workshops with real-world applications
  • Nightly networking events that helps participants make the right connections
  • And an Expo Hall showcasing cutting-edge products and services.
June 26 2024

AMEXBIO organiza el siguiente webinar: un Plan o Programa de Bioseguridad es una necesidad para toda institución académica, científica o medica. Esta necesidad conlleva a la creación de un Comité de Bioseguridad institucional con el objetivo de monitorear las actividades con Agentes biológicos infecciosos. Un elemento vital de este comité es el oficial de bioseguridad con responsabilidad definida en revisión de protocolos, inspección de laboratorios y respuesta a emergencias con agentes biológicos.
Orador: Jairo Betancourt; RBS, Biol.
Precio: Público en general – $861.00
Tener en cuenta que el horario del webinar corresponde a la hora en Mexico. 

Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
June 26 2024

Enhancing public safety is a complex challenge that often involves integrating a variety of systems, technologies and data sources. This integration can be a cumbersome and time-consuming task for stakeholders and staff leading to less than optimal performance.
DATAMARK and DDTI announced that they are joining forces under new brand, DATAMARK Technologies to provide clients with data and technology interoperability unlike any solution on the market today.
On June 26 at 2:00 pm EST they are organizing a Webinar on the critical role of interoperability in public safety.

  • Mitch Pinkston
  • Robert Murphy

To register, click here.

June 14 2024

Selección y aplicación de cabinas de seguridad biológica en laboratorios de diagnóstico e investigación con especial énfasis en COVID-19
Hora: 12:00 pM EST

Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
June 10 2024


Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
June 07 2024

En las Sesiones Academicas PandemicTech Journal Club, Luis Ochoa presentará el trabajo " Biosafety and biosecurity challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond"
Durante la pandemia de COVID-19, el mundo enfrentó una demanda sin precedentes de pruebas, lo que puso a prueba las medidas de bioseguridad y biocustodia. Esto subraya la necesidad de una preparación mejorada, especialmente en países de bajos ingresos. El documento ofrece ideas y recomendaciones para fortalecer la preparación futura.

Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
June 06 2024

AMEXBIO organiza este webinar, dictado por el Dr. Daniel Eisenman. Para más detalles, por favor escanee el código QR.
El horario del webinar es 19:00 horas de México.

Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
May 31 2024

PandemicTech Journal Club, a cargo de Luis Ochoe, presentará este seminario sobre biocustodia, inteleigencia artificial y biología sintética. 

Registration link / Liga de registro:
Después que se registre, recibirá un email de confirmación. Tenga en cunta que el seminario será a las 12:00 PM EST

Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
May 29 2024

DATAMARK is organizing the second part of the webinar on navigating NENA standards as they pertain to GIS data for NG9-1-1. The webinar will review the GIS Data Stewardship for NG9-1-1 document and discuss best practices for operationalizing the information contained within it.
This webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, May 29 at 11:00 am PDT (2:00 pm EDT).
To register, please click here.

May 28 2024

NENA México organiza este Webinario para explicar cómo responder a una llamda de emergencia en línea con el estándar de NENA para el procesamiento de llamadas al 911.
El Webinario estará a cargo de:

  • Manuel Villarreal Romero, Director del C5i del Estado de Guanajuato, México

La hora de inicio del Webinario es a las 17:00 hrs, zona horaria central de México. 
Para registrarse, haga clic aquí.

May 27 2024

Incluye identificación de mercancías peligrosas, basada en la reglamentación de IATA

Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
May 24 2024

Luis Ochoe, presidente de ABSA International, presentará el trabajo “Comparison of Brazilian High- and Maximum-Containment Laboratories Biosafety and Biosecurity Regulations to Legal Frameworks in the United States and Other Countries: Gaps and Opportunities", en el marco de las Sesiones Academicas PandemicTech Journal Club.
A recent analysis evaluated Brazil's approach to overseeing biosafety and biosecurity in high- and maximum-containment laboratories, highlighting significant gaps compared to international standards. The findings reveal decentralized governance with varying levels of adherence to global biosafety and biosecurity norms, posing limitations to Brazil's preparedness against infectious diseases. Urgent action is needed to enhance the legal framework, drawing insights from international models, particularly those of the United States. This underscores the importance for the Latin American region to bolster biosafety and biosecurity measures to effectively address emerging infectious disease challenges.
Tener en cuenta que el webinar será a las 12:00 pm - (GMT-5:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
May 23 2024

Durante este webinar, el Dr. Sevilla Reyes, se referirá a la creación de Comités de Bioseguridad en México, pero, puede servir de ejemplo para cualquier otro país donde hubiera laboratorios que quisieran establecer una mecanismo similar. 
Podrán registrase en este webinar gratuito en el código QR o en el link que se encuantran en el banner.

Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
May 14 2024 to May 15 2024

AVAYA Engage 2024 will take place between May, 14 and May 15.
General sessions will take place during the morning. In the afternoon a number of breakout sessions have been planned, along the following thematic tracks: 

  • The Customer Journey
  • Contact Center
  • Integration
  • Security
  • Unified Communications
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Migration to Cloud
  • The Employee Journey
  • Your Professional Journey

Link to the agenda, here.
The start and end time of the activity is expressed in EDT.

May 03 2024

Como muchos viernes, las Sesiones Academicas PandemicTech Journal Club, tratará el trabajo  "Una Guia Practica para Implementar un Programa de Bioseguridad BSL-2+ en un Laboratorio de Investigación"
BSL-2+ laboratories are of immense importance in institutions with limited resources, particularly in low-resource settings, as they enable safe handling and study of moderate-risk pathogens crucial for public health response. These facilities offer a middle ground between basic BSL-2 and more stringent BSL-3 containment, allowing for efficient research and diagnostics while maintaining adequate safety standards. In regions where infectious diseases pose significant health threats, BSL-2+ labs play a vital role in disease surveillance, outbreak investigation, and development of interventions such as vaccines and diagnostics, ultimately bolstering public health efforts and enhancing the capacity to respond to emerging infectious diseases.
Los laboratorios BSL-2+ son de inmensa importancia en instituciones con recursos limitados, particularmente en entornos de bajos recursos, ya que permiten el manejo seguro y el estudio de patógenos de riesgo moderado cruciales para la respuesta de salud pública. Estas instalaciones ofrecen un término medio entre la contención BSL-2 básica y la más estricta BSL-3, lo que permite investigaciones y diagnósticos eficientes manteniendo estándares de seguridad adecuados. En regiones donde las enfermedades infecciosas representan importantes amenazas para la salud, los laboratorios BSL-2+ desempeñan un papel vital en la vigilancia de enfermedades, la investigación de brotes y el desarrollo de intervenciones como vacunas y diagnósticos, lo que en última instancia refuerza los esfuerzos de salud pública y mejora la capacidad de responder a enfermedades infecciosas emergentes. enfermedades.


Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
May 03 2024

Luis Ochoa, President of ABSA International, wil deliver a conference on  “ISO 35001:2019  Biosafety - Implementation and impact on laboratory management, at the Biosafety course of the Graduate Program in Applied Biochemistry at UFV.
El horario es 10:00 am (Brasilia)

Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
May 03 2024


Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
April 26 2024

PandemicTech Journal Club lanza su nuevo webinar, a cargo de Luis Ochoa Carrera:
Understanding the virulence factors of M. tuberculosis is crucial as they influence disease severity and transmission, emphasizing the need for strict containment measures. The emergence of drug-resistant strains poses heightened risks, underscoring the importance of proper handling to prevent accidental exposure and the spread of resistant TB. Maintaining strict measures of biosafety and biosecurity is essential to safeguard researchers and healthcare workers, as well as prevent the inadvertent release into the environment.
Entender la importancia de los factores de virulencia de M. tuberculosis es crucial ya que influyen en la gravedad y la transmisión de la enfermedad, lo que enfatiza la necesidad de medidas estrictas de contención. Con la constante aparición de cepas resistentes a medicamentos plantea mayores riesgos, lo que subraya la importancia de una manipulación adecuada para prevenir la exposición accidental y la propagación de la tuberculosis resistente. El mantener medidas idóneas de bioseguridad y biocustodia es esencial para proteger a los trabajadores de la salud, así como para prevenir la liberación al ambiente.
Liga de registro:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
April 25 2024

LabConCert Germany
On Thursday, 25th of Aprill 09:00 o´clock CEST, resp. 8:00 o´clock BST there will be our next webinar webinar “Regulatory requirements for BSL-3/4 laboratories and their implementation”
The webinar presents various international guidelines and their requirements and shows how they can be implemented using examples.
Please use following link for registration:
We are looking forward to meet you in our webinar room.

Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
April 24 2024 to April 26 2024

This year, EENA's Conference & Exhibition will take place in Valencia, Spain, between April 24th and April 26th. Participants will have access to a diverse and tailored selection of presentations and panels, which will provide real-life examples of solutions from around the globe.
In between panels and sessions, participants will be able to visit the exhibition and engage with companies that are offering innovative solutions in critical areas of emergency services.
The Conference will also provide participants with the opportunity to connect, exchange and discuss similar challenges and possible solutions. Participants will be able to engange with leading industry providers and speak with leaders in the sector.
Click here to access the program.
Click here to register.

April 19 2024

Durante este webinar, Luis Ochoa Carrear,, experto en bioseguridad y biocustodia, discutirá el trabajo de investigación "Caracterización de los aerosoles respirables generados durante la rutina en los procedimientos de laboratorio".
POdrán encontrar el artículo en Article: y el registro en la actividad es en Liga de registro:
Tener en cuenta que el horario del webinar es 12:00 pm - (GMT-5:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
April 12 2024
United States

Pandemitech organiza el webinar "Evaluación de prácticas de descontaminación en un laboratorio de investigación de microbiología médica". 
La evaluación de las prácticas de descontaminación en los laboratorios de investigación de microbiología médica es crucial para mantener un entorno de trabajo seguro y garantizar la integridad de los resultados de la investigación. Los procedimientos de descontaminación eficaces mitigan el riesgo de contaminación cruzada entre muestras, protegen al personal del laboratorio de la exposición a patógenos peligrosos y mantienen la credibilidad de los resultados de la investigación. Al evaluar y mejorar los protocolos de descontaminación, los laboratorios pueden minimizar la propagación de agentes infecciosos, cumplir con los estándares regulatorios y fomentar una cultura de seguridad y excelencia en la investigación científica.

Liga de registro:

Un email de confirmación será enciado depués del registro. El horario del webinar es 12:00 pm - (GMT-5:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
April 11 2024

Este webinar,organizado por AMEXBIO, y dictado por el Dr. Edgar Sevilla Reyes,es gratuito y para registrarse, por favor escanaer al código QR o acceder al link que se encuentra al pie del banner.

Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
April 08 2024


Bioseguridad y Biocustodia en las Américas
March 27 2024

A critical component to Next Generation 9-1-1 GIS Data readiness is a comprehensive understanding of the National Emergency Number Association's (NENA) standards and information documents.
In this webinar, DATAMARK will address the following topics:

1. Introduction to NENA standards
2. NG9-1-1 GIS standards updates
3. The use of GIS in NextGen Core Services
4. NENA document dependencies
5. Audience Q&A
6. The standard path forward
The webinar starts at 11:00 am PST or 2:00 pm EST.
To register, click here.

February 12 2024

NENA México se suma a la celebracion del Día Interamericano del Numero Unico de Emergencia con la organizacion de un webinario dirigido a todos los/as operadores/as de los Sistemas de Emergencia y Seguridad de la región.
El webinario comienza a las 17 hrs (hora en CDMX).
Para registrarse, haga clic aquí.

February 11 2024

Los/as invitamos a todos/as a sumarse a la celebración Día Interamericano del Número Único de Emergencia.
Este es un día para agradecer a todos/as los/as operadores/as, despachadores/as y primeros respondientes que tras recibir y gestionar una llamada al 9-1-1 logran dar respuesta a una emergencia. 

February 09 2024

El domingo 11 de febero se celebra el Día Interamericano del Número Unico de Emergencia.
El viernes 9 de febrero, el Grupo Técnico Subsidiario sobre Sistemas de Emergencia y Seguridad de la OEA, bajo la presidencia del SIS ECU 911, organiza un evento virtual de pre celebración.
El evento se enfocará en dos temas:

  • Presentación de la publicación PSAPs: Edición América Latina
  • Presentación de Logros y Resultados Destacados 2023 y Planes, Proyectos y Objetivos Prioritatios para el 2024

El evento se llevará a cabo de manera virtual, a través de Zoom.
Comenzará a las 9:00 hora de CDMX | 10:00 hora de Quito | 12:00 pm hora de Paraguay.
Para más información, puede contactarse con el Departamento de Seguridad Pública por correo electrónico: [email protected]
La agenda del evento está disponible en este enlace.

January 30 2024

This Tech Talk is organized by Live911. It features the experience of Elk Grove Police Department's Real-Time Information Center.
Participantes will discover how our Live911 advanced technology empowers Real -ime Crime Center operators to live stream 911 calls. RTCC teams are able to immediately provide video intelligence from traffic cameras and launch their Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) to arrive on the scene even before the call for service is entered.
Elk Grove RTIC Manager Jamie Hudson, will share:

  • Best practices for establishing a Real-Time Information Center
  • How to leverage advanced technology to harness information and intelligence
  • The philosophy of real-time policing

To register, click here.

January 25 2024

CARBYNE is organizing a discussion around AI-driven strategies that can streamline operations and address staffing challenges within the PSAP. 
In this session entitled: Empowering PSAPs with AI: A New Era in Emergency Management' – your guide to smarter, more efficient public safety solutions, experts will explore how artificial intelligence is transforming PSAP operations, enhancing efficiency, and ultimately saving lives. From intelligent call routing to predictive analytics, the session will delve into practical applications that can revolutionize the way PSAPs handle emergency situations.
The session will be hosgted by Andrea King Smith, Senior Strategic Management CSM, Customer Enagemente Lead Carbyne.

  • Jeremy Banks, Senior Product Manager, Carbyne
  • Gerrit Klein, Technical Services Manager, MACC 911
  • Michael Brewer, Deputy Director, Jeffcom911

The event is scheduled to start at 1:00 pm EST.
To register, click here.

January 15 2024 to January 18 2024
Hilton Clearwater
United States

NENA's Standards and Best Practices Conferences is an s an interactive, informative, attendee-driven event where participants will not only learn about the standards that are spurring the development and implementation of NG9-1-1 technology and operations best practices, but also create the guidelines, resources, and documents that enable NG services, systems, and PSAPs to reach their full potential.
With peers from across the 9-1-1 universe, participants will discuss and work together to address the most pressing issues facing 9-1-1, including:

  • Recruitment, hiring, and retention;
  • GIS and NG-data needs;
  • Location services and accuracy;
  • Culture;
  • Interoperability;
  • Telecommunicator SOPs;
  • Text-to-9-1-1;
  • Transition planning;
  • Cybersecurity;
  • Multimedia messaging and accessibility;
  • Training;
  • Wellness and resiliency;
  • The evolution of 9-1-1 center supervision and management
January 11 2024

This free webinar will feature analysis from MCP's "Second Annual Analysis-and-Insights Report," offering a unique opportunity to gain a deep understanding of the current state of the public-safety sector.
The report consists of the following 8 chapters:
• Security (cyber and physical)
• Land Mobile Radio
• Geographic Information Systems
• Operations
• Staffing
• NG911 readiness
• Data Integration
• Artificial Intelligence
Click here to access the report.

December 14 2023

Native RTT is possible now and has already been achieved in some US PSAPs.
In August 2022, the Texas 9-1-1 Center achieved a milestone with RTT to RTT, revolutionizing emergency communication.
Join visionaries from the 9-1-1 entity, NENA RTT Work Group, SolaCom, and T-Mobile as they unravel the challenges, triumphs, and partnerships behind this transformative initiative.
Discover lessons learned in awareness, readiness, technology, testing, and implementation of this potentially lifesaving technology.
To register, click here.

December 07 2023

Discussion on the often-overlooked emotional toll that holidays can take on telecommunicators. Frontline personnel face unique challenges during the festive season, including working on holidays, being away from family, and managing the stress of trying to create a perfect celebration amidst their demanding careers.
This webinar provides insights into the emotional challenges faced by telecommunicators during the holiday season, explores ways to support them in navigating the complexities of working this time of year, and offers practical strategies for both professional and personal well-being.
Registration link:

December 07 2023

In today’s interconnected world full of smartphones and other smart devices, the monitoring of health via such devices is becoming increasingly popular. The opportunity for PSAPs to receive such data about patients may provide more accurate and efficient emergency care.
Google has created Emergency Location Service (ELS) to enhance emergency response by providing PSAPs with critical data to assist persons in need. Today, Android device users also have the option to share medical information (like allergies and existing conditions) and emergency contact information with PSAPs via ELS.
In this webinar, Google representatives Micah Berman and Salvatore Baglieri will tell you more about how ELS works, what data is available to you and what is needed to use it in PSAPs.
To register, click here.

November 29 2023 to November 30 2023

Primer Conversatorio del 2023, organizado por el Grupo Técnico Subsidiario sobre Sistemas de Emergencia y Seguridad de la OEA.
El Conversatorio se enfocará en la atención y respuesta a emergencias por situaciones de violencia contra mujeres y violencia doméstica.
Tendrá lugar a través de la Plataforma Zoom, el miércoles 29 de noviembre de 13 a 17 horas (EST) y el jueves 30 de noviembre de 9 a 13 horas (EST).
Próximamente estará listo el enlace de registro y la agenda del evento.
Los materiales del Conversatorios estarán disponibles aquí.

November 29 2023 to November 30 2023

The OAS Subsidiary Technical Group on Emergency and Security Systems is organizing its first 2023 exchange. The Exchange will focus on emergency response to situations of violence against women and domestic violence.
The Exchange will take place on Zoom, on Wednesday, November 29 from 1 pm to 5 pm (EST) and Thursday, November 30 from 9 am to 1 pm (EST).
The registration link will be available shortly.
To access the event's materials please click here

November 27 2023

This webinar series is organized by EENA. It will look at many different countries to understand their challenges and give a comprehensive understanding of emergency calls handling systems across Europe and beyond.
In this first webinar, participants will be able to understand how emergency calls are handled in Moldova and Mexico.

  • Anastasia Silion, Specialist in International Relations, National Single Service for Emergency Number 112 Moldova
  • National Information Center, Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System, Mexico

The webinar starts at 9:30 (EST).
To register, clicj here.

October 12 2023

This webinar will help advise PSAP leaders on how to think about and plan for major technology purchases. This will be a dive deep into the world of technology procurement to help leaders make informed, budget-friendly decisions that amplify the operational fficiency of call centers. 
Event Details:
Date & Time: Thursday, October 12 at 12:00 pm Eastern
Host: Karima Holmes, Vice President of Public Safety, Carbyne

  • Cara Vermillion, Sales Operations Team Manager, Carbyne
  • Tammy Rimes, MPA, Executive Director of National Cooperative Procurement Partners
  • Sherri Bush, Director of Business Development, ADCOMM Engineering LLC

Registrarion link, click here.

October 11 2023 to October 13 2023

Entre el 11 y 13 de octubre de 2023, NENA LATAM organiza el 16° Congreso Internacional de Centros de Atención de Emergencias” en Nayarit, México.
Este evento reune a quienes dirigen, administran, coordinan y operan los diferentes Centros de Atención de Llamadas de Emergencias (CALLE) a nivel nacional e internacional. Es un punto de encuentro para conocer las nuevas tendencias, tecnologías y productos relacionados con los servicios de emergencias, así como compartir las buenas prácticas, problemáticas y soluciones.

September 28 2023

What does wellness mean? The word tends to be defined or thought of differently by everyone. Is it mental, physical, emotional, nutritional, or something completely different? So, if everyone has a different idea of what wellness looks like, then how is it possible succeed at being well - and how does being well help people succeed?
In this roundtable three subject matter experts on 9-1-1 wellness will discuss how putting wellness first is beneficial both professionally and  personally.


  • Laurie Anderson, ENP - NENA Immediate Past President
  • Roxanne VanGundy ENP - Lyon County Emergency Communications Center
  • Ryan Chambers - Denise Amber Lee Foundation
  • Ashley Warner - NCNENA Wellness & Peer Support Team

The Webinar starts at 3:00 pm EST.
To register, click here.

September 27 2023

Adequate preparation is essential to meeting the demands of working in 9-1-1. Dealing with a busy jobs and a hectic personal lives, taking the time to sit down and prepare for the future can seem impossible. However, with the right mindset, skills, and knowledge, successful preparation is achievable!
By adapting the five steps to emergency management, this webinar explains the essential elements of physical, emotional, and mental preparedness, as well as how they correlate to all aspects of personal and professional life.
Participants will learn to:
• What preparedness looks like and where preparedness begins;
• The effects and benefits of preparedness; and
• How to own preparedness and accountability.
Presenter: JaCorey Glaude, ENP – Member, NENA Education Advisory Board
Free for NENA Members
To register, click here.

September 26 2023 to September 27 2023

The fourth-annual virtual conference features a comprehensive set of panel sessions designed to help leaders share lessons learned, success stories, and experiences surrounding the most critical trends and issues impacting public-sector organizations. Join colleagues from across the United States on September 26-27 for this complimentary two-day event. Attendees can develop their own schedule by selecting the panel discussions that suit their professional development goals.
This event will be online.
For more information about the event, please click here.
To register, please click here.

August 30 2023

Considering the ongoing PSAP staffing crisis, retaining employees has never been more important. But it’s not just about pay and benefits; keeping staff requires a healthy workplace culture overseen by leaders who empower their teams to succeed and thrive.
Join us for this #WebinarWednesday where you’ll learn about:

• How leadership influences PSAP culture and factors into employee retention;
• Different leadership styles and how they affect employees; and
• How you can develop and implement leadership traits and techniques that improve employee satisfaction and retention.

Presenters: Mark Matsusaka – Honolulu (HI) Police Department (Ret.) | Tiffany Thom - Honolulu (HI) Police Department
3PM Eastern Time
Free for NENA Members!
Not a member? Join today to receive access!
To register for this event, click here
This event will be online.

August 05 2023 to August 09 2023
Music City Center 201 Rep. John Lewis Way S Nashville, TN 37203
United States

APCO International’s Annual Conference & Expo 2023
The Conference offers four days of educational sessions, committee meetings and special events, paired with two full days of exhibits.
When and Where Is It?
APCO 2023 will be held August 6-9, in Nashville, Tennessee.
Who Attends?
Attendees represent a wide range of organizations, including emergency communications centers, law enforcement, fire service, emergency medical services, and government agencies, along with service providers and commercial vendors.
To access the program, click here.
To register, click here.

July 26 2023

The United States has the largest rail-transport in the world, with more than 160,000 miles of track crisscrossing the country. Rail-related emergencies require specialized knowledge and immediate action.
Participants will learn:
• Notification, interaction, and coordination best practices for rail incidents;
• How to stop and start the movement of trains; and
• Additional resources and training available to help organizations better handle these types of calls.

Presenter: Christopher Bennett – CSX Transportation
To register, click here
This event will start at 3:00 pm EST and it is free for NENA Members.

July 26 2023

Discover how Live911's innovative software provides Weber County Sheriff's Office deputies with more data to make better-informed decisions, respond quicker, de-escalate dangerous situations, and make their community safer.
You'll hear from Weber County's Lieutenant Mark Horton and Corporal Jose Leon, who'll share:
·         How livestreaming 911 calls to their deputies helped save two lives in the first three weeks of operation
·         Why response times have decreased by more than two minutes
·         When first responders are provided with more critical information, it leads to better outcomes

See firsthand how Live911 is changing police response and positively impacting outcomes. 
To register, click here.
P.S. If you cannot attend, register to receive the webinar replay.
This event will start at 1pm EST.

July 25 2023

It's time to unveil the results of the industry's most comprehensive survey – The Pulse of 9-1-1. NENA and Carbyne invite you to be a part of this groundbreaking event!
This free virtual conference brings together industry leaders and professionals like you to discuss the ever-changing 9-1-1 landscape. Attend to gain invaluable insights and hear engaging discussions that delve into the industry's current state. At the Pulse of 9-1-1 Virtual Conference, you'll gain a deeper understanding of:
The changing landscape of the PSAP;
Technological advancements in 9-1-1;
Staffing solutions;
Mental-health support;
Diversity and inclusion issues;
How Congress supports 9-1-1;
And more!
Join on Tuesday, July 25 from 11AM – 5PM ET for the opportunity to connect with industry experts, engage in informative sessions, and network with professionals passionate about revolutionizing 9-1-1.
Can't attend on the 25th? Register now and watch all of the sessions anytime, on-demand! 

July 18 2023

This webinar is part of a webinar series is designed to provide useful information for the 911 stakeholder community about federal and state participation in the planning, design, and implementation of Next Generation 911, or NG911 systems. It includes real experiences from leaders utilizing these processes throughout the country. It is organized by the NG 911 Institute and the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
To register, click here.

June 07 2023

In NG9-1-1, PSAPs and agencies can coordinate response like never before, sharing calls and data to provide enhanced situational awareness and mutual assistance across jurisdictional boundaries. How can 9-1-1 professionals get ready to secure an NG9-1-1 network and interoperate securely with other agencies?
In this webinar, participants  will learn:
• How the PSAP Credentialing Agency (PCA) is used to establish identity within, and ensure secure interoperability throughout, NG9-1-1;
• What Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs) are and why they are necessary; and
• What you can be done to utilize the PCA in the current, or forthcoming, NG9-1-1 system
This Webinar is sponsored by Motorola Solutions.
To register, click here.

May 31 2023

In 2021, Bedford County, VA 9-1-1 experienced a catastrophic cybersecurity incident. For 2.5 months, all public-safety-system data was lost, leaving dispatchers to use pen and paper to do their jobs. During this time, staff had to develop new tools and workflows to maintain daily operations, safety, and situational awareness.
Attend this webinar to hear about the 9-1-1 center managed and recovered from the chaos of sudden and complete data loss.
Participants will learn:
• What tools are needed when facing a long-term CAD outage and how to obtain them;
• How to keep center morale up during long-term crises; and
• How to increase data security and cyber-preparedness before an incident takes place.

  • Christine Giglio, ENP – Bedford County (VA) Emergency Communications Center
  • Michael Miller – Bedford County (VA) Emergency Communications Center

This Webinar is free for NENA Members. 

May 23 2023

NENA’s Emergency Number Professional (ENP) credential is the standard for excellence in the emergency Industry. But what exactly is ENP certification, how is it possible to get it, and what does it do?
In this special webinar participants will learn about:
• The basics of applying, preparing for the exam, and taking the test;
• The personal and professional benefits gained by becoming an ENP; and
• The resources available along the ENP journey.

  • Nick LaMontia, ENP
  • Steve Morgan, ENP - NENA Institute Board

To register, click here.

May 08 2023

In NG9-1-1, PSAPs and agencies can coordinate response like never before, sharing calls and data to provide enhanced situational awareness and mutual assistance across jurisdictional boundaries.
How can a 9-1-1 professional, get ready to secure an NG9-1-1 network and interoperate securely with other agencies?
In this webinar, participants will learn:
• How the PSAP Credentialing Agency (PCA) is used to establish identity within, and ensure secure interoperability throughout, NG9-1-1;
• What Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs) are and why they are necessary; and
• What can participants do to utilize the PCA in your current, or forthcoming, NG9-1-1 system.
To register, click here.

April 26 2023

Telecommunicators and first responders face life-and-death decisions every day in their work, but having that difficult conversation with a co-worker, direct report, or boss fills them with dread. Conflict can be scary when relationships are important and the stakes are high. How can they navigate conflict with confidence and turn challenges into productive outcomes?
In this webinar participants will learn to: 
• Why we avoid conflict;
• How conflict can actually be productive; and
• Strategies for navigating conflict with bravery and confidence.
Presenter: Cindy Sparrow – Cindy Sparrow International
Free for NENA Members.
To register:

April 26 2023

In this interactive workshop, Mission Critical Partner's cybersecurity experts will explore the essential next steps to take after conducting a cybersecurity assessment. After the workshop, participants will have a customized, complimentary action plan for improving their organization's cybersecurity posture.
To register, click here.

April 19 2023 to April 21 2023
Cankarjev dom (CD) Cultural and Congress Centre

From 19 – 21 April 2023, professionals from across the public safety field meet at the EENA Conference & Exhibition in Ljubljana for 3 days of inspiring sessions, insightful presentations and innovative exhibitions.
With over 800 participants expected in 2023, the EENA Conference & Exhibition is the place to learn, network, discover new technologies and enjoy valuable time with experts from across the industry. EENA will bring informative and insightful sessions on a variety of topics impacting the sector, from emergency service staff to solutions providers.
From trends in the public safety field, legislation updates, retaining staff, the well-being of call-takers to real-life examples of new technology in use, there’s truly something for everyone – whether you’re an emergency services professional, researcher, solution-provider, mobile network operator, or institutional representative.
Program overview, click here.

March 21 2023

The IJIS Institute is pleased to announce the first-ever Justice and Public Safety Cybersecurity Summit. This summit aims to bring public and private sector stakeholders together to address the growing need for proper cyber hygiene and managing associated risks with increasing cyber threats. By attending this exclusive summit, participants will hear from national and international thought leaders from industry and practitioner communities to better understand the cyber threat landscape and the effective strategies that you can develop to address the associated risks, available solutions, and best practices.
Link to the Agenda
This event has a registration fee.
Link to registration:

February 22 2023

Indoor maps and location accuracy are important parts of the public-safety ecosystem, even more so as the need for information to assist field responders expands.
The major cellular carriers are now providing not only X and Y location information, but also Z-axis data.
Attend this webinar to learn:
• The myriad ways 9-1-1 location data is evolving;
• The basics of how Z-axis info and indoor maps work; and
• How this data can be digested and used by telecommunicators.
Presenter: Keri Brennan, GISP, ENP – GeoComm
Free for NENA Members.
To register:

January 25 2023

PSAPs' culture impact not just day-to-day operations, but affects recruiting, retention, and succession planning.
This webinar focuses on how to create positive change in the PSAP team.
Particpants will learn:
• The results of research conducted on 30,000 young professionals in the US and what they are searching for;
• The secret recruiting resource already at your disposal and just waiting for you to activate it; and
• The essential elements reflecting the healthiest workforce cultures in the world. 

Presenter: Dr. Renee Thornton - Pathfinder Resilience
Free for NENA members.

January 16 2023 to January 19 2023

The NENA NG9-1-1 Standards & Best Practices Conference is an interactive, informative, attendee-driven event where you not only learn about the standards that are spurring the development and implementation of NG9-1-1 technology and operations best practices, but also create the guidelines, resources, and documents that enable NG services, systems, and PSAPs to reach their full potential.
With your peers from across the 9-1-1 universe, you’ll discuss and work to address the most pressing issues facing 9-1-1, including: recruitment, hiring, and retention; GIS and NG-data needs; location services and accuracy; culture; interoperability; telecommunicator SOPs; real-time text; transition planning; cybersecurity; multimedia messaging and accessibility; training; wellness and resiliency; the evolution of 9-1-1 center supervision and management; and more!


Your sponsorship of this event ensures visibility with public safety’s most dedicated and forward-thinking audience. A limited number of presentation opportunities are also available. Email [email protected] for more details.

To register for this event click here.

December 14 2022

In this Webinar organized by NENA and sponsored by Motorola Solutions panelists will take a look at the outcomes of placing technology at the forefront of the PSAP to help solve tough challenges.

  • Advantages of real-time transcription of a 9-1-1 call
  • Benefits of having the transcription in multiple languages
  • Impact of streaming videos from the public
  • Special live technology demonstration


  • Travis Jensen, 911 Program Manager for the state of Arizona Strategic Enterprise Technology Office
  • Kim Siepert, Hybrid Product Manager, Emergency Call Handling, Motorola Solutions

Moderator: Marty Doyle, Industry Leadership Team, Motorola Solutions and former Managing Deputy Director for the City of Chicago 9-1-1
To register, click here.

December 08 2022

Leadership is not uniform. There are myriad ways to lead and figuring out when to play it by the book vs. when to be fun and flexible can be tricky at any stage in your leadership journey. In this Webinar organized by NENA as part of their Women in 9-1-1 Webinar Series, participants will learn how to integrate creativity into traditional modes of leadership. They will learn what “leadering” is all about - empowering others, shifting perspectives, promoting positivity, and how to incorporate it into the leadership playbook.

  • Deranecque Sims, ENP, CPE – Memphis (TN) Police

Click here to register.

December 05 2022

This course is a primer in disaster planning to help 9-1-1 professionals prepare for and survive calamities that can cause disruptions to PSAP systems and failures in overall PSAP operations. The class focuses on what employees of a 9-1-1 center can do before, during, and after catastrophic events to ensure they are able to provide continuous service.

Attendees will examine the three primary concerns in PSAP Operations, facilities, personnel, and equipment. Additionally, the class will address the backup procedures that PSAPs can implement and utilize in their effort to mitigate the impact of system failures. This offering employs a straightforward, nontechnical approach, and provides both supervisory and non-supervisory PSAP personnel with the tools they need to help their PSAP withstand disasters.
A few things to consider when registering for an ILO course:
• Each attendee must have their own laptop/computer. Multiple students cannot share computer.
• Use the Zoom link that is sent to the registered email.
• You should have a strong internet connection.
• Have a quiet room, so you can devote your full attention to the course, with no distractions.
• There are a limited number of seats available, so please notify as soon as possible if you can no longer attend.

This course has a cost of:
• 155$ for NENA-Members.
• 215$ for Non-Members of NENA.
Online registration is available until November 28th.
This event will start at 10 am (EST).
To register for this event, click here

December 01 2022

NENA’s Enhanced Caller Management course helps you become a better call taker, enhances your professional skills, and improves outcomes for your agency and the community you serve. From active listening to decision making, local knowledge to performing efficiently in a crisis, the journey to becoming a star performer under the headset starts here.

This exciting course builds upon basic standards, protocols, and policies to help you advance to the next level of 9-1-1 call taking proficiency on your journey towards professional mastery. Topics include: handling infrequent but highly critical events, improving listening skills, and developing a plan to keep your skills growing to meet new challenges.
Excellence in Dispatch Certificate:
This course is a part of NENA’s Excellence in Dispatch (EID) Certificate.  9-1-1 professionals that complete this and at least two other EID courses within two years will receive the certificate.  Click here to learn more.

A few things to consider when registering for an ILO course:
• Each attendee must have their own laptop/computer. Multiple students cannot share computer.
• Use the Zoom link that is sent to the registered email. 
• You should have a strong internet connection.
• Have a quiet room, so you can devote your full attention to the course, with no distractions.
• There are a limited number of seats available, so please notify as soon as possible if you can no longer attend.

This course has a cost of:
• 155$ for NENA-Members.
• 215$ for Non-Members of NENA.

Online registration is available until November 28th.
This event will start at 10 am (EST).
To register for this event, click here.

November 17 2022

NENA Advanced Fire/EMS Dispatch is a course, designed to improve the skills, knowledge, and abilities of Fire and EMS Dispatchers. In many cases, Fire/EMS Dispatchers are provided little training beyond that required to utilize protocol cards—this creates an environment in which Dispatchers are not able to effectively anticipate operational conditions, use critical decision-making skills in regards to these incidents, or provide important and timely information.

This challenge is exacerbated by the fact that serious fire and EMS incidents are rare, especially for Dispatchers and Telecommunicators who operate in a joint-environment. Much of their experience will be law enforcement based—a discipline that, although related to fire/EMS dispatch—is significantly different enough to warrant training and education on the concepts that make it unique.

Through this course, Dispatchers will not only be able to learn vital information about fire and EMS dispatching concepts, they will also learn valuable tools and tricks to make essential decisions more quickly and to improve their awareness and judgment when operating as fire and EMS dispatchers.

Excellence in Dispatch Certificate:
This course is a part of NENA’s Excellence in Dispatch (EID) Certificate.  9-1-1 professionals that complete this and at least two other EID courses within two years will receive the certificate.  Click here to learn more.

A few things to consider when registering for an ILO course:
• Each attendee must have their own laptop/computer. Multiple students cannot share computer.
• Use the Zoom link that is sent to the registered email.  
• You should have a strong internet connection.
• Have a quiet room, so you can devote your full attention to the course, with no distractions.
• There are a limited number of seats available, so please notify as soon as possible if you can no longer attend. 
This course has a cost of:
• 155$ for NENA-Members.
• 215$ for Non-Members of NENA.
Online registration is available until November 14th.
The event will start at 10 am (EST).
To register for this course, click here.

November 16 2022

9-1-1 center personnel face exposure to legal liability both inside and outside the workplace. While some of this is unavoidable due to the nature of the job, training and illustration of potential pitfalls can serve to minimize potential risk. Drawn from real-world experiences, this course provides practical suggestions on limiting PSAP personnel and 9-1-1 center liability. Attendees will hear about the concepts underlying legal terms like "liability,” "damages,” and "immunity.”

Lessons learned from court cases will be used to provide examples of procedural violations that formed the basis of lawsuits against PSAPs. Finally, the concept of privacy in the dispatch center will be evaluated from a constitutional perspective and in light of the many rules governing the confidentiality of medical information.

A few things to consider when registering for an ILO course:
• Each attendee must have their own laptop/computer. Multiple students cannot share computer.
• Use the Zoom link that is sent to the registered email.  
• You should have a strong internet connection.
• Have a quiet room, so you can devote your full attention to the course, with no distractions.
• There are a limited number of seats available, so please notify  as soon as possible if you can no longer attend. 
This course has a cost of:
• 155$ for NENA Members.
• 215$ for Non-Members of NENA.
Online registration is available until November 11th.
The event will start at 10 am (EST)
To register for this event, click here.

November 09 2022

The duties and responsibilities of those who serve our communities by accepting and processing emergency calls from the public have grown exponentially over recent years. The industry, as a whole, is challenged by the type and nature of the calls received. Factors that affect the quality of service received are the heavy workload, constant changes within the PSAP, changes in technology, as well as customer expectations.

This class discusses the joint NENA/APCO Standard and focuses on the establishment of a quality improvement program for public safety communications personnel. NENA’s Quality Assurance: Achieving QA/QI in the PSAP is a course designed to emphasize the importance of a quality improvement program with a focus on quality assurance reviews as a main tenant of the process.

A few things to consider when registering for an ILO course:
• Each attendee must have their own laptop/computer. Multiple students cannot share computer.
• Use the Zoom link that is sent to the registered email.  
• You should have a strong internet connection.
• Have a quiet room, so you can devote your full attention to the course, with no distractions.
• There are a limited number of seats available, so please notify as soon as possible if you can no longer attend. 
This course has a cost of:
• 155$ for NENA members.
• 215$ for Non-Members of NENA.
Online registration is available until November 4th.
The event will start at 2pm (EST).
To register for this event, click here

November 08 2022 to November 09 2022

The much anticipated 2022 Newcastle Satellite Series Edition Event will be held on Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th November at St James’ Park, Newcastle.

What can you expect?

-Two half days of sessions.
-BAPCO Social to relax and catch up after Day 1.
-Refreshments including a lunch on arrival on Day 1.
-Exhibition with leading industry suppliers.
-Pitch-view private boxes for private meetings.
-Networking opportunities throughout the event.
-Unique city center venue with onsite parking.

Registration to the event includes refreshments on both days, access to the full programme and exhibition, lunch at the start of Day One and the drinks reception at the end of Day One.  All delegates also receive a copy of the printed programme upon arrival.

To register for this event click here.

November 03 2022

Excellent police dispatchers must continually improve their skills and keep current with evolving trends. This course helps experienced law enforcement dispatchers take their abilities, knowledge, and performance to the next level. Attend to learn about the dispatcher's role in specific crucial situations such as handling increased radio traffic, ICS events, SWAT/Negotiator calls, civil disturbances, and active assailant events.

Through this course, you not only learn vital information about the evolution of your profession, but also learn to anticipate field unit requests, and prepare to successfully handle large- and small-scale events while maintaining public welfare and field responder safety.
Excellence in Dispatch Certificate:
This course is a part of NENA’s Excellence in Dispatch (EID) Certificate.  9-1-1 professionals that complete this and at least two other EID courses within two years will receive the certificate.  Click here to learn more.

A few things to consider when registering for an ILO course:
• Each attendee must have their own laptop/computer. Multiple students cannot share computer.
• Use the Zoom link that is sent to the registered email.
• You should have a strong internet connection.
• Have a quiet room, so you can devote your full attention to the course, with no distractions.
• There are a limited number of seats available, so please notify as soon as possible if you can no longer attend.
This course has a cost of:
• 155$ for NENA-Members.
• 215$ for Non-Members of NENA.

Online registration is available until October 31st.
This event will start at 10 am (EST).
To register for this event, click here.

October 31 2022 to November 03 2022

This year the APCO Canada Public Safety Conference & Tradeshow will take place at Whistler, British Columbia. Some of the conferences offered will be:
Advanced Police Dispatching | Sponsored by BH Group Inc:
This course will help experienced law enforcement dispatchers take their abilities, knowledge, and performance to the next level. Also, they will learn to anticipate field unit requests, and prepare to successfully handle large- and small-scale events while maintaining public welfare and field responder safety.
Advanced Fire & EMS Dispatching | Sponsored by BH Group Inc:
Through this course, Dispatchers will not only be able to learn vital information about fire and ems dispatching concepts, they will also learn valuable tools and tricks to make essential decisions more quickly and to improve their awareness and judgment when operating as fire and ems dispatchers.   

To learn more about the program click here.
To register for this event click here.

October 27 2022 to October 28 2022

In emergency situations due to natural phenomena, accidents, medical emergencies, or the commission of an offense threatening people’s physical integrity, life and property, an immediate, efficient, and adequate response is expected from the State, through their Emergency and Security Systems.
The Emergency Number is a direct channel of assistance to the population that may be assisted by one or more first responders. Through this type of emergency line, a large volume of calls is answered, each one with its own characteristics and importance. One of the main problems in the management of Emergency and Security Systems is the high number of inappropriate calls received.
The misuse of the Emergency Number obstructs the effective and efficient provision of emergency services. Additionally, the unnecessary deployment of resources generates considerable economic costs for the Emergency Systems, including utilities, transportation, telecommunication, expenses, operational personnel expenses, and depreciation, among others. Moreover, it contributes to the mental and emotional strain of those who work in the emergency and security response services. 
Given the scale of the problem and its impact, the 2022 STG-ESS Second Virtual Discussion
will focus on understanding, reducing, and preventing the misuse of the emergency number.
This event will take place:
Thursday October 27, 2022, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm (Washington, DC, U.S.A.)
Friday October 28, 2022, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm (Washington, DC, U.S.A.)
To learn more about this event click here.

October 26 2022

Having a mentor helps you set and achieve goals, overcome challenges, and grow in the profession. However, many 9-1-1 professionals don’t know where to start when it comes to building these critical relationships. Join this webinar where you’ll hear from your peers about their mentoring journeys and learn about:

- The benefits of having a mentor;
- Defining what you want out of your mentoring partnership; and
- Finding a mentor who is a good fit for you and your goals.

Presenter: Holly Williams, ENP – Orange County (VA) Emergency Communications.

CEUs: Attend this webinar and receive one-half ENP re-certification point towards the twelve-point maximum for NENA courses in the Professional Development CEU/Course Credits section.

Webinar Access Info: Dial-in and web-access details provided automatically via email upon registration.
Can't attend on the 26th? Register now and you will receive an email after the live presentation with instructions for accessing the on-demand webinar archive.

This event is free for all NENA Members.
The event starts at 3 pm EST.
To register for this event click here.

October 26 2022

Are you curious about the role video can play in the emergency process? Do you want to learn how other centers are using it before adding it to your PSAP?
Join this FREE Lunch and Learn to discover first-hand how other agency leaders are incorporating video into their 9-1-1 processes.
Tenea Reddick - Director of 9-1-1 for the City of Baltimore.
Mark Boudreaux - Director of the Terrebonne Parish (LA) Communications District.
Kimberly Culp - CEO of the Larimer (CO) Emergency Telephone Authority.
The session will feature:
- A brief demo of Prepared Live.
- Interviews, discussion, and audience Q&A with three Agency Leaders currently using Prepared Live.
- Deep dives with each director into one of three use cases: Accidents, Fires, and "Acts of God".
The first 50 registrants will receive a free drink for their lunch. If you can't make it, the webinar will be available to watch on replay.
This event will start at 1:00 pm ET.
To register for this event click here.

October 20 2022

This event is part of the series "Tech for 911".

This webinar will discuss how MedicAlert and RapidSOS deliver critical medical information to 911 call centers and help save lives during an emergency.

Today, nearly one-third of US adults use wearable health care devices — generating a staggering volume of medical data and information. Through this plethora of medical data, innovative companies like MedicAlert are connecting unique digital health profiles and other medical data directly to 911 through the RapidSOS intelligent safety platform. By connecting this data directly to 911 call centers, MedicAlert provides first responders with powerful context when responding to medical emergencies.
Dave Sehner: Head of Public Safety Partnerships, RapidSOS.
Karen Cassel, CEO & President, MedicAlert.
The event will start at 2:00 pm (ET).
To register for this webinar click here.

October 20 2022

Intrusion attacks have been increasing dramatically, and there’s no end. Cyberattackers are motivated, persistent, creative, and highly talented — so attack vectors constantly evolve, seemingly at warp speed. Consequently, public-sector organizations must be continuously vigilant in protecting their networks, systems, and devices, as well as the people who use them. And a new federal funding program targeted at state and local government organizations was announced in September. It will go a long way in helping to make public sector organizations more cyber-resilient.
Attendees will learn the following:
The current threat environment and how it’s expected to evolve over the next 24 months.
Tools offered by CISA and solutions from Mission Critical Partners for combating cyberattacks.
New funding opportunities and how public-sector organizations should formulate their strategy to secure funding.
The essential elements of a cybersecurity strategic plan.

Tune in to this MCP panel discussion featuring cyber experts from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA), Mission Critical Partners, and the FCC’s former Chief of Public Safety and Homeland Security on October 20 at 11 a.m. (ET) to learn how your organization can develop a cybersecurity strategy that aligns with your operational environment, as well as your financial and information technology resources. Also, information regarding the new federal funding program offered by CISA and FEMA will be discussed.
- Billy Bob Brown, Jr.
Executive Assistant Director, CISA Emergency Communications Division.
- Darrin Reilly.
President and CEO, Mission Critical Partners.
- Retired Admiral David Simpson.
Former Chief, Public Safety and Homeland Security, FCC.

To register for this event click here.

October 05 2022

Delivering NG9-1-1 calls with location is finally here! Along with that delivery, protecting the PSAP from cyberattacks better be here, too! These are two critical values to extract as we implement NG9-1-1.
You will hear from Jim Wolfinbrarger (Ret.), Director at Motorola Solutions and former Chief of the Colorado State Patrol, and Master Teachers - Richard Kelly (Geospatial Solutions), Ira Pyles (NGCS), and Dan Zeiler (NGCS Network Services). Mr. Kelly and Ms. Pyles will illustrate how 9-1-1 calls can be delivered with the caller’s location, while Mr. Zeiler will address cybersecurity risks with 9-1-1 call routing and best practices to reduce risks.
This webinar is sponsored by Motorola Solutions.
The event will start at 1:00 pm (EST)
To register for this event, click here

October 05 2022 to October 07 2022

Congreso Internacional de Centros de Atención de Emergencias organizado por NENA México.
El Congreso tendrá lugar entre el 5 y 7 de octubre de 2022, en la RIviera Maya, México. 
Para más información, contactarse con:
Fernanda Hidalgo > f[email protected]
Andrea Ramírez > [email protected]

September 27 2022

Next Generation 911 (NG911) systems rely on geospatial routing generated by geographic information systems (GIS) to connect emergency callers and 911 centers. But GIS data first needs to be readied so that it aligns with industry standards and can be used in the NG911 environment. This webinar — which will be led by Robert Horne, MCP’s Technical Domain Lead and a certified emergency number professional (ENP) — will explore strategies for doing so while dispelling common misconceptions that lead many emergency communications center officials to believe that their GIS data is closer to NG911 readiness than it is.
Robert Horne, Senior Technology Specialist
As a Senior Technology Specialist, ENP and GIS SME, Robert brings more than 30 years of program management experience in GIS, focusing on 911 operations, public safety, law enforcement, and intelligence. He led and managed multi-million-dollar implementations of GIS technology at the federal, state and local levels and is familiar with the process of integrating these systems and data into 922 centers, emergency operations centers, fire and police command centers, and fusion centers. Mr. Horne has supported multiple states with GIS components of the nationwide public-safety broadband and NG-911 planning efforts. 
This event will start at 2 pm (EDT).
To register, click here.

September 22 2022

Public speaking can be anything from speaking at a conference, presenting a class, or introducing a topic to your team in the center. Join us as we share some tips, pointers, and motivation to help you in your next public-speaking engagement. This webinar will help you be more confident and shine during public-speaking opportunities.
Sherri Griffith Powell, ENP - Mission Critical Partners
Lee Ann Magoski, ENP - Monterey County (CA) Emergency Communications Department
This event will start at 3:00 pm (EST).
To register click here

September 20 2022

When an emergency call comes in, lives are on the line. Telecommunicators have to get it right every time. But with turnover at an all-time high, and tenure at an all-time low, keeping telecommunicators engaged, well-coached, trained, confident and happy, so they can perform their best, is more challenging than ever. How to improve retention and catch struggling telecommunicators before they slide down a slippery slope? Hear about the many innovative things one 911 center is doing to address these challenges.

  • Kari Morrissey, Assistant Director for the Anoka County Emergency Communications Center, Minnesota
  • Joe Scaffidi, Regional Vice President of PSAP Performance Solutions for NICE Public Safety & Justice
  • Patrick Botz, Director of Engagement for NICE Public Safety & Justice

This event is sponsored by NICE and has a regsitration fee.
To register, clic here.

September 19 2022

Linking real-time data from smart devices, sensors, or alarms, and delivering this data securely to emergency call takers and dispatchers, will help emergency services get the data they need to not only provide timely and appropriate responses but ultimately save lives. This briefing session will explore what has been termed the Internet of Lifesaving Things from several different angles, including:

  • How to simplify data delivery into the emergency control centre from a multitude of sources providing a common interface and data set presentation.
  • The benefits that real-time data has for emergency control resources in their decision taking – and for responders as they arrive on scene.
  • The added value a common interface brings to next generation CAD solutions.
  • How mobility service providers can provide an application to safeguard both customer and employee safety – an emergency button alert that provides real-time data to the emergency services.

British APCO is hosting this briefing to share thinking and encourage debate. 
This briefing will be of interest across all elements of the public safety community; from emergency control resources to those determining strategy and user requirements to business leaders.
This briefing session starts at 10:30 am (EDT) and ends at 3:30 pm (EDT).
To register, click here.

August 31 2022

A Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) program consists of law enforcement officers who receive intensive, specialized training on dealing with individuals with mental illnesses or other behavioral disabilities. Because telecommunicators are usually the first point of contact before help arrives on scene, mental-health-disorder awareness is crucial, as is the ability to work effective with CITs.
Attend this webinar to learn:

  • The basics of how Crisis Intervention Teams work;
  • The telecommunicator’s role in the de-escalation process; and
  • New laws that are changing how calls regarding mental-health crises are handled and dispatched.

This Webinar is brought to you by GeoComm.


  • Ariana Kitty, ENP – Northwest Central 9-1-1 System (IL)

For members only.
To register, click here.

August 30 2022

Life-critical geospatial information cannot end at the front door. Planning, mitigating and responding to incidents are all reliant on accurate location information to make quick data-driven decisions.
This webinar focuses on how indoor solutions play a role in situational awareness for emergency response.

Learning Objectives:
- Current state of emergency response within campuses and facilities
- Key benefits of highly accurate indoor data
- The value of a common operating picture in emergency situations
- How to get started

  • Robert Murphy, ENP, RPL, Associate Vice President of Business Development, DATAMARK
  • Alex Mikulski, GIS Product Analyst, DATAMARK

To register, click here.

August 18 2022

In this webinar Mission Critical Partners (MCP) subject-matter experts Chris Kelly and Bonnie Maney discuss the current drivers causing the acute staffing shortage that is afflicting public-sector organizations in the United States. They also explore potential solutions alternating the recruiting-and-hiring process, such as staffing augmentation and workforce optimization.

  • Chris Kelly, MCP Vice President, Director of Operations & Facilities
  • Bonnie Maney, Enterprise Client & Operations Manager, MCP

To register, click here.

August 07 2022 to August 10 2022
United States
July 28 2022

How leading technology companies are connecting first responders to individuals in crisis. 
For many vulnerable people, stepping outside can cause fear and uncertainty. Since the start of the pandemic, more and more people are finally talking about mental health, including the real impact of stress and anxiety.
Can technology provide users with more peace of mind?
In this webinar, industry leaders, like Vitals, are providing a lifeline to 911 when their customers are away from home. In a time of need, Vital’s profile information can provide an individual’s medical and mental health data to first responders for a safer, calmer, and more compassionate interaction.

  • Jamison Peevyhouse, VP of Public Safety, RapidSOS
  • Janeé Harteau, President and CEO, Vitals Aware Services, Inc
  • Sgt Andy Leslie, MHRT Sergeant, Ft Collins Police Services

This event starts at 2:00 om (EST)
Registration link: 

July 27 2022

Research comparing the impact of traumatic exposure with the impact of a toxic organizational culture reveals that the workplace can be more dangerous to our wellbeing than critical incidents. The upside of that research is knowing that there are specific things we can do to create a work environment that supports self-care and builds a safe environment that empowers people to openly address and overcome adversity as it occurs.
This webinar focuses on: 

  • The invaluable resource known as wellness capital;
  • How to establish a common language around self-care accountability; and
  • Ways to strategically embed wellness ambassadors and leaders who encourage daily activities that build wellness capital.

Presenter: Renee Thornton – Pathfinder Resilience
This event starts at 3:00 pm EST.
You need to be a NENA member to register,

July 12 2022


  • Continued discussion around 2G/3G shutdown / VoLTE interoperability (GM)  IP2022-07-01
  • 2G/3G decommissioning in Europe effecting European travelers when they come to the US - should CCIPS produce a letter of concern to each of our government’s agencies that regulate wireless/telecom (MM)
  • NENA session takeaways (MM)

Click here to access the CC-IPS Community of Practice.

June 28 2022

This webinar focuses on the myriad tasks agencies must execute to effectively manage and maintain a radio system and how this approach can ease the burden.

  • Scott Neal, Vice President, Director of Wireless Services
  • Nick Falgiatore, Senior Technology Specialist

The webinar starts at 2 pm EDT.

June 22 2022

APCO recognizes that emergency communications centers are struggling with staffing and retention and is offering this webinar to address some of these issues. In this webinar, APCO staff and ECC personnel will describe tools for measuring performance and staffing needs. Analyzing your ECC’s performance and staffing needs is helpful for requesting funding for additional positions, justifying hiring and retention bonuses, and reporting positive performance to leadership and the public.
This webinar will take place at 1 pm EDT.
Registration link:

June 11 2022 to June 16 2022

NENA 2022 will address public-safety issues of today and tomorrow. It will feature inspiring keynote speakers, more than ninety hours of breakout sessions that inform and empower, career-building courses and workshops with real-world applications, nightly networking events that help you make the right connections, and an Expo Hall showcasing cutting-edge products and services.

May 31 2022

GIS has rapidly become critical to the successful deployment of NG9-1-1. Agencies have had to navigate two highly technical professions - 911 and GIS - to prepare for NG9-1-1. Emerging leaders in 9-1-1 and GIS have had considerable success in these efforts through a collaborative and cooperative leadership style. This facilitated panel session will share insights into some of the factors that helped cultivate this success. We will cover topics like technical innovation, leadership, team building, cultivating early career professionals and engaging stakeholders.
Webinar starts at 2 pm EDT (11 am PDT).

May 25 2022

There are vast misunderstandings across the 9-1-1 industry regarding the true nature and power of training, as well as the role of the trainer.
In this Webinar, participants will gain a fresh perspective on training and learn:
• The role of training as part of a system;
• One of the most important and overlooked functions of a trainer; and
• How to improve your training program – regardless of who the trainee is.

  • Joe Serio – The 360 Dispatcher

Webinar starts at 3:00 pm (EDT)
FREE for NENA Members
More information:

May 17 2022 to May 18 2022

Mission Critical Partners is organizing the 2022 Conference for Advancing the Public Sector (CAPS). 
This is a two-day, live event (May 17 - May 18). 
The 4 keynote speakers are:
• Dr. Katherine Kuhlman, PsyD, ABPP, principal with Kuhlman Psychology and Consulting. Dr. Kuhlman will discuss strategies that public safety and justice leaders can use to help field personnel — law enforcement, fire/rescue, emergency medical, corrections — and 911 center telecommunicators cope with uniquely stressful environments.

• Darrin Reilly, MCP president and chief executive officer. Reilly will examine the current state of communications across the public sector — i.e., public safety, justice/corrections, and government — and bring participants up to date on several initiatives designed to enhance interoperability, data integration, cybersecurity, and Next Generation 911 readiness.

• Nola Joyce, independent consultant to the public safety industry for more than 25 years and a member of the MCP board of directors. Joyce will explore the challenges facing law enforcement agencies today, and how law enforcement response might be reimagined.

• Richard Osborne, senior cybersecurity architect, and Matthew Yates, director of operations, for Secure Halo, a Mission Critical Partners company. Osborne and Yates will explore strategies being used by federal agencies that state and local public sector organizations can leverage to reduce their vulnerability to cyberattacks.
Plus more than 20 Education and Panel Sessions.

May 12 2022

From their first day on the job, telecommunicators must be prepared to provide exceptional service to callers in crisis, many of whom are facing matters of life or death. To ensure the best-possible emergency response to the public, many states and agencies have adopted minimum-training standards for 9-1-1 professionals. Attend this special webinar to learn:
• Why training standards are important, whether required by your state or not;
• What resources are available to help your agency meet your state’s standards, or to develop your own; and
• How you can ensure that your telecommunicators are receiving the training they need to succeed in 9-1-1.
Presenters: Vicki Pickett, ENP – NENA | Kate Elkins – National 911 Program | Dan Koenig, ENP – Palm Beach County (FL) Public Safety Department
To register:

May 02 2022 to May 03 2022

The International Public Safety Association is organizing its second Mass Casualty Incidents Symposium this May 2 - 3, 2022 in Mesa, Arizona. 
For early registration:

April 27 2022

Bloque de Bienvenida e Introducción [11:00 - 11:10 am]

  • Guillermo Moncayo, Director Interino, DSP/OEA 
  • Ing. Juan Zapata, Presidente Grupo Técnico Subsidiario SES 

Bloque 1: Presentación del Documento de Experiencias N˚ 2 [11:10 - 11:37 am]

  • Karen Bozicovich, Jefa de la Sección de Información y Conocimiento, DSP/OEA [5 minutos]
  • Ronda de  Comentarios de los sistemas de emergencia y seguridad o agencias afines que colaboraron en la elaboración del Documento de Experiencias  [20 minutos]
  • Presentación del Video del Sistema de Emergencias 911 de Costa Rica Video   [2 minutos]

Bloque 2: Presentación del Protocolo y de la Metodología para su elaboración [11:37 am - 12:32]
Moderación: Karen Bozicovich, Jefa de la Sección de Información y Conocimiento, DSP/OEA [3 minutos]

  • Celia Maritza Gómez Sánchez, SIS ECU 911 [10 minutos]
  • Angélica María Buñay Diaz, SIS ECU 911 [10 minutos]
  • Luis Fernando Viera Eguiguren, FENASEC [10 minutos]

Preguntas y respuestas [20 minutos]
Presentación del video del Protocolo Interinstitucional para la Recepción de Alertas de Emergencias Relacionadas a Personas con Discapacidad del Servicio Integrado de Seguridad ECU 911 [2 minutos]
Bloque 3: Adecuación del Aplicativo [12:32 - 12:57 pm]

  • Mónica Alexandra Nicolalde Muñoz, SIS ECU 911 [10 minutos]

Preguntas y respuestas [15 minutos]
Bloque de Cierre [12:57 - 1:00 pm]

  • Karen Bozicovich, Jefa de la Sección de Información y Conocimiento, DSP/OEA [3 minutos]

Intepretación inglés/español, e interpretación en lenguaje de señas.
Para más información:

April 27 2022

Opening Remarks and Introduction

  • Guillermo Moncayo, Interim Director, DPS/OAS [3 minutes]
  • Ing. Juan Zapata, President, ESS Subsidiary Technical Group [5 minutes]

Panel 1: Document of Experiences N˚ 2

  • Presentation of the Document by Karen Bozicovich, Chief, Information and Knowledge Section, DPS/OAS [5 minutes]
  • Round of  Comments by Emergency and Security Services or similar agencies that collaborated in the drafting of the Document of Experiences will have the opportunity to make brief remarks on the gains/progress achieved [20 minutes]
  • Costa Rica 911 Emergency System Video Presentation [2 minutes]

Panel 2: Presentation of the Protocol and Drafting Methodology
Moderator: Karen Bozicovich, Chief, Information and Knowledge Section, DPS/OAS [3 minutes]

  • Celia Maritza Gomez Sanchez, ISS ECU 911 [10 minutes]
  • Angelica Maria Buñay Diaz, ISS ECU 911 [10 minutes]
  • Luis Fernando Viera Eguiguren, FENASEC [10 minutes]

Questions and answers [20 minutes]
Video of the Interinstitutional Protocol for the Handling of Emergency Alerts Involving Persons with Disabilities, by the Integrated Security Service (ISS) ECU 911 [2 minutes]
Panel 3: Adaptation of the mobile app
Moderator: Karen Bozicovich, Chief, Information and Knowledge Section, DPS/OAS [2 minutes]

  • Monica Alexandra Nicolalde Muñoz, ISS ECU 911 [10 minutes]

Questions and Answers [15 minutes]
Karen Bozicovich, Chief, Information and Knowledge Section, DPS/OAS [3 minutes]

April 27 2022 to April 29 2022

In April 2022, EENA organizers are expecting about 1000 participants from more than 50 countries, all with a desire to learn, share ideas and improve the safety of people.
Across three diverse tracks, participant will learn from leading experts in the emergency field covering everything from Next Generation eCall and caller location, to public warning systems and upcoming legislation.
The Confertence will also showcase the most innovative products on the emergency services market, while the Exhibition of more than 35 exhibitors will allow to meet and discuss with solutions providers.

The EENA Conference is a space for the public safety community to share knowledge, from emergency services professionals and researchers, to solution-providers, mobile network operators and EU institution representatives.
Link to draft program, click here.
For more information, visit: 

April 20 2022

Wireless carriers are beginning to deliver X, Y and Z coordinate values with wireless 9-1-1 calls. Great value lies in transforming information into geospatial data. Leveraging this data to create actionable outputs - plans, graphics, webmaps and apps - presents an opportunity for useful 3D GIS data that, among other things, contextualizes this coordinate value information with the best response route, both outdoors and indoors.
This value begins with the process of acquiring highly accurate location data inside facilities. The best way to accomplish this is with site visits verifying floorplans and enhancing inside location information to give continuity to emergency response. The result of this process is both indoor mapping and improved, verified sub-addressing. DATAMARK and CRG will discuss their process for acquiring indoor mapping data and some concepts of 3D GIS that are relevant to the discussion.
Presenter Information
Jeff Ledbetter, Public Safety GIS Expert
Mr. Ledbetter is a Public Safety GIS Expert with DATAMARK, the public safety GIS team of Michael Baker International. He is a GIS, public safety, addressing and GIS technology subject matter expert with nearly two decades in GIS.  Since 2009 Mr. Ledbetter has been supporting GIS technology in PSAPs and Emergency Operations Centers. Mr. Ledbetter is a Public Safety GIS Expert and holds GIS Professional (GISP), Emergency Number Professional (ENP) and Project Management Professional (PMP) certifications.
Sandy Dyre, Client Success Manager
Ms. Dyre is as a Client Success Manager for DATAMARK, the public safety team of Michael Baker Michael Baker Intl.  Sandy’s experience comes from a public safety background covering the past 30 years including various roles as a public safety dispatcher, MSAG Coordinator, county 9-1-1 system administrator, and as a 9-1-1 Project Manager with the State of Arizona 9-1-1 Program Office.  Sandy serves on various GIS and public safety committees and working groups, is an Emergency Number Professional (ENP) and a Certified Public Manager (CPM).
Mike Rodgers, CEO
Mr. Rodgers is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and a Special Operations Captain with multiple deployments as a member of the 75th Ranger Regiment. He served 6 Semesters as the Assistant Professor of Military Science and Leadership at Princeton University. After separating from the Army, he focused on transitioning Military Technology to support First Responders domestically in the private sector. Later, he co-founded and is CEO of CRG Inc. where he leads a team of professionals that work to improve the national state of emergency preparation and response.

April 19 2022

This month’s MCP’s “Ask us Anything, Live” webinar will feature MCP subject-matter experts answering your questions about computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems, records management systems (RMS), cybersecurity, and Next Generation 911.
MCR Experts:
Jack Dougherty, Automated Systems Manager
Jack brings years of diverse public safety experience, including extensive knowledge in communications technology focusing on land mobile radio (LMR) systems. In addition, he has project and program management experience, leadership experience, technical skills, and progressively increasing supervisory and command responsibility. Given Jack’s experience in state government with the Pennsylvania State Police, as well as public safety firms and technology vendors, he is intimately familiar with public safety technology and federal, state, county, and municipal government operations.
Bob Scott, PMP, Senior Technology Specialist, Automated Systems Domain Leader and Law Enforcement SME
Bob is a project manager and public safety consultant at Mission Critical Partners. He brings more than 36 years of emergency communications experience, serving the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) for 26 years. In that capacity, he had the opportunity to serve as a project manager for many large public safety technology projects and was privileged to leverage that experience into a successful career as a public safety consultant/project manager. Now nine years in the private sector, Bob has led — and has been a senior technical resource for — many public safety CAD/mobile data and records management system projects, including lead technical resource for the cities of Chicago, Philadelphia, and Atlanta for their CAD/RMS replacement projects. Bob also has served as project manager for public safety radio projects and PSAP operational and technical assessments.
Rick Harrison, ENP, Technology Specialist, Fire/EMS SME
Rick is a subject-matter expert (SME) in fire/rescue and emergency medical services (EMS). He brings more than 37 years of telecommunications experience in the public safety sector. His accomplishments include managing projects such as a CAD system development that resulted in the development of a national CAD product, initiating a text-to-911 program, and implementation of a Project 25 (P25) radio project. Rick has served as public safety answering point (PSAP) operations manager, primary supervisor, assistant supervisor, and dispatcher for police, fire and EMS. Additionally, Rick has served in the fire service for 31 years, including five years as the chief of a busy suburban department. Rick has SME-level knowledge of mission-critical communications staffing, procedures, systems, and public safety response. His project role is to provide assistance during the assessment phase to help identify PSAP operational requirements, and to attend stakeholder meetings and observation sessions.
Jason Franks, Cybersecurity Analyst
Jason is an energetic, results-driven, customer-focused professional with an innovative hands-on management style. He has exceptional accomplishments in planning, technical administration, and execution across multiple domains. Jason has proven technical, analytical, and leadership abilities. He has strong customer skills with a keen sense for analyzing business and operational needs, and then designing creative solutions to merge them together.
James (Jamie) Sullivan, PMP, Senior Technology Specialist
Jamie has years of project management experience leading technical teams that develop, integrate, and deploy complex computing solutions. He thoroughly understands the technologies serving today’s businesses, public safety agencies, and consumers (network, mobile, messaging, etc.). In addition, Jamie has managed infrastructure buildout projects supporting PSAP cutover plans to ensure functionality, redundancy, and security. He is a strategic thinker and practical decision-maker.
Robert Horne, ENP, Senior Technology Specialist, GIS SME
As a communications consultant and geographic information system (GIS) subject-matter expert (SME), Robert brings more than 28 years of program management experience in GIS, focusing on public safety, law enforcement, and intelligence. He led and managed multimillion-dollar implementations of GIS technology at the federal, state and local levels, and is familiar with the process of integrating these systems and data into emergency operations centers, fire and police command centers, and fusion centers. Robert has supported multiple states concerning GIS components of the nationwide public-safety broadband and NG911 planning efforts.
Eric Caddy, ENP, PMP, Vice President and Director of Network/911 Services, Senior Project Manager
Eric is a project management professional (PMP) with extensive experience managing statewide and regional NG911 projects, including strategic planning, budget planning, stakeholder engagement, consensus building, and implementation oversight. Eric brings more than 20 years of emergency communications experience to MCP, leading technical and operational public safety projects for the military, as well as state and local governments. Eric has the ability to enable communications between diverse stakeholders with competing priorities to achieve project success for clients. He has served numerous state and county agencies, including the states of Nebraska, California, and Arizona, the city and county of San Francisco, the El Paso–Teller County 911 Authority, and the San Diego Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI).

April 19 2022

The Kansas APCO Chapter has partnered with Ricardo and Within the Trenches Media to bring a day of training on April 19th.
10:00 am EST
Dru Clarke - 988 - A New Number for Crisis
11:00 am EST
Dru Clarke - The Art of Communication - Giving & Receiving Feedback
12:00 pm EST
Ruth Lagerquist - Yes, You Can Smell the Number 9!
1:00 pm EST
Andrea King - Be the Champion of Change!
3:00 pm EST
Samantha Hawkins - Rediscovering the Humanity Beneath the Headset
4:00 pm EST
Sabrina Henry - Extroverts, Introverts, and Workplace Culture
6:00 pm EST
Sabrina Henry - Personal Leadership Development Book - A Tool for Developing

March 22 2022 to March 24 2022

The 3rd annual DATAMARK virtual experience, DATAMARK Orbit, brings public safety GIS technology, thought leadership, and innovation to the forefront once again.
This 3-day experience will embark participants on a virtual voyage with industry thought-leaders from across the US to discover innovations in the space, hearing about the journeys from communities, and discovering new life by networking with localities they would not have had the opportunity to otherwise.

February 23 2022

9-1-1 professionals have a front-row seat to the social tensions that can be present in public-safety interactions. They witness, first-hand, the issues that can arise during multi-ethnic requests for emergency assistance and must make split-second decisions based on what may or may not be reliable information or accurate assumptions. The ripple effect of these situations can be far reaching, potentially affecting internal team dynamics, agency morale, and even the wellbeing of an entire community. How can 9-1-1 agencies adequately equip themselves to address these 9-1-1 calls?
The stereotype threat model provides a holistic approach for diagnosing, discussing, and responding to the complex identity biases that can significantly shape the delivery of emergency services.
Participants who attend this webinar will:
• Learn how to recognize the hidden patterns of implicit bias;
• Understand how the elements of negative biases can cascade into the delivery of emergency services; and
• Gain resources for diagnosing and managing the delivery of public-safety services in diverse communities.

  • R. Tyrone Kelsey - 911Training Institute

Webinar starts at 3:00 pm (EST).
To register: 

February 15 2022 to February 18 2022

9-1-1 Goes to Washington (#NENAGTW) brings 9-1-1 professionals together with government leaders in Washinton, DC  to address today's most pressing 9-1-1 and emergency communications issues. #NENAGTW is the only event where participants will learn about the policy challenges facing 9-1-1 and then take immediate action to address them through dialogue with elected and appointed officials.
#NENAGTW offers participants a significant opportunity to shape the US emergency communications policy agenda. In order to address the needs of today’s 9-1-1 systems while laying the regulatory and legislative groundwork for next-generation systems, 9-1-1 professionals must understand today’s 9-1-1 policy landscape and take an active role in educating policymakers to shape the laws and rules of tomorrow. At #NENAGTW, participants will do both. Join us for a dynamic, interactive program where participants will receive:

  • The inside information to shape the 9-1-1 and emergency communications agendas for the Administration and Congress;
  • Critical knowledge of federal and state 9-1-1, homeland security, and emergency communications legislation, regulation, andpolicy initiatives; and
  • An opportunity to speak directly with members of Congress, administration officials, and key staff to make practiotioners' voices heard on behalf of the entire 9-1-1 community.


February 10 2022

In this webinar, participants will learn how to free up time and resources to focus on the human side of 911, by digitally transforming manual, time-wasting tasks. 

February 08 2022

1.1 Introduction of any new group members
1.2 Any apologies for absence
1.3 Agreement of Agenda    
1.4 Review of Action Log    
2.1 None submitted       

3.1 Welcome Karen Bozicovich to discuss the Organization of American States and work done in Latin America
3.2 A global recommendation on the use of location technology – update from EENA on status of CPT submission (Mladen)
3.3 A global recommendation on the use of location technology – discuss launch date. (All)
Date(s) of next meeting(s): 8th March 2022 Zoom Virtual

February 02 2022

Discussion topics include:

  • Understand if communitie have unmet needs pertaining to the availability of sufficient broadband internet
  • Build a strategy to engage with broadband vendors and sample funding structures
  • Manage vendor assessment and implementation
  • Grant programs available and how to position your project for funding

Scott Neal, ENP, Vice President, Director of Wireless Services
The webinar starts at 12 pm EST.
Resistration link:

February 01 2022

NICE_ir organizing the session: "Great Resignation or Great Retention? Strategies for Reducing 911 Turnover" at the Denise Amber Lee Foundation's virtual "BeThe Difference 2022 Conference".
In this session participants will learn about creative solutions for addressing 911 turnover.
Session starts at 8 am EST.

January 31 2022 to February 02 2022

Denise Amber Lee Foundation is organizing the second Be the Difference Virtual Conference, between January 31st and February 2nd, 2022.
The Conference is free.
Day 1 schedule
Day 2 schedule
Day 3 schedule
To register: 

January 25 2022

This webinar will discuss some common struggles and solutions for addressing authorities, GIS data providers and downstream data consumers.

Topics will include:

1. Streamline workflows from assignment to notification
2. QA/QC GIS data at the point of address assignment
3. Streamline the distribution of new and changed address notifications
4. Edit one data models to meet multiple business needs

  • Annie Cahill, GISP

Webinar starts at 2:00 pm (EST)
To register:

January 20 2022 to January 21 2022
Double Tree
San Diego
United States

There is a staffing crisis in 9-1-1. PSAPs across the U.S. are chronically understaffed, leading to a workforce that is continually stressed, overworked, and burned out. New hires and trainees are frequently gone before their probationary periods end. High performers with potentially bright futures move on for greener, higher-paying pastures too soon. A multi-generational staff, evolving job requirements, and the workplace challenges brought to light by the global pandemic present myriad concerns that must be examined and addressed.
In this interactive one day-and-a-half program, participants will gain the tools and resources they need to overcome the staffing challenges of today, prepare their centers for the future, and make sure their coworkers grow and thrive.
To register, click here

January 19 2022
OAS KM Group
January 17 2022 to January 20 2022
Double Tree
San Diego
United States

NENA Standards & Best Practices is an interactive, informative, attendee-driven event where participants will not only learn about the standards that are spurring the development and implementation of NG9-1-1 technology and operations best practices, but also create the guidelines, resources, and documents that enable NG services, systems, and PSAPs to reach their full potential.

With peers from across the 9-1-1 universe, participants will discuss and work to address the most pressing NG-related issues, including: GIS and NG-data needs; location services and accuracy; interoperability; telecommunicator SOPs; real-time text; transition planning; security and resiliency; multimedia messaging and accessibility; training; stress and wellness; the evolution of 9-1-1 center supervision and management. 
Click here to register. 

January 06 2022

The pandemic brought so many new challenges to PSAPs – not only across the US, but also around the globe. No matter the geographical location, emergency-communications personnel had to rise to the occasion and continue to answer the calls. The challenges faced provided substantial opportunities for learning and innovation; how was it possible to adapt to the new landscape while continuing to provide a high level of service and taking care of our people?

In this webinar, emergency-services leaders from across the world discuss these issues and more. They will address how policies and procedures were updated, ways new technologies enabled advancements like remote call-taking, and issues that need to be considered to future-proof for the “new normal.”


  • Jennifer White, ENP - NENA
  • Monica Million, ENP - Amazon Web Services
  • John Anthony - British APCO
  • Ron Willicroft - APCO Canada

To register:

December 16 2021

Motor vehicle crashes (MVCs) are a leading cause of death and injury in the United States. Vehicle telematics data, which include information such as vehicle description, sensor data, and occupant information, play a critical role in saving more lives and expediting emergency response. In this webinar, we will hear from Michael Hirsch from SiriusXM Connected Vehicle and Carla Even from Chula Vista Police Department on how vehicle telematics data is used by first responders to make life-saving decisions before they even arrive on scene. Panelists will also share cases depicting how agencies have leveraged this information to drive faster, more informed emergency response.
Click here to register:

December 15 2021

Este evento forma parte de las acciones que se realizan dentro de la Alianza OEA – ProFuturo y que buscan visibilizar las capacidades y esfuerzos de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil en el contexto de la pandemia.  
El evento tendrá lugar el día, 15 de diciembre a las 10:00 am, hora de Washington D.C. 
Link para registrarse al evento:
Los horarios de la presentación en sus países son los siguientes:  
16:00 España
12:00 Argentina, Brasil, Chile y Uruguay
11:00 Bolivia y Venezuela
10:00 Colombia, Ecuador, Panamá y Perú
09:00 Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, México y Nicaragua

Red de Educación Digital
December 14 2021

Development of NG9-1-1 systems necessitates change in the way data is created, communicated, and managed. In the past, broad-area data aggregation projects have taught us that standardization, open lines of communication and information sharing are key to success.
However, data supply chains have temporal constraints and therefore necessitate additional collaborative mechanisms to facilitate near real-time access to data across authoritative boundaries.

  • Brian Brady, GISP, Client Success Manager, DATAMARK
  • Jeff Ledbetter, ENP, Client Success Manager, DATAMARK

In their presentations thwy will explores NG9-1-1 collaborative data development and risk mitigation through transition.
To register, click here.

December 09 2021

Are you thinking about making a career change?
When government employees move to the private sector the transition can be a little overwhelming.
In this webinar, you will hear from 9-1-1 professionals who have made the leap explain how they navigated the switch. You will gain insights and learn what you need to know when considering making the jump from those who have walked this path before you.

  • Beth English, ENP – Commercial Electronics
  • Mary Boyd, ENP – Intrado
  • Toni Dunne, ENP – Motorola Solutions

To register, clic here.

December 08 2021

NENA free webinar sponsored by Motorola Solutions. 
What does having Next Generation Core Services (NGCS), i.e., routing calls over an ESInet, really mean for individual PSAPs, counties, and neighboring counties?
What pain points can it resolve?
How does it offer a better solution for identifying the location of wireless callers?
What is there to fear?

  • Bob Finney – Collier County (FL) Sheriff’s Office
  • Stacy Hardy – Manatee County (FL) Emergency Communications
  • Sally Lawrence – Sarasota County (FL) Public Safety Communications

To register, clic here.

December 01 2021

Segunda sesión sincrónica de la segunda cohorte del curso "Alianzas y Evaluación para la Educación Digital", un espacio diseñado por PENT Flacso en colaboración con el Portal Educativo de las Américas y Fundación ProFuturo.
Los horarios serán los siguientes:
16:00 Madrid
11:00  Argentina, Uruguay, Chile y Brasil
10:00 Venezuela
​09:00 Colombia, Panamá, Ecuador, Perú​
08:00 México, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala

Red de Educación Digital
November 18 2021

In this session, Mission Critical Partners subject-matter experts will explore the ways public safety leaders can reimagine the 911 call-triage process, to deliver a significantly better emergency response. The webinar will be held virtually on Thursday, November 18th, at 12 pm Eastern Time.
To register:

November 18 2021 to November 19 2021
Online | Virtual
Washington, D.C.
United States

Esta reunión de la CIE permitirá a los Estados Miembros compartir sus experiencias y considerar los avances realizados en la implementación del Plan de Trabajo de la CIE 2019-2022 de la Agenda Educativa Interamericana (AIE). También contribuirá al establecimiento de consensos en torno a acciones clave e iniciativas que definan la segunda fase de la Agenda Educativa Interamericana (2022-2027).
El propósito de la reunión según lo expresado en el documento de lineamientos para los procesos sectoriales es (i) analizar el progreso y la implementación de los mandatos ministeriales (implementación del Plan de Acción y Plan de Trabajo); (ii) analizar tendencias regionales en la materia y la pertinencia del trabajo de la OEA en las áreas de prioridad; (iii) acordar el/los tema(s) de la próxima reunión ministerial y dar lineamientos a la Secretaría para la redacción del proyecto preliminar de temario anotado; (iv) recibir anuncios formales para ser sede de la próxima reunión Ministerial y trasladarlos al CIDI para su aprobación y convocatoria formal. Si no se recibe ningún anuncio formal, la Comisión podrá solicitar al CIDI que convoque la reunión Ministerial en la sede de la OEA.
La reunión mantendrá la dinámica implementada durante el proceso del ciclo ministerial con las autoridades sectoriales y basará su discusión en los hallazgos, lecciones aprendidas, desafíos comunes y propuestas de acción que se han intercambiado desde la aprobación del Plan de Trabajo de la CIE en Julio 2020.
This meeting of the CIE will allow member states to share their experiences and consider the progress that has been made regarding the implementation of the CIE´s Work Plan 2019-2022 of the Inter-American Education Agenda (IEA). It will also contribute towards establishing consensus around key actions and initiatives that define the second phase of the Inter-American Educational Agenda (2022-2027).
The purpose of the meeting, as provided for in the General Guidelines for Ministerial-level Sectoral Processes, is: (i) to analyze the progress and implementation of the ministerial mandates (implementation of the Plan of Action and Work Plan); (ii) analyze regional trends in this sector and the relevance of the work of the OAS in the priority areas; (iii) agree on the topic(s) of the next ministerial meeting and provide the Secretariat with guidelines for preparing the preliminary draft annotated agenda; (iv) receive formal offers to host the next ministerial meeting and forward them to CIDI for official approval and convocation. If no formal offer is received, the Committee may request CIDI to convene the ministerial meeting at OAS headquarters. 
The meeting will further the momentum initiated during the process of the ministerial cycle with sector authorities and will base its discussion on findings, lessons learned, common challenges, and proposals for action that have been shared since the approval of the CIE Work Plan in July 2020.

November 17 2021

Este Tercer Conversatorio se enfoca en dar a conocer experiencias de uso e integración de los datos e información generados por los sistemas de emergencia y seguridad para alimentar, complementar y enriquecer al menos cuatro tipos de procesos: toma decisiones en el ámbito policial (ya sea en el plano estratégico, táctico u operativo), de política pública en seguridad (ya sea para la prevención o la reducción del delito), de inteligencia y de persecución penal.
El evento tendrá lugar el miércoles 17 de noviembre a las 3 pm (hora de Washington D.C.). Se llevará a cabo por Zoom (al cual podrá accederse sólo por invitación), y también se transmitirá en vivo por Youtube y Facebook (acceso abierto a todo el público).
Transmisión en vivo:

Podrá accederse a los materiales del Conversatorio por medio de la Comunidad Práctica Conversatorios SES 2021.
This Third Discussion focuses on showcasing experiences of use and integration of data and information generated by emergency and security systems to feed, complement and enrich at least four types of processes: decision-making in the police field (either in the strategic, tactical or operational level), public policy on security (either for the prevention or reduction of crime), intelligence and criminal prosecution.
The event will take place on Wednesday, November 17th at 3 pm (Washington D.C. time). It will be held on the Zoom platform (which can only be accessed with an invitation), and will also be broadcasted live on YouTube and Facebook (with open access to the public).
Live webcast:

The course materials will be available in the 2021 ESS Discussions Practical Community.

November 17 2021

Tercera sesión sincrónica de la segunda cohorte del curso "Alianzas y Evaluación para la Educación Digital", un espacio diseñado por PENT Flacso en colaboración con el Portal Educativo de las Américas y Fundación ProFuturo.
Los horarios serán los siguientes:
16:00 Madrid
11:00  Argentina, Uruguay, Chile y Brasil
10:00 Venezuela
09:00 Colombia, Panamá, Ecuador, Perú​
08:00 México, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala

Red de Educación Digital
November 15 2021 to November 17 2021

New Jersey's NENA 2021 Conference and Trade Show will be held at Harrah’s Resort and Casino in Atlantic City on November 15-17. The sessions will be divided into 3 different tracks, tageting Telecommunicators, Supervisors and Managers.
Link to the Agenda.
Link to Registration:

November 10 2021

Agencies are implementing new and innovative technologies and applications to improve operations. Yet, sharing data from application to application or agency to agency continues to be a struggle. Most agencies and their vendors lack the time and resources to prioritize interface development at the speed their operations require. And, every interface typically has unique needs and must be handled separately, which creates more complexity.
This session will focus on sharing innovative ways to solve today’s interface problems, including:
♦ The old and new ways of developing interfaces
♦ Ideas for removing complexity from interface development
♦ Application programming interfaces and why you should care about them
♦ MCP’s data-integration partnership program
To register:

November 03 2021

Segunda sesión sincrónica de la segunda cohorte del curso "Alianzas y Evaluación para la Educación Digital", un espacio diseñado por PENT Flacso en colaboración con el Portal Educativo de las Américas y Fundación ProFuturo.
Los horarios serán los siguientes:
16:00 Madrid
11:00  Argentina, Uruguay, Chile y Brasil
10:00 Venezuela
​09:00 Colombia, Panamá, Ecuador, Perú​
08:00 México, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala

Red de Educación Digital
November 02 2021 to November 04 2021

APCO International is organizing the 2021 Emerging Technology Forum focusing on the future of emergency communications.
Registration fee.
To register:

November 02 2021 to November 04 2021

El Foro de Tecnología Emergente (Emerging Technology Forum) se llevará a cabo de manera virtual entre los días 2 y 4 de noviembre. El evento es organizado por la organización de seguridad pública APCO International.
Para registrarse:

October 26 2021 to October 28 2021

APCO Canada is organizing its first ever VIRTUAL Conference.
They are preparing an incredibly action-packed, engaging, and informative three days.
To register:

October 21 2021

Primera sesión sincrónica de la segunda cohorte del curso "Alianzas y Evaluación para la Educación Digital", un espacio diseñado por PENT Flacso en colaboración con el Portal Educativo de las Américas y Fundación ProFuturo.
Los horarios serán los siguientes:
16:00 Madrid
11:00  Argentina, Uruguay, Chile y Brasil
10:00 Venezuela
​09:00 Colombia, Panamá, Ecuador, Perú, México​
08:00 Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala

Red de Educación Digital
October 19 2021 to October 22 2021
Hotel Grand Fiesta Americana
Puerto Vallarta

Del 19 al 22 de octubre, tendrá lugar el Congreso Internacional para centros de atención de emergencia, en Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México. Este 14vo Congreso está siendo organizado por la Asociación Latinoamericana de Números de Emergencia A.C.
Para registrarse:

October 06 2021 to October 07 2021
Radisson Blu Latvija Conference & Spa Hotel

The role that technology plays in our lives is indisputable and it has also brought numerous changes to the public safety panorama – enhancing emergency response and making emergency management systems more effective, interoperable, secure and intelligent.
The EENA Conference 2021will look at the latest technological innovations and explore how technology works hand in hand with emergency services to overcome daily challenges and enable faster aid to people in need.
The EENA Conference 2021 will take place in Riga, Latvia at the Radisson Blu Latvija Conference & Spa Hotel, on October 6-7.
Conference Programme

September 27 2021 to September 30 2021

IWCE has been North America's premier critical communications event. It is the one place where critical communications technology professionals gather to evaluate, learn and network with industry leaders. 
This is IWCE's 45th annual conference, with four-days of cutting-edge education for critical communications professionals.
IWCE 2021 will take place in Las Vegas Convention Center this September 27-30.

September 08 2021

This is the Second Discussion session of the Technical Subsidiary Group on Emergency and Security Systems, organized by ECU SIS-911, who is currently exercising the Group's presidency, with the technical and logistical support of the OAS' Department of Public Seucirty.
Event host/Moderator: Karen Bozicovich, Informatio and Knowledge Section Chief, OAS Department of Public Security
Welcome remarks: Guillermo Moncayo, Acting Director, OAS Department of Public Security
Introducción: Juan Zapata, Director, Ecuador’s 911 Integrated Security Service 

  • Experience 1: Design and implementation of emergency response protocols for people with disabilities, Marco Garnica Montenegro, Technical Subdirector of Doctrine, Ecuador’s 911 Integrated Security Service 
  • Experience 2: Development and use of communication technologies to facilitate the interaction with people with disabilities, Johnny Hidalgo González, Coordinator of Operational Logistics, Costa Rica’s 911 Emergency System
  • Experience 3: Hiring and incorporating people with disabilities, Inspector Officer Carlos Román Coordinator of Institutional Strengthening, Paraguay’s 911 Emergency System
  • Experience 4: Emergency response training for operators and dispatchers in situations where people with disabilities are involved, Moisés Salas, Area Sub-director, México’s National Information Center

Final Comments:

  • Mercedes Carrillo, Legal Officer, OAS Department of Social Inclusion 
  • Alex Camacho Vásconez, Regional Advisor on Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction, PAHO’s Health Emergencies Department


September 08 2021

Segundo Conversatorio del Grupo Técnico Subsidiario sobre Sistemas de Emergencia y Seguridad, organizado por el ECU SIS 911, en ejercicio de la presidencia del Grupo, y con el apoyo técnico y logístico del Departamento de Seguridad Pública de la OEA. 
Maestra de ceremonia/Moderación: Karen Bozicovich, Jefa de la Sección de Información y Conocimiento OEA
Bienvenida: Guillermo Moncayo, Director Interino del Departamento de Seguridad Pública de la OEA
Introducción: Ingeniero Juan Zapata, Director del Servicio Integrado de Seguridad de Ecuador

  • Experiencia 1: Diseño y aplicación de protocolos para la atención de emergencias de personas con discapacidad, Marco Garnica Montenegro, Subdirector Técnico de Doctrina, SIS ECU 911 
  • Experiencia 2: Desarrollo y uso de tecnologías de la comunicación apropiadas para la interacción con personas con discapacidad, Johnny Hidalgo González, Coordinador de Logística Operativa, Sistema de Emergencias 911 de Costa Rica
  • Experiencia 3: Contratación e incorporación de personas con discapacidad, Oficial Inspector Carlos Román, Coordinador de Fortalecimiento Institutcional, Sistema de Emergencias 911 de Paraguay
  • Experiencia 4: Capacitación y preparación de operadores/as y despachadores/as para la atención de emergencias en las que se ven involucradas personas con discapacidad, Moisés Salas, Subdirector de Área, CNI-México

Comentarios finales:

  • Mercedes Carrillo, Oficial Jurídico, Departamento de Inclusión Social de la OEA
  • Dr. Alex Camacho Vásconez, Asesor Regional en Preparación para Emergencias y Reducción de Riesgos de Desastres, Departamento de Emergencias, Organización Panamericana de la Salud


August 24 2021 to August 28 2021

NENA 911 México-Latinoamérica oganiza su 14 Congreso Internacional en Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco.
Próximamente más información.

August 15 2021 to August 21 2021

APCO International’s Annual Conference & Expo is an event for public safety communications officials, from frontline telecommunicators to comm center managers to public safety communications equipment and services vendors.
APCO 2021 will be held August 15-18, 2021, in San Antonio, TX. 
This event has a registration fee.
Link to Program.
Link to registration:

August 03 2021

For years, RapidSOS’s innovative emergency response data platform has been connecting 9-1-1 and first responders with the life-saving data they need, when they need it. Now through its RapidSOS Ready Emergency Community, RapidSOS is teaming up with leading Public Safety partners like NICE to solve other challenges.
Sponsored by RapidSOS helps emergency services respond faster, but after an incident happens, the focus invariably shifts to understanding what happened and how to do better next time. Without the ability to access data on incident reconstruction, many 9-1-1 centers find enhancing incident performance to be challenging.
In this webinar, NICE and RapidSOS will explain how to empower your 9-1-1 center to:

  • Capture, store and correlate RapidSOS data with other 9-1-1 data sources for comprehensive incident reconstruction
  • Better understand whether your telecommunicators are using RapidSOS data effectively to deliver life-saving services and intelligent response
  • Leverage 9-1-1 performance dashboards for data-driven decision-making and continuous refinement and improvement of emergency response


  • Karen Carlson, PSAP Product Manager, NICE, and former 911 Operations Manager at Brown County Public Safety Communications and Management Information Coordinator at FoxComm, Wisconsin
  • Karin Marquez, Senior Director of Public Safety, RapidSOS
  • Patrick Botz, Director of Engagement, NICE Public Safety

This event has a registration fee.
To register:

August 03 2021

For years, RapidSOS’s innovative emergency response data platform has been connecting 9-1-1 and first responders with the life-saving data they need, when they need it. Now through its RapidSOS Ready Emergency Community, RapidSOS is teaming up with leading Public Safety partners like NICE to solve other challenges.
Sponsored by RapidSOS helps emergency services respond faster, but after an incident happens, the focus invariably shifts to understanding what happened and how to do better next time. Without the ability to access data on incident reconstruction, many 9-1-1 centers find enhancing incident performance to be challenging.
In this webinar, participants will learn to:

  • Capture, store and correlate RapidSOS data with other 9-1-1 data sources for comprehensive incident reconstruction
  • Better understand whether your telecommunicators are using RapidSOS data effectively to deliver life-saving services and intelligent response
  • Leverage 9-1-1 performance dashboards for data-driven decision-making and continuous refinement and improvement of emergency response


  • Karen Carlson, PSAP Product Manager, NICE, and former 911 Operations Manager at Brown County Public Safety Communications and Management Information Coordinator at FoxComm, Wisconsin
  • Karin Marquez, Senior Director of Public Safety, RapidSOS
  • Patrick Botz, Director of Engagement, NICE Public Safety

All times are in Eastern Time.

This webinar has a registration fee.
Link to registration:

July 24 2021 to July 29 2021
Greater Columbus Convention Center
United States

At NENA 2021, you will not only hear about the public safety issues of today and tomorrow, but also gain practical, real-world know-how that you can take home with you and put into action immediately. Featuring inspiring keynote speakers, more than ninety hours of breakout sessions that inform and empower, career-building courses and workshops with real-world applications, nightly networking events that help you make the right connections, and an Expo Hall showcasing cutting-edge products and services, NENA 2021 is the must-attend event of the year. 
Schedule at a glance

July 01 2021

La pandemia provocada por la enfermedad de la COVID-19, ha llevado a las instituciones públicas y privadas a tomar acciones desde el punto de vista operativo, tecnológico, administrativo y sanitario, entre otras dimensiones. En el caso de los Servicios de Emergencia y Seguridad, adicionalmente, estos han tenido que adaptar procesos, procedimientos y herramientas con la finalidad de atender las emergencias ocasionadas por la COVID-19. 
A partir de las mejoras, adaptaciones e innovaciones adoptadas en este contexto, sería oportuno y pertinente realizar un ejercicio de documentación, sistematización e intercambio de experiencias relevantes y efectivas entre los sistemas de emergencia y seguridad o agencias similares de la región. Esto con el objetivo de generar un proceso de aprendizaje y difusión entre pares, y eventual incorporación de estrategias y acciones que hubieran resultado beneficiosas para el funcionamiento de los sistemas de emergencia y seguridad o agencias similares de la región, y la calidad de los servicios de atención brindados a la población.
Este evento es cerrado.
Inicia a las 15:00 (EST).

June 30 2021

From “dispatchable location” to z-axis information, the US Federal Communications Commission is pushing wireless network operators nationwide to adopt technologies that can help first responders locate callers more efficiently in an emergency.
In this webinar, RapidSOS and public safety technology experts from Google and GeoComm will take a deep dive into the different types of location data available to emergency services, discuss the ways to access this information, and share use cases where next-generation technologies can empower faster, more intelligent incident response.
Key takeaways:

  • How are 911 telecommunicators accessing accurate location and z-axis information today to find callers within multi-story buildings?
  • How can wireless carriers, public safety, z-axis solution providers, and device manufacturers work together to deliver intelligent location information to Emergency Communications Centers (ECCs)?
  • What upcoming technologies enable the delivery of z-axis information in a digestible format to ECCs?


  • Dave Sehnert, Director, NG911 Strategy & Partnerships, RapidSOS
  • Boone Spooner Product Manager, Pixel & Android Safety Products, Google
  • Fiona Lee Global Lead, ELS Business Operations, Google
  • John Brosowsky, Vice President of Innovation, GeoComm

To register:

June 16 2021 to June 18 2021

Estas Jornadas abarcan 8 áreas temáticas distribuidas en 12 mesas de conferencias y debates, 7 talleres, diversas demostraciones de empresas y un ejercicio dinámico multidisciplinar en escenarios múltiples.

  1. Geolocalizacíon, cartografía y nuevas tecnologías ante riesgos naturales y antrópicos
  2. 5G, Inteligencia artificial y robótica en emergencias
  3. Nuevas tecnologías como reto y apoyo en la psicología de emergencias
  4. Retos y avances en asistencia sanitaria ante la emergencia por COVID19
  5. Retos y avances en seguridad y ante situaciones de violencia de género.
  6. Avances tecnológicos y procedimientos en las Fuerzas Armadas para actuación ante emergencias
  7. Avances en Planificación, Protección Civil y Gestión de situaciones de emergencias
  8. Retos en Comunicación y en redes ante situaciones de crisis.


June 15 2021

This webinar is organized by DATAMARK.
This session will discuss the following topics:
• Top tips for the GIS Professional who is now part of the public safety community
• GIS data transition and the path to NG9-1-1 GIS data readiness
• Do I need to synchronize my GIS data to 9-1-1 databases? How would I approach it?
• Ensuring compliance with NG9-1-1 standard while not breaking your enterprise GIS

  • Jeff Ledbetter, GISP, ENP, Manager, Business Development, DATAMARK

To regiter:

June 15 2021 to June 16 2021

Mission Critical Partners is organizing this two-day Conference for Advancing Public Safety (CAPS) on June 15-16, 2021. This real-time, virtual conference will feature keynote speakers, educational presentations, and roundtable discussions, along with insights and ideas for moving the public safety and justice sectors forward.
Topic tracks include:

  • Emergency Communications Centers and 911 Operations
  • Law Enforcement, Fire/EMS, Emergency Management
  • Justice (Corrections/Courts)
  • General Sessions highlighting Leadership, Change Management, & Keynote Speakers

To preregister:

June 10 2021

Organized by Within the Trenches.
Speaker: Tony Harrison, President. The Public Safety Group
To register:

June 10 2021

Organized by Within the Trenches.
Speaker: Josh Fonseca, Instructor at Denise Amber Lee Foundation
To register:

June 09 2021

Organized by Within the Trenches.
Speaker: Joe McCarville, Instructor at Gold Line Training 
To register:

June 09 2021

Organized by Within the Trenches.
Speaker: Anne Camaro, Public Administrator, 911 Coordinator and Trainer
To register:

June 07 2021 to June 10 2021

Dare to be Great is a four-day virtual conference organized by Within the Trenches.
Each speaker brings a unique story to this conference.
To register:

June 01 2021

Emergency services operate very differently across continents. Even within the same country, there can be differences in the structure, technologies and procedures of each organisation. Facing a variety of challenges, emergency response requires continuous adaptation and improvements.
This webinar is organized by EENA as part of a new series of webinars that focuses on emergency communications reforms in European countries. Once a month, from February to June, emergency services from Europe wwill share their experience and plans. In June it will be the turn of Mr. Vítor Judícibus, official from the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Portugal.
The event starts at 9:00 am EDT.
To register:

May 07 2021 to May 08 2021

La Primera Reunión del GTS-SES tendrá lugar el 6 y 7 de mayo, de manera virtual, a través de la Plataforma KUDO.
Se abordarán los siguientes temas:

  1. Presentación de la Guía para el Establecimiento y Fortalecimiento de los Sistemas de Emegencia y Seguridad
  2. Experiencias de adaptación, aprendizaje e innovación frente al COVID-19
  3. Medidas y acciones para reducir el mal uso del número de emergencia
  4. Cómo atender y responder a emergencias en donde se ven inolucradas personas con discpacidad, problemas de salud mental y víctimas de violencia de género e intrafamiliar o doméstica

First Meeting of the Subsidiary Technical Group on Emergency and Security Services will take place virtually, on May 6 and 7, through the KUDO Platform.

The meeting will focus on the following topics:

  1. Presentation of the Guide for the Establishment of National Emergency and Security Systems
  2. Adaptation, learning and innovation experiences to face COVID-19
  3. Measures and steps taken to prevent and reduce false calls
  4. How to take and respond to emergencies where people with disabilities, mental problems and victims of gender and domesic violence are involved
May 06 2021

La Primera Reunión del GTS-SES tendrá lugar el 6 y 7 de mayo, de manera virtual, a través de la Plataforma KUDO.
Se abordarán los siguientes temas:

  1. Presentación de la Guía para el Establecimiento y Fortalecimiento de los Sistemas de Emegencia y Seguridad
  2. Experiencias de adaptación, aprendizaje e innovación frente al COVID-19
  3. Medidas y acciones para reducir el mal uso del número de emergencia
  4. Cómo atender y responder a emergencias en donde se ven inolucradas personas con discpacidad, problemas de salud mental y víctimas de violencia de género e intrafamiliar o doméstica

First Meeting of the Subsidiary Technical Group on Emergency and Security Services will take place virtually, on May 6 and 7, through the KUDO Platform.
The meeting will focus on the following topics:

  1. Presentation of the Guide for the Establishment of National Emergency and Security Systems
  2. Adaptation, learning and innovation experiences to face COVID-19
  3. Measures and steps taken to prevent and reduce false calls
  4. How to take and respond to emergencies where people with disabilities, mental problems and victims of gender and domesic violence are involved


May 05 2021 to May 06 2021

RapidSOS Insider webinar series is organizing Episode 4 on Creating Actionable Intelligence with Mapptin Technologies.
Executives from Critical Response Group and GeoComm will weigh in on the unique use cases of mapping technologies in 911 centers.
The event starts at 2 pm EDT.
To register:

April 29 2021

In this webinar, panelists will be discussing all elements of current NG 911 legislation.
Featured Speakers include:

  • Fire Commissioner Adam Thiel, Philadelphia FD
  • Sheriff Paul Fitzgerald, Story County, Iowa
  • Kevin McGinnis, National Association of State EMS Officials
  • Captain Mel Maier, Oakland County (MI) Sheriff’s Office

All times are in Eastern Time.
To regiser:

April 27 2021 to April 29 2021

As technologies continue to advance, more and more citizens expect to be able to reach the emergency services using modern ways of communication. This is where Next Generation 112 steps in. NG112 is about making it possible for emergency services to receive not just voice, but location information, real-time text, photos, video calls and other data.
The aim of the event is to foster the deployment of Next Generation 112, to both modernise how all citizens can reach help in case of an emergency and to interconnect emergency services.
The event is free of charge and open to all, including public authorities in countries, telecommunication regulators, emergency services PSAPs, fixed and mobile network operators, solution providers & stakeholders.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the online event. The same link is valid to connect all 3 days.
The event is being organized by EENA. It will take place between April 17 and April 29, from 2:30 to 4:30 pm CEST.
Link to the program:
To register:

April 27 2021 to April 28 2021

Segunda sesión sincrónica sobre evaluación en la educación digital, en el marco de mini trayecto formativo desarrollado por PENT Flacso, Fundación ProFuturo y el Portal Educativo de las Américas. 

Red de Educación Digital
April 22 2021 to April 23 2021

For 9-1-1 center managers, the past year has been more challenging than most. In addition to the every-day concerns of hiring, training, scheduling, retaining, monitoring quality and performance of employees, and budgeting for lean times, managers are now dealing with the after-effects of COVID and navigating new challenges around how to best manage and motivate multi-generational staffs.

  • Karen Carlson, PSAP Product Manager, NICE, and former 911 Operations Manager at Brown County Public Safety Communications and Management Information Coordinator at FoxComm, Wisconsin


  • Jeff Streeter, Executive Director, JeffCom, Colorado
  • Kimberly Green, Dispatch Administrator, Little Rock Arkansas
  • Jon Whitford, 911 Unit Manager, Michigan State Patrol

This webinar is organized by APCO International and sponsored by NICE.
All times are in Eastern Time.
This registration has a fee.
To regiser:

April 13 2021 to April 14 2021

Primera sesión sincrónica sobre evaluación en la educación digital, en el marco de mini trayecto formativo desarrollado por PENT Flacso, Fundación ProFuturo y el Portal Educativo de las Américas. 

Red de Educación Digital
April 13 2021

FREE one-day event to hear from 9-1-1 public-policy experts and government leaders on today's most pressing 9-1-1 and emergency communications issues.
Participants will:
• Learn how to shape the national 9-1-1 agenda and move key legislation on NG9-1-1 funding (via the LIFT America Act) and telecommunicator reclassification (via the 911 SAVES Act) forward;
• Hear directly from members of Congress, administration officials, the National 911 Office, and FCC staff about the nation's 9-1-1 policy landscape and Washington's emergency-communications priorities; and
• Gain the skills to become an advocate for 9-1-1 in Washington.
Link to the Agenda.
To register:

March 25 2021 to March 26 2021

La segunda sesión sincrónica del trayecto formativo realizado en colaboración por PENT Flacso, Fundación ProFuturo y el Portal Educativo de las Américas de la OEA buscará seguir preparando a las y los participantes para poder establecer mejores alianzas con miras a mejorar las condiciones en materia de educación digital en la región. 

Red de Educación Digital
March 16 2021 to March 17 2021

El pasado 16 de marzo se llevó a cabo la primera sesión sincrónica del microtrayecto formativo "Alianzas y Evaluación para la Educación Digital". Con participantes de 16 países de Latinoamérica, la sesión buscó brindar las bases teóricas sobre la importancia de las alianzas transformadoras para las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil de la Región.

Red de Educación Digital
March 02 2021

Con un enfoque en alianzas transformadoras, se llevó a cabo el conversatorio con María Cortés – Puch, de la Red de Soluciones para el Desarrollo Sostenible de Naciones Unidas. Los participantes pudieron compartir con la especialista sobre sus experiencias y retos en este tema.

Red de Educación Digital
February 16 2021 to February 17 2021

This event start at 2:00 pm EST.
To register:

February 11 2021

Si desea sumarse a la campaña para agradecer a los/as profesionales de emergencias por mantenernos protegidos, especialmente en tiempos de pandemia, en el Día Interamericano del Número Único de Servicios de Emergencias, a continuación  le compartimos dos acciones concretas que podría realizar:

1.      Publicar en Twitter un mensaje de agradecimiento dirigido a los/as profesionales de emergencia por su dedicación y compromiso, y por el servicio que brindan.

2.      Publicar en Twitter una anécdota sobre una emergencia o rescate experimentado o presenciado que lo/a hubiera impactado durante este último año.

En ambos casos se solicita por favor que utilice las etiquetas hash: # 112Day2021 y #thankyouchain, y que incluya a: @OEA_Seguridad y @EENA en los mensajes. Recuerde esperar hasta el jueves 11 de febrero para comenzar a publicar estos mensajes en Twitter.

February 11 2021

If you would like to join the campaign to thank emergency professionals for keeping us safe on the Inter-American Day of the Single Emergency Service Number, you can:  


1.      Post a Thank You message on Twitter, thanking emergency professionals for their commitment and dedication.

2.      Post emergency and rescue anecdotes on Twitter to showcase the professionalism and commitment of emergency professionals during the past year.

In both cases, please use the hash tags: #112Day2021 and #thankyouchain, and include both @OEA_Seguridad and @EENA in the messages. Please wait until Thursday, February 11 to start posting those messages on Twitter.

February 02 2021 to February 03 2021

This webinar will cover the following:
- Enhanced 91-1 Call Flow
- Next Generation 91-1 Call Flow
- Migrating from MSAG & ALI to NGCS
- MSAG & ALI Validations
- Data Exchange in an NG91-1 environment
This event begins at 14:00 (EST).
To register:

January 28 2021

This webinar will cover the current state of law enforcement trauma, wellness, and resilience, with an emphasis on proactive, preventative and strategic approaches to first responder wellness. Topics also include stress and trauma, suicide risk, confidential access to support resources, quality and availability of resources, law enforcement therapist vetting, peer support training, the role of COVID-19, social unrest, and other high-impact events, generational factors, and future directions for law enforcement wellness.
This event will take place on January 28th at 1pm EDT. You have to be a member of the Justice Clearinghouse to participate on this event. Please register at:

January 26 2021 to January 27 2021

Last year was fraught with challenges and their effects will be long-lasting. Now, 2021 has arrived with a "new normal," but also with tremendous opportunities to improve emergency response.
In MCP first webinar of 2021, they will highlight the trends that they predict will shape the new normal and public safety’s future. Other takeaways will include:

  • Emerging technologies that will help empower your agency to make better informed decisions this year and beyond
  • Implications of these trends
  • Steps that public safety organizations should take to prepare for them

This event starts at 2:00 pm EST.
To register:

January 19 2021 to January 20 2021

This event will take place on January 19th at 2pm EDT. To join this webinar, please use the following link:

January 13 2021

Organisations are complex. Sometimes it’s possible to “hold a different perspective”, and sometimes we flat out lie to ourselves.
Matt Moore joins us live from Sydney, Australia where he’ll present the top 5 lies we tell ourselves in organisations.
Matt is a long time Knowledge Management guru. He earned his undergrad at Cambridge and he’s been published dozens of times. Most of all, he’s a lively character.
As always, we’ll follow the Gurteen Knowledge Café format, although the 15-minute “presentation” at the beginning will be slightly different this time. We’ll set it up as a bit of an interview between Matt, myself and everyone. Then, we’ll shift into our standard 3 rounds of small group conversation. We’ll close with a full group discussion.
This event starts at 4:00 pm (EDT).

OAS KM Group
January 05 2021 to January 06 2021

GIS data is critical when switching to NG9-1-1 and that means that creating and maintaining Public Safety GIS data is the key to accurate call routing. The NENA Standard for NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model (NENA-STA-006.1-2018) was developed to support Public Safety GIS data.
Data validations are a critical step in ensuring your GIS data passes the test and meets the requirements for NG9-1-1. 
This event starts at 14:00 pm (EST).
To register: 

December 17 2020
OAS KM Group
December 15 2020 to December 16 2020

The goal of this presentation is to bring light to the CLDXF, and how that standard plays a role in preparing data, as well as why data validation is important during the data readiness phase of NG911.
This webinar will focus on:
- NENA recommendations for addresses
- NENA Information Document for Development of Site/Structure Address Point GIS Data for 9-1-1
- NENA NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model parsing requirements
- GIS Data Readiness for NG911
- Data Validations
This event will take place on December 15, 2020 at 2:00 PM EDT. To register, please go to

December 10 2020

El desarrollo de alianzas multisectoriales duraderas con una base institucional sólida requiere de un establecimiento claro de roles y responsabilidades de las partes involucradas para garantizar que la sostenibilidad del proyecto se mantenga a pesar de los cambios que puedan existir dentro de la coyuntura existente. Las posibilidades para que la sostenibilidad de proyectos aumente residen, en gran medida, en la capacidad de las organizaciones involucradas de definir las herramientas de gestión necesarias para la solución de controversias y que esclarezcan las responsabilidades compartidas y específicas de cada actor.
El contexto de la región en materia de desarrollo de proyectos con enfoque educativo sostenible es favorable, con esfuerzos conjuntos de organizaciones, sector privado y gobiernos que aplican sus conocimientos y capacidades para reducir las brechas de desigualdad educativa que existen.  Por ello, es indispensable centrarse en aportar herramientas de diálogo y de acción enfocadas a métodos de gestión para el fortalecimiento integral de alianzas que entiendan el contexto de la región, en el que las dificultades socioeconómicas, diferencias culturales y la brecha de desigualdad representan retos para la coordinación de los tres sectores y el éxito de sus alianzas.
La experta invitada para dirigir el conversatorio es María Cortés Puch, Vicepresidenta de Redes de la Red de Soluciones para el Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas. Trabajó para la UNESCO en la División de Políticas de Ciencia y Desarrollo Sostenible. Coordinó los programas europeos de energía y transporte en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, y trabajó durante dos años como Oficial Científico en la Oficina Española de Ciencia y Tecnología en Bruselas, analizando las políticas de la UE en materia de cooperación internacional, transporte y energía. También cuenta con una Licenciatura y máster en física por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Así como una maestría en asuntos internacionales de la Universidad de Columbia

Una iniciativa de la Organización de Estados Americanos y ProFuturo
December 09 2020 to December 10 2020

*Nota: Evento cerrado para funcionarios de Ministerios de Educación de la región.

Este intercambio virtual, organizado conjuntamente por Secretaría Técnica de la Comisión Interamericana de Educación (CIE) y el liderazgo del Ministerio de Educación Pública de Costa Rica en cooperación con los Ministerios de Educación de Argentina y de Colombia, está dirigido a funcionarios de los Ministerios de Educación que quieren avanzar la temática de accesibilidad en procesos de aprendizaje a distancia. Participantes de los Estados Miembros de la OEA compartirán recursos educativos, plataformas virtuales e ideas didácticas enfocadas en la atención a poblaciones estudiantiles y docentes con discapacidad. También habrá un diálogo entre madres de estudiantes con discapacidad, con el fin de conocer los principales retos que han afrontado durante el periodo de pandemia en sus países y cómo los han resuelto para apoyar los procesos de aprendizaje de sus hijos. El evento tiene el fin de conocer y ampliar las posibilidades de atención que pueden configurarse para el diseño de la nueva realidad en los cursos lectivos futuros. El evento se realizará solamente en español.

Agenda Propuesta para Reunión Virtual “Hacia una Cultura de Accesibilidad Digital: Experiencias y Desafíos Educativos en Periodo de Pandemia para las Personas con Discapacidad





Allan Rojas y Viviana Esquivel, Ministerio de Educación de Costa Rica


Palabras de apertura

Jesús Schucry Giacoman Zapata, Director, Departamento de Desarrollo Humano, Educación y Empleo DDHEE, Organización de Estados Americanos OEA.


Enmarcando la conversación

Marita Perceval, Ministerio de Educación de Argentina


Perspectiva familiar de la atención educativa en periodo de pandemia a personas con discapacidad (video). 


Comentarios por parte de los funcionarios de los estados miembros participantes


Perspectiva de estudiantes de la atención educativa en periodo de pandemia a personas con discapacidad (video). 


Comentarios por parte de los funcionarios de los estados miembros participantes


Conversatorio Especialistas:  Desafíos, alcances y proyecciones para la educación desde la visión inclusiva del aprendizaje. 

Ma. Guadalupe Padin, Coordinadora Nacional de la Modalidad Educación Especial. Ministerio de Educación de la República Argentina

Diana Álvarez Montana, Profesional del Equipo Inclusión y Equidad en la Educación de la Subdirección de Fomento de Competencias, Dirección de Calidad- Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia

Gilda Aguilar Montoya, Jefa del departamento de Apoyos Educativos, Dirección de Desarrollo Curricular del Ministerio de Educación Pública de Costa Rica


Espacio de diálogo: Actividad participativa y presentación de contenidos recopilados por los estados miembros.


Conclusion y siguientes pasos

Jesús Schucry Giacoman Zapata, Director, Departamento de Desarrollo Humano, Educación y Empleo DDHEE, Organización de Estados Americanos OEA


Para ver la nota conceptual del evento clic aquí



*Note: Event closed for officials of the Ministries of Education of the region.

This virtual exchange, jointly organized by the Technical Secretariat of the Interamerican Committee on Education (CIE) and the leadership of the Ministry of Education of Costa Rica in cooperation with the Ministries of Education of Argentina and of Colombia, is aimed at officials from the Ministries of Education who wish to improve accessibility in remote learning. Participants from OAS Member States will share educational resources, virtual platforms, and ideas focused on the needs of students and teachers with disabilities. There will also be a dialogue between mothers of students with disabilities, in order to better understand their main challenges and how they have supported their children’s learning. The goal of this event is to learn and improve the care for these populations in future educational models. This event will only be in Spanish.

December 08 2020 to December 09 2020

On December 8th, Justice Clearinghouse will be hosting Justin Steinke, Regional Vice President of Sales at AiRXOS, and Jon Gaster, founder of KSI Data Sciences, as they discuss and demonstrate the latest video technology – Mission Keeper for AiRXOS – designed to help you be more responsive and connected for heightened Situational Awareness. This session will also cover use cases for public safety agency coordination. You have to be a member of Justice Clearinghouse to register:
This event will take place at 1:00pm EDT. 

December 03 2020 to December 04 2020

Discussion led by PAHO's Knowledge Management Unit. 
They will focus on DIgital Transformation, addressing the following aspects:

  • Understanding the Digital Transformation
  • How the Digital Transformation is shaping the agenda of our organizations
  • The role of Knowledge Mangamente and Knolwedge Sharing

The event will take place via Zoom.
Link will be shared shortly.

OAS KM Group
December 02 2020 to December 03 2020

Este V Converatorio de la Comunidad-SES es el resultado de la colaboración entre el Departamento de Seguridad Pública  y el Departamento de Emergencias en Salud de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud.
El mismo intentará entender mejor cuáles han sido los principales desafios que los servicios pre-hospitalarios vinculados a los Servicios de Emergencia y Seguridad han tenido que superar para hacer frente a la emergencia sanitaria provocada por el COVID-19.
El conversatorio tendrá lugar a través de la Plataforma KUDO y contará con interpretación bidireccional español/inglés.

December 02 2020 to December 03 2020

Topics Covered:
What are grants and how do I use them?
- Different elements of public safety grants
Where are the grants coming from? (federal/state/local/private)
- What does it cover?
- What is the timeline?
This event will take place on December 1, 2020 at 2:00 PM EDT. To register, please go to:

November 30 2020 to December 01 2020

*Nota: Evento cerrado para funcionarios de Ministerios de Educación de la región.

Este seminario, organizado conjuntamente por OPS / NCDS y OEA / CIE, está dirigido a funcionarios de los Ministerios de Educación y de Salud que actualmente trabajan en la temática. Panelistas y participantes de los Estados Miembros de la OEA compartirán sus experiencias en la promoción, seguimiento y evaluación de ambientes escolares propicios para la alimentación saludable y la actividad física. Las lecciones aprendidas de las iniciativas emprendidas en algunos Estados miembros suscitarán el debate sobre temas clave como los programas de alimentación escolar, la promoción de la actividad física y algunas recomendaciones para las normas de nutrición que ya se han utilizado. El seminario web incluirá una mesa redonda y tres grupos de trabajo, donde los participantes discutirán los factores de éxito y los desafíos en la implementación de políticas e intervenciones para mejorar los entornos escolares para una alimentación saludable y la actividad física. La actividad se realizará simultáneamente en inglés y español de 10:00 am a 01:00 pm (ET).

Persona de contacto para más información: Cecilia Martins [email protected]

Para ver la nota conceptual del evento clic aquí

Enlace al evento:

Agenda propuesta para el Seminario Virtual “Promoviendo Ambientes Escolares para una Alimentación y Actividad Física Saludable

Organizado en conjunto por OPS-OEA

30 de noviembre de 2020 - 10.00am-1.00pm ET

Moderadora: Cecilia Martins, Especialista en Educación (CIE)




Bienvenida y palabras de apertura

Mary Lou Valdez, Directora Adjunta de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS)

Kim Osborne, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la SEDI, OEA.


Enmarcando la conversación

Jovan Reid, Primer Secretario de la Embajada de Barbados en los Estados Unidos y

Misión Permanente de Barbados ante la OEA,

Leo Nederveen, Asesor – Alimentación, Nutrición y Actividad Física en las Escuelas: Situación regional de los entornos escolares para la alimentación saludable y la actividad física.

Jesús Schucry Giacoman Zapata, Director, Departamento de Desarrollo Humano, Educación y Empleo DDHEE, Organización de Estados Americanos OEA.




Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar (PNAE)

Dra. Karine Dos Santos, Coordinadora General del Programa


Promoción  de la actividad física en las escuelas

Sr. Matías Portela de la División de Políticas Públicas Saludables y Promoción (DIPOL)

Agencia de Salud Pública del Caribe (CARPHA):

 Elaboración de recomendaciones técnicas para el desarrollo de normas nutricionales para las Escuelas del Caribe

Dr. Christine Bocage

Costa Rica:

 Programa de Alimentación y Nutrición Escolar y adolescente


José Leonardo Sanchez Hernandez. Director de programas de Equidad del MEP


Experiencias en la promoción de estilos de vida saludables

Danit Torres Fuentes. Directora de Calidad para la EPBM. Ministerio de Educación





Estos grupos son predeterminados y los participantes se dirigirán automáticamente a su sala de discusión

Grupo 1 – Hablantes de Inglés

Nutrición y Actividad Física

Grupo 2 – Hablantes de Español

Nutrición y Actividad Física

Grupo 3 - Hablantes de Español

Nutrición y Actividad Física




Compartir los resultados de las discusiones en grupos

Centrándose en las necesidades e intereses de cada país sobre el tema.


Conclusión y siguientes pasos

Jesús Schucry Giacoman Zapata, Director, Departamento de Desarrollo Humano, Educación y Empleo DDHEE, Organización de Estados Americanos OEA



*Note: Event closed for officials of the Ministries of Education of the region.


This seminar, jointly organized by PAHO / NCDS and OEA / CIE, is aimed at officials from the Ministries of Education and Health who are currently working on the subject. Panelists and participants from OAS Member States will share their experiences on the promotion, monitoring, and evaluation of school environments conducive to healthy eating and physical activity. Lessons learned from initiatives undertaken from some Member States will spark the discussion on key topics such as school feeding programs, the promotion of physical activity and some recommendations for nutrition standards that already been used. The webinar will include a panel discussion and three working groups, where participants will discuss success factors and challenges in implementing policies and interventions in improving school environments for healthy eating and physical activity. The activity will take place simultaneously in English and Spanish from 10:00 am to 01:00 pm (ET).

Contact person: Cecilia Martins [email protected]

Clic here to read the Concept note of the event

Link to the event:

Proposed Agenda for the Virtual Seminar on “Promoting School Environments, Healthy Eating, and Physical Activity”

Jointly organized by PAHO-OAS

November 30, 2020 - 10.00am-1.00pm EST Time

  Moderator: Cecilia Martins, Education Specialist (CIE)




Welcome and Opening Remarks

Mary Lou Valdez, Deputy Director of the Pan American Health Organization PAHO

Kim Osborne, Executive Secretary, SEDI, OEA.


Framing the Conversation

Jovan Reid, First Secretary Embassy of Barbados to the United States &

Permanent Mission of Barbados to the OAS,

Leo Nederveen, Advisor – Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity in Schools: Regional situation of school environments for healthy eating and physical activity and Jesus Schucry Giacoman Zapata, Director, Department of Human Development, Education and Employment DHDEE, Organization of American States OAS.




National School Feeding Program (PNAE)

Dra. Karine Dos Santos, General Coordinator of the Program


Physical  activity promotion in schools

Mr. Matías Portela from the Division of Healthy Public Policies and Promotion (DIPOL)

Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA):

Development of technical recommendations for the development of nutrition standards for Caribbean Schools

Dr. Christine Bocage

Costa Rica:

School and Adolescent Food and Nutrition Program (PANEA)

José Leonardo Sanchez Hernandez. Director of Equity programs of the MEP


Experiences in Promoting Healthy Lifestyles

Danit Torres Fuentes. Quality Director for the EPBM. Ministry of Education





These groups will be predetermined and participants will be automatically directed to a breakout room.

Group 1 – English Speakers

Nutrition and Physical Activity

Group 2 – Spanish Speakers

Nutrition and Physical Activity

Group 3 - Spanish Speakers

Nutrition and Physical Activity




Sharing Outcomes of Breakout Discussions 

Focusing on each country´s needs and interests on the topic.


Wrap Up and Next Steps

Jesus Schucry Giacoman Zapata, Director, Department of Human Development, Education and Employment DHDEE, Organization of American States OAS


November 24 2020 to November 26 2020

El congreso virtual explorará alternativas para una nueva realidad debido a la pandemia y reunirá a un selecto grupo de líderes que dirigen, administran, coordinan y operan los Centros de Atención de Llamadas de Emergencia a nivel regional, estatal y mundial.
Para participar, puedes escanear el QR Code en la imagen o puedes entar al link: Este evento es sin costo.

November 24 2020 to November 25 2020

On Tuesday, November 24 at 1 p.m. Eastern, join the live discussion panel for the latest installment of the MCP University education program. MCP subject matter experts will be joined by cybersecurity experts from some of the nation’s leading security-as-a-service (SAAS) providers. The discussion will focus on:

  • Factors driving the evolution of cybersecurity attacks
  • Specific tactics and tools cyberattackers use
  • The most vulnerable network areas typically targeted
  • Key factors that an organization needs to consider when developing a cybersecurity strategy that is unique to its environment

Use the following link to register:

November 18 2020 to November 19 2020

En el marco del inicio de actividades para el lanzamiento del Espacio virtual para el Aprendizaje en Red y el Trabajo Colaborativo, Profuturo y la OEA invitan a  las organizaciones en los países de Centroamérica a la presentación del informe realizado por la CEPAL - UNESCO titulado “La educación en tiempos de la pandemia de COVID-19” que tendrá lugar el próximo 18 de noviembre. La presentación será realizada por Daniela Trucco, Oficial de Asunto Sociales, de la División de Desarrollo Social y experta en temas de educación.
El objetivo principal de esta actividad es que las y los participantes puedan encontrar  a través del informe y bajo el acompañamiento de la señora Trucco, un espacio que propicie el diálogo entre las partes, en el que exista una dinámica de retroalimentación bidireccional con base en el campo de la acción de los asistentes y la experta, que ayude a identificar oportunidades, retos y situaciones que puedan beneficiar el desarrollo de las organizaciones en Centroamérica.
Puede consultar el informe en el siguiente enlace:

Una iniciativa de la Organización de Estados Americanos y ProFuturo
November 17 2020 to November 18 2020

This webinar will discuss the following:
- Discuss the need for a strategic plan and how to get started
- Examine how NG9-1-1 introduces change to GIS strategic plans
- Considerations for supporting NG9-1-1 in strategic planning
- Define stakeholder roles, responsbilities, and collaboration
- Discuss how process workflows change in NG9-1-1
- How to know when to ask for help
This event will take place on Tuesday, November 11 at 2:00 pm EST. To register:

November 17 2020 to November 18 2020

This webinar will teach what those steps are, how shared information can speed up the process, and how each agency can best help the other to save a caller’s life.
The event will take place on Tuesday, November 17 at 1pm EDT. You need to be a member of Justice Clearinghouse in order to participate. To join, register at:

November 11 2020 to November 12 2020

This webinar will discuss why safety is top of mind for businesses and consumers in 2020. RapidSOS is sitting down with industry experts to discuss how tech companies can work with public safety to save lives.
This event will take place on November 11th at 12:00pm EDT, and it will be hosted by Jamison Peevyhouse, Director of Customer Success at RapidSOS. To register: 

October 27 2020 to October 28 2020

Public safety fleets, especially Police and Sheriffs, need to address safety at many levels, with being behind the wheels comprising of many aspects. From officers, to control room staff, to vehicles and assets – each needs to perform optimally to respond to the needs of the public.
In this webinar you will learn:

  • How to better manage fleet operations for quicker response
  • How focus on vehicle health positively impacts costs
  • How to use data to improve your daily operations
  • Use cases of technology in the public-safety domain

This event will take place on Tuesday, October 27 at 1:00 p.m ETD. You need to be a member of Justice Clearinghouse in order to participate.
To register:

October 27 2020 to October 28 2020

El Cuarto Conversatorio de la Comunidad-SES, estará enfocado en las estrategias de comunicación que los Servicios de Emergencia y Seguridad han implementado para brindar información confiable, oportuna y de manera expeditiva al personal y al público en general, así como para contrarrestar la difusión de información falsa durante la pandemia por COVID-19.
• Matthew Shenk, Supervisor de Comunicaciones, Comunicaciones del Condado de Lancaster 911, Pensilvania, Estados Unidos
• Wilfrido Muñoz, Director de Comunicación, SIS ECU-911
• Tessa Seigworth, Coordinadora de Comunicaciones de Marketing, Mission Critical Partners
• Marta Azevedo Silva, Oficial de Prensa y Comunicaciones y Rose Michael, Oficial de Conocimiento, EENA
Este evento se llevará a cabo por medio de la Plataforma KUDO, y contará con interpretación inglés/español.
El evento comienza a las 11 am EDT.
The Fourt Discussion will focus on communication strategies that Emergency and Security Systems have implemented to communicate accurate information in the midst of a pandemic to keep people, including their own staff, safe, updated and connected.
• Matthew Shenk, Communications Supervisor, Lancaster Countywide Communications (LCWC 911)
• Wilfrido Muñoz, Director of Communication, SIS ECU-911
• Tessa Seigworth, Marketing Communications Coordinator, Mission Critical Partners (MCP)
• Marta Azevedo Silva, Communications and Press Officer, and Rose Michael, Knowledge Office, EENA 112
The event will take place through the KUDO Platform and will have English/Spanish interpetration. 
The event will start at 11 am EDT.

October 21 2020 to October 22 2020

Justice Clearinghouse is orgnazing this virtual meeting on how new technologies secure livestreams 911 emergency calls directly to officers in the field is making an impact on the public safety of communities across the US.  With Live911 software, patrol officers can monitor incoming 911 calls in real-time for their immediate area.  The software allows first responders to hear the caller’s urgency and small details that may not be entered into the CAD system as well as identify on a map the caller’s precise location prior to the call for service being dispatched.
Live911 is a law enforcement’s potential game-changer for responding to 911 calls.
This meeting will address the following topics:

  • A history of incidents where this technology may have been useful
  • How this technology was imagined, created, and tested
  • Live911 deployments benefiting sheriff’s offices and police departments
  • Real-world examples of reduced response times and increased situational awareness


  • Retired Captain Fritz Reber
  • Captain Greg Goreck
  • Lieutenant Don Redmond 

This event will take place on Wednesday, October 21st at 4 pm EDT.
You need to be a member of Justice Clearinghouse in order to participate. 

October 20 2020 to October 21 2020

Join Sandy Dyre, ENP, CPM and the DATAMARK team for a live webinar on NG9-11 Road Centerlines.
Register here:

October 06 2020 to October 07 2020

In the shift to Next Generation 9-1-1, GIS will play an important role in call routing for public safety, and much of the critical information on GIS is not widely shared with 9-1-1 dispatchers across the US.
DATAMARK GIS will be hosting a live webinar that covers GIS Basics for the Public Safety Professional. It includes an introduction of GIS and a high-level discussion of how it may affect the applications used in the PSAP for dispatch and 9-1-1.
Topics Covered Include:
- A brief introduction to GIS
- GIS Data Types
- GIS Data Quality
- Importance to Public Safety
This Webinar will be hosted on WebEx. Registrants will receive a WebEx calendar invite up to 24 hours after registering for the event.
To register:

October 05 2020 to October 08 2020
Delta Hotels Toronto Airport Hotel

The annual APCO Canada Conference will take place in Toronto, at the Delta Hotels Toronto Airport Hotel, between October 5-8. It will provide three full days of industry leading educational and networking opportunities.

September 22 2020 to September 25 2020
September 18 2020

Product Training: Your Rapid Roadmap to Success
9:00 AM  9:30 AM

Speaker: Gunay Hunt, RapidDeploy
Until scientists discover a way to transmit new knowledge directly into our brains, the success of a training program will lie in the hands of a Training team and learners who have to find time to sit down to study. By embracing training personalization and offering various learning paths for employees of different backgrounds, skills, and learning abilities, we will help you build a training environment that will further motivate your staff.

Supercharge Your RapidDeploy Maps with Authoritative GIS Data and Esri
9:00 AM  9:30 AM

Speaker: Brooks Shannon, RapidDeploy
Learn how to supercharge your RapidDeploy solutions using authoritative GIS data. This session will discuss the ways that RapidDeploy Nimbus and Radius integrate with Esri GIS data and services.Bring back to our agency real-world best practices for GIS data maintenance that will take your maps to the next level.

Hey Siri - How can we use smartphones to revolutionize the job's of first responders?
9:00 AM  9:30 AM

Speakers: Greg Rowsey & Thanel Voigt, RapidDeploy
Smartphones have been around for over a decade and every year we gain access to new tools, apps, and features, built with Automation, AI, and AR, that improve our personal and professional lives, daily. Why shouldn't we apply this technology to the jobs of First Responders? Learn how we can improve our workflows by cutting down on unneccessary or manual processes, AND add capabilities to first responders' tool belts that improve their experience, enabling them to ultimately help more people.

The Future of Call Taking
11:00 AM  11:30 AM

Speaker: Mandana Varahrami, RapidDeploy
The stage is currently being set for a new wave of communication in support of public safety. Today, 911 calls are voice-only, requiring an integration between phone and dispatch systems. With 80% of calls made to 911 via mobile phone, RapidDeploy has already pioneered the ability for call-takers to connect with callers via 2-way SMS chat and VideoChat. Looking ahead, RapidDeploy plans to leverage new technologies and multi-media communication channels to bring call-handling, call-taking and dispatching into the 21st century. Please join us to learn more about RapidDeploy’s innovation in multi-media communication, starting with text-to-911.

Eclipse Analytics Workshop: Finding information using Eclipse
1:00 PM  1:30 PM

Speaker: John Beasley, RapidDeploy
Let’s talk analytics! RapidDeploy is here to answer all your questions about how your agency can become more data-driven. After providing an overview of Eclipse analytics and it’s features and functionality, we’ll open this up for an “ask me anything” open discussion.
To register: 

September 17 2020 to September 18 2020

The Future of Mapping for Telecommunicators and First Responders
9:00 AM  9:30 AM

Speaker: Brooks Shannon, RapidDeploy
Location matters. Understanding the location of callers and resources is critical to providing fast and accurate response. Accurate maps and locations are a necessity to help telecommunicators and responders understand where the locations are and what surrounds them. Learn what the future holds for mapping and GIS in emergency response and discuss how trends in wireless location accuracy and NG9-1-1 will enrich and improve public safety mapping like never before.

Funding Technology Transformation
8:00 AM  8:30 AM

Speaker: Jason Fuqua, RapidDeploy
Every state and local public safety leader should be prepared to leverage creative funding strategies in order to be able to invest in the most innovative technology solutions available to them. In this session, we will share case studies of how agencies have been able to tap into dollars through grant opportunities and state/federal public safety legislative initiatives.

Coming Soon to Eclipse Analytics
8:00 AM  8:30 AM

Speakers: Mandana Varahrami & Alberto Vargas, RapidDeploy
Calling all data junkies! Get a sneak peek into RapidDeploy's Eclipse Analytics' product roadmap and new features. Learn how analytics can improve 9-1-1 call processing times, call routing and staff performance.

Scale to Win with One Common CAD Platform
9:00 AM  9:30 AM

Speaker: Ryan Chandler, RapidDeploy
It’s increasingly important that state and regional 9-1-1 organizations are prepared to scale their CAD systems in order to drive real-time situational awareness across the region. In this session, Ryan will discuss how leveraging Multi-Agency & Multi-Discipline Workflows have enabled their region to add more agencies rapidly onto a common CAD platform.

Within the Trenches Presents - Imagine Listening & Open Mic
12:00 AM  1:00 PM

Speaker: Ricardo Martinez II, Within the Trenches podcast
To register:
On August 24, 2016 the #IAM911 movement was born. Thousands of dispatch stories have been shared. In this session, dispatchers will get the chance to read their own stories to the attendees or they may write them down and have them read for them. This will be a live audience podcast episode that will be shared to over a half million listeners. The first half known as Imagine Listening will be emotional but the second half of this session, “Open Mic”, will be full of laughter as we share outrageous bloopers from our individual 9-1- 1 experience. Attend, join the movement and share a story…

September 16 2020

Cybersecurity In The Cloud: Ensuring Trust, Safety, and Security
9:00 AM  9:30 AM
Speaker: Alex Kreilein, RapidDeploy
Cloud-native companies have many advantages that legacy on premise applications do not. There are new cybersecurity table stakes for public safety, and in this session, we will discuss how the Shared Responsibility Model of the Cloud can increase security and privacy of public safety while reducing total cost of ownership.
Accelerating Go-Live: Rapid Deployments with RapidDeploy
9:00 AM  9:30 AM

  • Scott Ekberg, Kansas 911
  • Ryan Chandler & Samantha Brear, RapidDeploy

RapidDeploy's cloud-based platform allows for streamlined deployments compared to legacy on-premise offerings. Our approach to implementation focuses on delivering value for customers as early as possible. This session highlights the technology and process components of our deployment approach that drive responsiveness, collaboration, and accelerated time-to-value for our customers.

Product Office Hours
11:00 AM  11:30 AM
Speaker: Mandana Varahrami, RapidDeploy
Ask us anything! Please join Mandana Varahrami, VP of Product, for a session to learn more about how you and your agency can be at the forefront of discovery and development of new product capabilities at RapidDeploy. Mandana and her team can also help answer any questions you may have about current capabilities, as well Roadmap items planned over the next 9-12 months.
AT&T Emergency Communication Solutions: Leading the Way to Smarter & Safer™ Communities
12:00 AM  12:30 AM
Speaker: John Matuszek, AT&T Voice & Collaboration
AT&T Emergency Communication Solutions (ECS) is the next chapter of public safety technology for continued evolution of NG9-1-1.  AT&T builds upon the signature portfolio of its distinguished Smarter & Safer™ NG9-1-1 services, aligned with our FirstNet® Built with AT&T partners. ECS now unites those capabilities with AT&T Smart Cities and Microsoft Cloud Services – protecting the largest cities to the smallest communities like never before. This strategic overview will highlight the AT&T ECS program, its capabilities and addressable market, and introduces the AT&T Integrated Command Center that makes this possible. We will also show how RapidDeploy services are integral to the AT&T NG9-1-1 / ECS programs and evolving strategies.

General Session
1:30 PM  3:30 PM
Speakers: Steve Raucher, Jim Lake, Brett Meyerowitz, Kim Storin, Rick Zak, Christy Williams, Ricardo Martinez II, Sally Lawerence, Bob Finney III, Jeff Cohen
The second General Session is focused on the theme of transformation and leadership. Join us to hear from a surprise keynote speaker, as well as a conversation with Microsoft and innovative 9-1-1 agency leaders.
SMS in 9-1-1: A Powerful Tool in Your Critical Communications Toolbox
3:30 PM  4:30 PM
Rebecca de Beer & Leah Portnoy, RapidDeploy
To register:
Learn how leveraging SMS technology in your PSAP can decrease response times, increase situational awareness, and make communications easier than ever with callers.  Hear how implementing two way SMS via RapidDeploy can help victims of domestic violence and other callers who have difficulty communicating with 9-1-1.

September 15 2020

Get There Fast: Dynamic Response Plan Management
9:00 AM  9:30 AM

Speakers: Neil Huffman & Molly Conaboy, RapidDeploy
In emergency response, every second matters. Dynamic response plan management enables agencies to ensure that the right resources get deployed to the caller’s location as quickly as possible. In this session, RapidDeploy and Sarasota will explore the key components of configuring Response Plans and Sourcing Card Management, including the configuration of complex response plans, zone and beat based rules and complex algorithms to ensure the proper and closest units for quickest response handling.

RapidDeploy Analytics: The Future of Analytics in Collaboration with our Clients
9:00 AM  9:30 AM


  • Christy Williams, North Central Texas Emergency Communications District (NCT911)
  • Mandana Varahami, RapidDeploy

Analytics is becoming increasingly important for PSAPs of all sizes. Learn how flexible reporting and analytics can facilitate data-driven, operational performance improvements by leveraging real-time call data. The end result is improved 9-1-1 call processing times, call routing and staff performance.

Driving 9-1-1 Efficiency and Effectiveness with Cloud
9:00 AM  9:30 AM

Speaker: Jack Westerlund, RapidDeploy
Far too often, PSAPs are handcuffed to expensive capital projects when procuring and upgrading 9-1-1 systems - and the systems are handcuffed too, unable to integrate with the latest technology and literally imprisoned within the PSAP, unable to escape during a disaster. Learn how the cloud can remove the constraints of today's 9-1-1 systems to improve the efficiency of operations and enable more effective response, inside the PSAP and outside of its walls.
Mobility Solutions for First Responders: Which is right for you?
8:00 AM  8:30 AM

Speakers: Greg Rowsey & Righardt Schroeder, RapidDeploy
The technology needs of EMS, Law, and Fire responders are shifting and vary based on discipline, agency funding, and more. Learn about the advantages of our mobile solutions and which choice - MDC, RapidDeploy Nimbus Mobile, or both - is right for your responders.

General Session
1:00 PM  3:30 PM

Speakers: Steven Raucher, Adam Timm, Budge Currier, Scott Ekberg, Leslie Sticht, Karima Holmes, Brian Fontes, Mandana Varahrami, Reinhard Ekl
Join RapidDeploy’s CEO, Steven Raucher for an action packed General Session filled with exciting announcements, agency transformation and leadership stories, and a deep dive into RapidDeploy’s product roadmap. Check out our social media channels for exciting announcements: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.
To register:

September 14 2020

9-1-1 Is More Than a Number: Emerging Sources of Emergency Calls
9:00 AM  9:30 AM

  • Catherine Bishop, OnStar
  • Brooks Shannon & Rebecca de Beer, RapidDeploy

For years, picking up the phone and calling 9-1-1 has been the only way that people can quickly contact emergency services for help. Today that is changing. More PSAPs support Text-to-911 calls, can receive automated alarm notifications from alarm companies, and are alerted when people use emergency contact features in mobile apps to contact PSAPs. Learn about new ways of contacting emergency services, and how PSAPs can provide a more efficient response to a broader group of people than ever before.
SaaS 101: From on-prem to cloud
9:00 AM  9:30 AM
Speaker: Jon Samuelson, RapidDeploy
Software-as-a-Service represents a new model for service delivery for public safety. As agencies look to migrate to the cloud and moving away from highly customized on-premise solutions that are difficult to maintain, it is important to understand the short-term and long-term benefits and key differences in moving to an on premise solution to the cloud.
The Future of Dispatching
10:45 AM  11:30 AM
Speakers: Jamie Algatt & Ryan Chambers, RapidDeploy
Designed for agencies that are not familiar with the RapidDeploy Cloud-Aided Dispatch technology, this session will focus on highlighting the revolutionary features and functionality of Nimbus CAD. Through a deep-dive demo, we’ll showcase a comprehensive, highly configurable, web-based dispatch platform integrated with sophisticated location mapping and real-time data that ensures a rapid and informed response.
The Evolution of Command Line

Speaker: Lidia Finn, RapidDeploy
Join RapidDeploy and industry leaders for a roundtable discussion on how the Command Line function can improve 9-1-1 workflow efficiencies. We’ll share some of the newest and latest innovations being implemented for Command Line entry in CAD systems.
Making the Most of Fast-Paced Change
1:00 PM  1:30 PM

Speaker: Adam Timm, RapidDeploy
Even the best plans for the future can end up making things worse if the transition isn’t managed effectively. In this session, learn what to prioritize first, how to unify your team under the common goal, and which pitfalls are most likely to derail your success.
Event starts at 9:00 am EST.
To regiser:

September 03 2020 to September 04 2020
OAS KM Group
September 01 2020 to September 02 2020

In the shift to Next Generation 9-1-1, GIS will play an important role in call routing for public safety, and much of the critical information on GIS is not widely shared with 9-1-1 dispatchers across the country.
DATAMARK GIS will be hosting a live webinar that covers GIS Basics for the Public Safety Professional. This webinar is an introduction to GIS and it will address how it may affect the applications used in the PSAP for dispatch and 9-1-1.
Topics Covered Include:

  • A brief introduction to GIS
  • GIS Data Types
  • GIS Data Quality
  • Importance to Public Safety

The event starts at 2 pm EDT.
To register: 

August 27 2020 to August 28 2020

First responders often arrive on-scene well before the environmental hazards are known or before back-up is in place.  Now, with always-on access to voice, data and video in the field with FirstNet, they can be protected by innovative digital tools that make the invisible visible and the unknown known. 
Take 60 minutes to learn how the:

  • AskRail smartphone app can immediately let you know the contents of any railcar with details about how to handle hazardous materials;
  • GammaPix Command Pro and its partner simulation exercise apps can use a smartphone camera to immediately alert you to any ionizing radiation – something only rare and expensive equipment does today; and
  • Automatic Injury Detection app can trigger immediate alerts if the light-weight placed atop body armor is pierced or impacted.

This webinar begins at 12:00 pm EDT.
To register:

August 26 2020 to August 27 2020

This webinar provides a replicable case study that shows how you can implement an employee-decompression plan, which includes therapy-dog visits as a part of a healthy PSAP environment. Attend to learn about:

  • The positive impact the program had;
  • Issues encountered and lessons learned during the program’s roll out; and
  • The benefits of having a “center pet” and how that is managed in some center across the country.

This events starts at 3:00 pm (EDT).
To register, contact Amanda Tegtmeyer: ategtmeyer@nena

August 26 2020

Continuity-of-operations (COOP) and disaster recovery (DR) plans are key elements for maintaining mission-critical agency operations during a natural or manmade event, including tornadoes, hurricanes, pandemic, terrorist attack, cyber attack, and more. The investment in developing these plans is significant, but, once in place, they can help mitigate the effects of an event quickly and effectively.
This training sessions is organized by MCP University.
To register:

August 26 2020 to August 27 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, continuity-of-operations plans (COOP) are essential for agencies providing mission-critical, lifesaving services to their communities. Hear from agency leaders and MCP subject-matter experts as they discuss how having a COOP in place has helped them navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, the changes they made to keep staff safe while maintaining operations, and the lessons learned along the way.
To register:

August 20 2020 to August 21 2020

Keeping a PSAP fully staffed can be a challenge for any agency. The desire to keep console seats filled, paired with the need to fill them with qualified and reliable employees, is one of the more difficult tasks 9-1-1 centers can face. The next phase of this process is retaining the employees you hire by actively investing in their careers as public safety professionals. The PSAP culture plays a critical role in retention of qualified employees.

This course provides information on all aspects of personnel, from creating a strong hiring policy to building and promoting successful candidates. Students will learn best practices for each stage of the process, and will take home ideas they can implement immediately, as well as benefit from class discussion as colleagues share their successes. Participants will also take home ideas on how to retain their employees, and how to support them throughout their careers.
Presenter: Jennifer Kirkland, ENP

Contact: Ty Wooten, ENP
[email protected]
(202) 618-4408
To register:

August 17 2020
United States

A Webex invitation will be sent to convene this meeting.

OAS KM Group
August 17 2020 to August 22 2020

APCO’s PST1 course covers the basics skills, knowledge and abilities every successful public safety telecommunicator needs to meet the demands of this critical work.
Students successfully passing the final exam receive APCO Institute certification demonstrating completion of a training course that meets and exceeds industry accepted national basic training standards, including the APCO/ANS and NFPA 1061 2014 Edition.
Building on foundational topics such as communication skills, call taking and radio techniques, the PST course blends in the most up-to-date information on technology and work-related issues in public safety communications centers. “Hot” topics include NextGen 9-1-1, emerging technologies, continuing ed., and liability.
For more information:

August 14 2020

PSAPs around the US are facing cyber-threats almost daily. With the move to NG9-1-1, planning for and implementing cybersecurity measures is critical.
In this course, PSAP directors and managers will come to understand what cybersecurity means in the world of 9-1-1; discuss the most severe cyber-risks to public safety; and learn how to develop the policies, procedures, and protocols necessary to prevent and mitigate the damage caused by software viruses and network intrusion attacks.
Presenter: John Ferraro, ENP
Contact: Mayra Gallo
[email protected]
(202) 730-0464
This event starts at 8:30 EDT.
To register:

August 13 2020 to August 14 2020
United States
OAS KM Group
August 13 2020 to August 14 2020

We often ask for the impossible from our first responders. We want them to be on-scene within seconds.  We want them to manage every type of extreme medical condition. And we want them to immediately identify and appropriately respond to individuals that require extra care. Of course, these desires make sense – they are borne out of the realization that every second and one piece of vital information can often mean the difference between life and death. FirstNet has evaluated and approved three mobile solutions that help public safety agencies begin to make the impossible, possible. Take 60 minutes to learn about how:
• PulsePoint Foundation can get lifesaving care to a cardiac victim within seconds instead of minutes. 
• General Devices’ e-Bridge solution can immediately connect a patient and remote medical expert via a telehealth solution
• Vitals Aware can make sure first responders are immediately informed when they have encountered vulnerable individuals who may respond in unexpected ways or need additional assistance
This event starts as 12 pm EDT.
To register:

August 13 2020 to August 14 2020

Diversity and inclusivity are the foundation of any community – they are the fundamental traits that lead to novel thinking, adaptability, and innovation. In this webinar, public safety industry leaders will discuss how these traits are represented in the emergency communications center. They will share their insights and experience on how to bridge and manage diverse teams, how to ensure that all voices are represented in the center, and how to empower friends and colleagues to engage with each other in meaningful ways.
Attendees will:

  • Follow the stories of six public safety leaders of color
  • Understand how diversity and inclusion strengthen communities within public safety
  • Learn the fundamentals of building a work environment where respect is the foundation
  • Learn how to explore differences and build trust among peers within the workplace
  • Feel empowered to bring about positive change in their communities


  • Athena Butler – Former Executive Director, Denver 9-1-1
  • Douglas M. Bentley – E-911 Deputy Director, DeKalb County Police Department
  • Karima Holmes – Director, Office of Unified Communications, Washington D.C.
  • Kim Turner – Communications Administrator, San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department
  • Renee Gordon – Director, Department of Emergency Communications, Alexandria, VA
  • Tyrell Morris – Executive Director, Orleans Parish Communication District

Moderator: Karin Marquez – Senior Director of Public Safety, RapidSOS
To register:

August 13 2020 to August 14 2020
United States
OAS KM Group
August 12 2020

The future of STEM innovation relies heavily on core competencies around diversity and inclusion. However, institutional knowledge gaps in the startup space exacerbate a need to build a more equitable landscape of opportunities for diverse and underserved innovators and communities. Come see and discuss a platform supported by analytics and AI technology to lower cognitive biases in capital fundraising by focusing on KM metrics and frameworks around proven success indicators creating a more equitable and psychologically safe innovation network.
This free and virtual knoweldge cafe will be facilitated by Ariana Abramson. Ariana is a social entrepreneur, STEM Diversity and Inclusion Consultant, and Author. She is the CEO and Founder of RevSTEM, a Diversity and Inclusion Platform focusing on the Future of STEM work. As a second-generation Latina woman, Ariana is dedicated to solving problems impacting predominantly women and disadvantaged communities. She has worked with large enterprises, venture capital funds, and social-mission based organizations. Her portfolio of companies includes American Express, The United Nations Development Programme, Digital Undivided, and Antler Global VC Fund.

OAS KM Group
August 12 2020 to August 13 2020

Buckle up and get ready for an inspiring, thought provoking, high energy ride that will help you understand the Knowledge Imperative in today’s fast moving business environment. Changes in the nature of work, the workplace and worker expectation are explored and explained in a fun, creative, interactive way that will show you how to embrace and exploit this time of exponential shifts.
This webinar is ideal for Knowledge Managers or Knowledge Leaders who are looking to create the continuously learning organisation based around an open, transparent collaboration culture.
Hosted by KMI Instructor and Social KM Expert, Rooven Pakkiri.
To register:

OAS KM Group
August 12 2020

La Comisión Inter-Americana de Educacion (CIE)  junto con el Foro Global de Futuros Educativos J-WEL reunirá a líderes de opinión de los Ministerios de Educación de los Estados miembros de la OEA en un simposio que tiene como objetivo resignificar nuevas visiones para la educación en un mundo postpandémico, buscando delinear políticas, investigaciones, capacidades, prácticas y la infraestructura necesarias para hacer realidad esas visiones dentro de la región. Se espera que los resultados de los foros incluyan: Políticas y prioridades de práctica, recomendaciones - (libros blancos) Identificación de programas e intercambio de prácticas e implementaciones efectivas. El evento contara con la presencia de Vijay Kumar y Peter Senge.

Fecha: 12 de Agosto de 10:00AM a 01:00PM

*Nota: Evento cerrado para funcionarios de Ministerios de Educación de la región.

Para más información, contactar a Cecilia Martins: [email protected]

July 30 2020

Meeting to follow-up on the next steps discussed in previous meeting.

OAS KM Group
July 29 2020 to July 30 2020

During this webinar you will deepen your appreciation for the extraordinary but underutilized power of conversation. We can all lead a conversational approach to the way in which we live and work together in a complex world. You will learn about the five fundamental principles of Conversational Leadership. Those principles are embracing complexity thinking, taking responsibility, becoming a leader, conversing effectively and building community.
Could Conversational Leadership be one of the future of KM? If KM started with a focus on Information Management, then added Experience Management and Idea Management, could it be helpful to look at how those conversations happen? Could we improve the flow of knowledge by improving our conversations? How effectively does tacit knowledge currently move in your conversations?
This will be an interaction session where we offer some content and an exercise, then we'll practice in small groups. Excited to have you join and contribute to the emergence of Conversational Leadership!
Featuring KMI Instructor John Hovell and KM Leader, Donita Volkwijn.

OAS KM Group
July 29 2020 to July 30 2020

Fitch & Associates is organizing its first-ever Virtual Pinnacle Leadership Conference from July 27 to July 29 as a three-part webinar, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. CT each day over the video conferencing platform Zoom.
Wednesday Agenda: 
• Disruptions in Healthcare
• Cases From The Fitch Files – Recent innovative technologies and solutions for EMS that Fitch & Associates has been involved with
For full session descriptions, visit
To register:

July 28 2020 to July 29 2020

¿Cómo se están preparando y respondiendo los Sistemas de Emergencia y Seguridad ante olas subsiguientes del COVID-19? La importancia de contar con Planes para la Continuidad de Operaciones.
How are Emergency and Security Systemas preparing and responding to subsequent waves of COVID-19? The importance of Continuity-of-Operations Plans.

July 28 2020 to July 29 2020

Fitch & Associates is organizing its first-ever Virtual Pinnacle Leadership Conference from July 27 to July 29 as a three-part webinar, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. CT each day over the video conferencing platform Zoom.
Tuesday Agenda: 
• The Editor’s Round Table
• Trend Report 2020
• Washington Update
• Tuesday Bonus Session: NEMSMA Annual Member Meeting - Noon to 1:30 p.m. CDT
- Free and open to the public
- features updates and numerous brief presentations
- closing remarks by Dr. Anthony Fauci
For full session descriptions, visit
To register:

July 27 2020 to July 28 2020

Fitch & Associates is organizing its first-ever Virtual Pinnacle Leadership Conference from July 27 to July 29 as a three-part webinar, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. CT each day over the video conferencing platform Zoom
Monday Agenda:
• EMS Leadership Round Table
• Dealing with the Financial Fallout
• Monday Bonus Session: FirstWatch 12th Annual EMS User Update Meeting - Noon to 1:30 p.m. CDT
- Free and open to the public
- For additional details, visit
For full session descriptions, visit
To register:

July 27 2020 to July 29 2020

Free for Colorado Members. USD 15 for non-Colorado Members. 
To register:

July 20 2020 to July 21 2020

This webinar is part of the UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction Taster Series. Professor Ilan Kelman will explain why those with power and resources make choices, usually forcing vulnerability onto others which then hurts themselves, so that disasters happen. This includes the current pandemic and many more from around the world including earthquakes and weather.
This webinar be made available to view on their YouTube channel:
For more information:
The webinar starts at 12:00 pm EDT.
To register:

July 20 2020

The Remote NG eCall PLUGTESTS 2020 event will have a specific focus on on the interoperability of Next Generation eCall (NG eCall) systems or eCall over Long Term Evolution (LTE), based on the interoperability test descriptions defined in ETSI TS 103 683. Interoperability and NG eCall service harmonization are critical challenges to be taken into account for the successful deployment and operation of the NG eCall service.
No need to register. 
To join the meeting, go to:

July 16 2020 to July 17 2020

First responders are facing unique and unprecedented challenges in incident response and community engagement. Capturing conditions, dialogue, location data, and so much more, is becoming increasingly critical to effective mitigation and community transparency. Body camera systems are an irrefutable way to capture all facets of community engagement. Complicating the situation, however, is the ongoing strain on the public safety agency’s budgets.
With three easy to acquire and deploy components any agency can stand up a robust, compliant, and reliable body camera system. Join us for a discussion on how Kyocera devices and Visual Labs software can be optimized on the FirstNet public safety broadband network to deploy quick and affordable body cameras for all your first responders.
This event starts at 2:00 pm EDT.
To register:

July 16 2020 to July 17 2020

As COVID cases rise across the country, the construction industry is looking for ways to prevent the spread of the disease on job sites. Join us for updates on resources available and to learn about contact tracing. During this webinar, Dr. Sara Luckhaupt and Corey Butler from NIOSH will describe how public health authorities use case investigation and contact tracing to respond to reportable communicable diseases, and LHSFNA’s Travis Parsons will discuss how contact tracing is being used in the construction industry.
• Richard Rinehart, ScD Deputy Director CPWR
• G. Scott Earnest, Ph.D., P.E., C.S.P., Associate Director for Construction, Office of Construction Safety and Health, NIOSH
• Scott Ketcham, Director, Directorate of Construction, OSHA
• CAPT Sara Luckhaupt, MD, MPH, Medical Epidemiologist, NIOSH
• LCDR Corey Butler, MS, REHS, Occupational Safety and Health Specialist, NIOSH
• Travis Parsons, MS; Associate Director of OSH, Laborers’ Health and Safety Fund of North America
To register:

July 16 2020 to July 17 2020

COVID-19 continues to tax finite public safety resources, underscoring the need for efficient and effective information sharing tools.  Since it appears as if the pandemic will be challenging us for the foreseeable future, take 60 minutes to explore how three FirstNet-approved apps (10-21 Police Phone, Pulsara, and Rave PANIC Button) help agencies share critical information and engage with the community during these difficult times.
This event start at 12:00 pm EDT.
To register: 

July 15 2020 to July 16 2020

Evento virtual organizado por CEPREDENAC.

  • Shanya Skolnik, Co-fundadora, Directora Ejecutiva y Creadora Creativa de Navteca

El evento comienza a las 4:00 pm EDT.
Para registrarse:

July 14 2020

Join Santhosh Shekar, one of the first few accredited ISO 30401 Knowledge Management (KM) auditors/certifiers, as he shares his perspectives on the new international KM standard. Santhosh is a KM Architect inside a large organization. He’ll be able to discuss how the standard might bring KM into the mainstream business world by providing a standard reference model for professionals and organisations. We’ll discuss how this standard could be seen as stepping stone in establishing KM as a distinct discipline, as well as how it could support a long term KM career path and growth.
Knowledge café is hosted by John Hovell. It starts at 12:00 pm EDT. 

OAS KM Group
July 14 2020 to July 15 2020

This webinar we explores what it takes to have a successful shelter management program, which provides vital spaces for communities and ways to navigate around some of the potential challenges under the current pandemic and as the hurricane season approaches. This webinar will be presented in the form of a panel discussion with some practical elements that will provide guidance on shelter management during the 2020 hurricane season recognising the multi-hazard environment.

  • Denisse SOLIS, Emergency Shelter Senior Officer America's Regional Office, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
  • Captain Robert Harewood, Senior Program Officer, Preparedness & Response, CDEMA
  • Audrey Mullings, Disaster Risk Management Specialist, USAID

To register:

July 01 2020 to July 02 2020

Webinar organizado por el CEPREDENAC.
Sebastián Fernández Araya, Ingeniero Civil-Industrial, Bombero voluntario y Gerente Regional América Latina para Paratech, Inc.
El evento comienza a las 2:00 pm EDT.
Para registrarse, ir a:

June 30 2020 to July 01 2020

This webinar focuses on the extraordinary but underutilized power of conversation. In this webinar, participants will learn about the five fundamental principles of Conversational Leadership. Those principles are embracing complexity thinking, taking responsibility, becoming a leader, conversing effectively and building community.
Could Conversational Leadership be one of the future of KM? If KM started with a focus on Information Management, then added Experience Management and Idea Management, could it be helpful to look at how those conversations happen? Could we improve the flow of knowledge by improving our conversations? How effectively does tacit knowledge currently move in your conversations?
Hosts: John Hovell and Donita Volkwijn
To register:

OAS KM Group
June 30 2020 to July 01 2020

Emergency and Security Systems must ensure accessibility to emergency services for citizens living with a disability.
What does this mean? Currently, emergency services remain mostly reachable via phone call, which potentially puts at risk the lives of 80 million citizens in Europe.
This webinar is being organized by EENA. Participants will learn about:

  • The legislation and its requirements
  • What strategies can different countries follow
  • An overview of the challenges faced by Europeans living with a disability when it comes to access emergency services

This webinar begins at 9:00 am EDT.
To register:

June 25 2020 to June 26 2020

El Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA) organiza esta webinario para conocer la experiencia de laboratorios e institutos de medicina legal y Ministerios Públicos de los países miembros del SICA, frente a la pandemia COVID19.

  • Rafael M. Bañón González, Presidente del Comité Científico del Consejo Nacional Médico Forense de España
  • Franz Vega Zuñiga, Jefe del Departamento de Medicina Legal de Costa Rica

Moderador por:

  • Hefer Morataya, Director de Seguridad Democrática (DSD), Secretaría General del SICA

El webinario comienza a las 12 pm EDT.
Para registrarse, ir a:

June 25 2020 to June 26 2020

Force Control Rooms continue to evolve with new contact channels, increasing call volumes, and emerging skill set requirements, alongside growing pressures to improve citizen experiences and the well-being of Control Room staff. This webinar will showcase Omni-Channel Analytics that will allow Control Room Supervisors to:

  • Know how many calls (as a % of total calls) are specifically related to a particular crime type.
  • Understand what these crime type calls are actually about.
  • Gain more detailed information so as to more precisely and effectively plan and resource your control room.


  • Jonathan Wax from NICE Nexidia

Particpants will learn:

  • How to automate your Quality Assurance across 100% of calls to support improvements in the consistency of citizen experiences.
  • How to objectively coach your call-takers to improve ‘soft skills’ to support great citizen outcomes, without adding cost.
  • How control room call takers can self-serve, using analytics, to operate at optimum productivity.

The webinar begins at 8:00 am EDT.
To register:

June 18 2020 to June 19 2020

Mission Critical Partners (MCP) is hosting the Conference for Advancing Public Safety (CAPS), a three-day virtual event from June 16-18, that will feature some of the leading names in mission-critical communications. CAPS offers a cross-section of topics ranging from Next Generation 911 to wireless communications, to data, IT and networks, and more. Each three-hour track is composed of four engaging 45-minute discussions—including educational sessions and client and vendor roundtables— that attendees have the option to select from.
Join this session to speak with one of our SMEs about life at MCP and learn more about our open positions.
To register, go to:

June 18 2020

Mission Critical Partners is hosting the Conference for Advancing Public Safety (CAPS), a three-day virtual event from June 16-18, that will feature some of the leading names in mission-critical communications. CAPS offers a cross-section of topics ranging from Next Generation 911 to wireless communications, to data, IT and networks, and more. Each three-hour track is composed of four engaging 45-minute discussions—including educational sessions and client and vendor roundtables— that attendees have the option to select from.
In this half-day training session, telecommunicators will learn about the importance of building their skills through training and the resources available to support them in their role.
To register, go to:

June 18 2020

Mission Critical Partners is hosting the Conference for Advancing Public Safety (CAPS), a three-day virtual event from June 16-18, that will feature some of the leading names in mission-critical communications. CAPS offers a cross-section of topics ranging from Next Generation 911 to wireless communications, to data, IT and networks, and more. Each three-hour track is composed of four engaging 45-minute discussions—including educational sessions and client and vendor roundtables— that attendees have the option to select from.
Gabe Elias, from Albermarle County Emergency Communications Center, will discuss the civil unrest that unfolded in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017, with a focus on the impact it had on telecommunicators and how they have been able to learn and move on from that experience.
To register, go to:

June 17 2020

Mission Critical Partners is hosting the Conference for Advancing Public Safety (CAPS), a three-day virtual event from June 16-18, that will feature some of the leading names in mission-critical communications. CAPS offers a cross-section of topics ranging from Next Generation 911 to wireless communications, to data, IT and networks, and more. Each three-hour track is composed of four engaging 45-minute discussions—including educational sessions and client and vendor roundtables— that attendees have the option to select from.
This track will discuss IT lifecycle management, including common-sense cybersecurity, and new approaches to IT maintenance. as well as how to build a bridge between public safety and criminal justice systems.
To register, go to:

June 17 2020

Mission Critical Partners is hosting the Conference for Advancing Public Safety (CAPS), a three-day virtual event from June 16-18, that will feature some of the leading names in mission-critical communications. CAPS offers a cross-section of topics ranging from Next Generation 911 to wireless communications, to data, IT and networks, and more. Each three-hour track is composed of four engaging 45-minute discussions—including educational sessions and client and vendor roundtables— that attendees have the option to select from.
In this session, you will learn about what's next for wireless communications, including the future of public safety broadband, data integration, and the impact of the FCC's 6GHz ruling on public safety communications networks.
To register, go to:

June 17 2020

Mission Critical Partners is hosting the Conference for Advancing Public Safety (CAPS), a three-day virtual event from June 16-18, that will feature some of the leading names in mission-critical communications. CAPS offers a cross-section of topics ranging from Next Generation 911 to wireless communications, to data, IT and networks, and more. Each three-hour track is composed of four engaging 45-minute discussions—including educational sessions and client and vendor roundtables— that attendees have the option to select from.
Brian Fontes, Chief Executive Officer, National Emergency Number Association, will address short- and long-term challenges and opportunities, including those related to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as NENA’s priorities for the near term.
To register, go to:

June 16 2020

Mission Critical Partners is hosting the Conference for Advancing Public Safety (CAPS), a three-day virtual event from June 16-18, that will feature some of the leading names in mission-critical communications. CAPS offers a cross-section of topics ranging from Next Generation 911 to wireless communications, to data, IT and networks, and more. Each three-hour track is composed of four engaging 45-minute discussions—including educational sessions and client and vendor roundtables— that attendees have the option to select from.
During the Emergency Communications Facilities and 911 Operations session, the focus will be on planning for the futuresuccess of your agency's mission-critical operations. In this track, attendees will learn more about the importance of continuity-of-operations plans (COOP) and preparing for a post-pandemic future.
To register, go to:

June 16 2020 to June 17 2020

El Centro Logístico Regional de Asistencia Humanitaria (CLRAH) es una instancia de facilitación logística para brindar apoyo a las operaciones de respuesta de los sistemas nacionales y de los organismos internacionales especializados en asistencia humanitaria ante situaciones de desastres naturales u otros eventos antropogénicos que impacten en el bienestar y calidad de vida de los ciudadanos de la región.
En este webinar organizado por CEPREDENAC, participarán como panelistas:

  • Alberto Sierra, Director Ejecutivo, CLRAH
  • Mauricio Bustamante, Jefe de Logística de la Federación Internacional de la Cruz Roja y Media Luna Roja
  • Francisco Quesada, Gerente del Depósito de Respuesta Humanitaria de las Naciones Unidas

Para registrarse, ir a:

June 16 2020 to June 17 2020

The EMS industry is experiencing a period of profound change and opportunity. COVID-19 has created new pressure to improve operational efficiency and accelerate the revenue cycle. At the same time, Emergency Triage, Treat and Transport (ET3) offers the promise of new revenue streams and value to the communities you serve.
In this complex environment, health information exchange (HIE) between partners is becoming essential for improving patient outcomes, increasing organizational efficiencies and recovering as much revenue as possible. But the old way of doing things – paper, fax, phone calls – doesn’t provide the speed or data integrity necessary for true interoperability and collaboration.
In this webinar, participants will learn:

  • How HL7 data exchange benefits both their hospitals as well as the EMS agencies they work with
  • How they overcame challenges to implement bi-directional data sharing
  • How EMS can best prepare for data exchange


  • Dr. Michael Dailey is the Director of Prehospital Care Services & Education at Albany Medical Center Hospital and Chief of the Division of Prehospital & Operational Medicine at and an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and EMS at Albany Medical College
  • Michelle Kobayashi is the administrative director of Emergency Medical Services at Hackensack University Medical Center
  • Mario Sanchez serves as Product Manager for ZOLL Data Systems

This webinar is sponsored by ZOLL Data Systems and Fitch & Associates, and it starts at 12:00 pm EST.
To register, go to:

June 16 2020

Mission Critical Partners is hosting the Conference for Advancing Public Safety (CAPS), a three-day virtual event from June 16-18, that will feature some of the leading names in mission-critical communications. CAPS offers a cross-section of topics ranging from Next Generation 911 to wireless communications, to data, IT and networks, and more. Each three-hour track is composed of four engaging 45-minute discussions—including educational sessions and client and vendor roundtables— that attendees have the option to select from.
In Next Generation 91, you will learn best practices designed to accelerate your the transition and help you thrive beyond deployment. NG911 strategic planning will be featured in this track. Also discussed will be Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), cloud-based technologies and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data development.
To register, go to:

June 11 2020

Reunión de balance sobre experiencias y lecciones aprendidas desde la perspectiva de KM en el marco del COVID-19, y planificación de próximos pasos.

OAS KM Group
June 11 2020 to June 12 2020

The Denise Amber Lee Foundation was a driving force behind the first ever ANSI Standard for the Establishment of a Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement Program for Public Safety Answering Points. Five foundation board members were part of the national workgroup that crafted the document, including foundation president Nathan Lee and Sherrill Ornberg, the creator of the Standard's QA scoring sheets, implementation instructions and performance scoring. This training foucses on creating comprehensive quality assurance/quality improvement processes for communications center.
This complimentary Virtual 9-1-1 QA Training Day addresses:

  • Why a consistent and effective QA/QI process is vital (legally and professionally) to your PSAP.
  • The components of the QA/QI program and how to objectively evaluate the performance of public safety communications personnel no matter your agency's size.
  • How to create and implement a successful QA/QI program and ensure staff buy in.
  • How to leverage your QA/QI program to reduce employee turnover and boost confidence and performance

To register, go to:

June 09 2020 to June 10 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the acute leadership challenges during shock events – decision-making, sequencing and strategy are made more challenging yet profoundly more critical. In periods of crisis – whether it be conflict, political transition, natural disaster or pandemic – leaders must make difficult decisions about what reforms to enact and when.
This event will combine insight from the Institute for State Effectiveness (ISE) and the World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid (WLA-CdM) to examine how leaders at moments of crisis decide and sequence reforms.

  • Franck Bousquet, Senior Director, Fragility, Conflict and Violence, World Bank
  • Clare Lockhart, Director, Institute for State Effectiveness
  • Boris Tadic, Former President of Republic of Serbia (2004-2012), WLA-Club de Madrid Member
  • Amat Al Alim Alsoswa, Former Minister of Human Rights, Yemen and former UN Assistant Secretary General

The webinar will be moderated by:

  • Raj Kumar, President & Editor-in-Chief, Devex

This event starts at 9:00 am EDT.
To register:

June 05 2020 to June 06 2020

Webinar: "Las ciudades de las Américas y el Caribe frente a COVID-19. Ciudades Resilientes" organizado por la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres, el Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, Global Resilient Cities Network, and Cities on the Frontline.
Comienza a as 12:00 pm EDT (11:00 am hora de Panamá).
Para registrarse, ir a:

May 29 2020 to May 30 2020

Temporada de huracanes 2020 y COVID-19. Un escenario complejo para la gestión integral del riesgo.
Este evento comienza a las 12 pm EDT.
Para registrarse, ir a: 

May 26 2020 to May 27 2020

In this webinar organized by PoliceOne and Amazon Web Services, participants will learn how one California agency modernized their 9-1-1 system to take advantage of digitally-enabled services from NGA911 to give first responders more visibility into a scene, expedite responses and speed recovery with infrastructure that can withstand natural and human-caused disasters.
The webinar start at 2:00 pm (EST).
To register, go to:

May 25 2020 to May 26 2020

Amenazas Múltiples y Riesgo Sistémico. Enfrentando los desastres relacionados con el clima en tiempos de COVID-19.
Interpretación simultánea español-inglés.
El webinar comienza a las 11:00 am (EDT).
Para registrarse, ir a:

May 25 2020 to May 26 2020

The forecast for the 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season suggests an above average activity. CDEMA acknowledges the possibility that the COVID-19 Pandemic crisis will persist throughout the 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season. As such, SYNERGY 2020 will facilitate a real-time review of the ongoing regional operations in response to the novel COVID-19 Pandemic and evaluate the regional hurricane season preparations for operations in a pandemic environment. The findings from SYNERGY 2020 will be used to enhance the ongoing joint coordination of emergency operations for COVID-19 in addition to strengthening the protocols of the regional and national multi-hazard plans for operating within a pandemic environment.

May 21 2020 to May 22 2020

Este webinar está organizado por el Task Force Interamericano sobre Liderazgo de las Mujeres y Women in Global Health, con mujeres que están liderando la lucha contra la pandemia, así como con especialistas en género y salud, quienes abordarán los desafíos y oportunidades durante la crisis del COVID-19 con más mujeres tomando decisiones y marcando la diferencia para una mitigación inclusiva y más eficaz.
Alejandra Mora Mora, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres de la Organización de los Estados Americanos CIM/OEA dará las palabras de bievenida.

  • Roopa Dhatt. Directora Ejecutiva y Fundadora de Women in Global Health –WGH
  • María del Pilar Garrido Gonzalo, Ministra de Planificación Nacional y Política Económica de Costa Rica
  • Delma Thomas, Ministra de Desarrollo Social, Vivienda y Empoderamiento Comunitario de Granada
  • Pilar Mazzetti, Líder del Comando Nacional de Operaciones COVID-19. Ex Ministra de Salud del Perú


  • Anna Coates. Jefa de la Oficina de Equidad, Género y Diversidad Cultural. Organización Panamericana de la Salud OPS-OMS

El webinar comienza a las 10:00 am (EDT).
Para registrarse, ir a: 

May 20 2020 to May 21 2020

El evento virtual comienza a las 3:00 pm  (EDT).
Para registrarse, ir a: 

May 19 2020 to May 20 2020

In this webinar organized by PoliceOne, Amazon Web Services and Juvare, participants will be able to learn how tracking COVID-19 cases in real time provides critical insights that can help agencies strategically allocate resources and manage constraints. Emergency preparedness and critical incident management and respond technology from Juvare breaks the information into a scalable dashboard view for instant viewing.
The webinar starts at 2:00 pm (EST).
To register, go to:

May 19 2020 to May 20 2020

911 Training Institute, Fitch & Associates' Ambulance Service Manager and Communication Center Manager Course are sponsoring this webinar on Combatting Cumulative Stress: Caring for Caregivers and Learning the Art of Self-Care. Pinnacle Webinar Series
Long hours, back-to-back calls, the common urgency of fighting an unseen enemy, and concern for their own loved ones are placing unique strain on EMS caregivers during these turbulent times. Cumulative stressors can compound underlying issues team members faced before the pandemic, and can lead to unhealthy and counter-productive patterns and disastrous outcomes for caregivers.

  • Dr. Jay Fitch, PhD, is the founding partner of Fitch & Associates
  • Jim Marshall, MA, is Co-Founder and Director of the 911 Training Institute

This webinar start at 2:00 pm (EDT).
To register, go to:

May 19 2020

The Caribbean Chamber of Commerce, with the support of UNDRR, Arise and COVID-19 Response, are organizing this webinar on peparing for the hurricane season in light of the impact of COVID-19 ont eh Caribbean Economy.
The event starts at 11:00 (AST).
To register, go to:

May 14 2020 to May 15 2020

PoliceOne, Amazong Web Services and Carbyne911 are organizing this webinar to learn how live video chat, instant messaging and data sharing capabilities, can dramatically reduce dispatch time, increase response efficiency, and ultimately save lives. Carbyne911 is helping reduce the number of visitors to health centers by remotely evaluating and accurately mapping patients through multiple data sources and combining information across 911/ 311 centers, remote doctors, first responders, and dispatchers.
The webinar starts at 2:00 pm EST.
To register go to:

May 14 2020 to May 15 2020

In the midst of an escalating Covid-19 pandemic response, the Salt Lake Valley was struck with a 5.7 earthquake. Complex hazardous materials incidents, collapsing structures, and medical responses taxed the LMR and commercial broadband networks. While commercial cellular networks were congested due to heavy usage, agencies using FirstNet had reliable access and capacity on the FirstNet network.

  • Dave Herrman, Salt Lake City Fire IT specialist, and Dustin Dern, Unified Fire Authority Battalion Chief and Operations Section Chief for the Incident Management Team, will share their stories and experience with FirstNet in a large-scale event.
  • Garett Doyle, Regional Manager with the FirstNet Program at AT&T, and Tracey Murdock, from the First Responder Network Authority, will discuss the earthquake response from the perspective of their respective agencies and address the future of FirstNet and the ongoing reinvestment and further development of the network.

The webinar starts at 2:00 pm (EST).
To register, go to:

May 14 2020 to May 15 2020

9-1-1 centers have risen to the challenge of COVID-19 with great courage and tenacity. Still, the fast-moving crisis has made the widening technology gap and need for IP- and cloud-based Next Generation 9-1-1 all the more painfully clear. The ability to stand-up and support: remote workforces, regional backup centers for resource sharing, voice/video for triaging callers with non-emergent medical concerns, and online approaches to non-emergency dispatch and fulfilling records requests, have all come to the forefront – and are all problems that NG9-1-1 and cloud technology can readily solve.
In this roundtable, participants will learn about the benefits of NG9-1-1 and secure cloud solutions, creative approaches to overcoming bottlenecks, and steps you can be taking now to accelerate your deployment of NG9-1-1.

  • John Rennie, General Manager, NICE Public Safety
  • Phil Rotheram, Vice President, Atos
  • Darrin Reilly, Chief Operating Officer, Mission Critical Partners

The roundtable starts at 13:00 EDT.
To register, go to:

May 14 2020 to May 15 2020

This webinar is organized by EENA. It focuses on learning how the Republic of Korea magaged to successfully curb COVID19.
The webinar will explore how the country managed the situation as the outbreak progressed, in terms of lab testing, case management, contact tracing, and social distancing.

  • Ji Young, Epidemiological Intelligence Officer, KCDC (Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

The webinar begins at 10:00 am CEST.
To register, go to:

May 13 2020

This webinar sponsored by the Department of Public Management and the Office of External Affaris of John Jay College of Criminal Justice, features two acclaimed experts whose work in planning for, responding to and mitigating extreme events and natural disasters has informed public agencies and service organizations around the globe.

  • Arjen Boin is Professor of Public Institutions and Governance at the Institute of Political Science, Leiden University.
  • Scott Robinson is the department chair of The University of Oklahoma Political Science department.

This event starts at 1:30 pm (EDT).
To register, please go to:

May 12 2020 to May 13 2020

In this webinar organized by the U.S. National 9-1-1 Program, a panel of experts will share lessons learned in two key topic areas: Using GIS data in the era of COVID-19 and approaches for translating non-English requests for help through Text-to-911.
The Maryland Department of Information Technology (DoIT) will share how Maryland officials are providing a clear picture of the state’s response and how statistics are used to support decision-making during response, recovery and rebuilding phases in this unprecedented event.
Individuals with limited English Proficiency (LEP) may experience additional challenges in emergency situations when communicating with public safety officials. The IJIS Institute will provide details on the Institute’s initiative to address technology, standards and affordability of a commercially available, public safety-grade solutions for Text-to-911 translation.

  • Julia Fischer, Geographic Information Officer / Director, Data Services (BI/GIS) Maryland Dept of Information Technology
  • Michael Alagna, Program Director of the IJIS Institute

The webinar starts as 12:00 pm (EDT).
To register, go to:

May 08 2020 to May 09 2020

In this webinar organized by EENA, representatives from Twitter will provide crisis responders and crisis communicators across Europe with training to support them in their ongoing and upcoming online efforts during COVID-19.
The webinar will explore the following topics:

  • Twitter basics/101
  • Safety on Twitter
  • COVID-19 initiatives
  • Twitter in a crisis
  • Pro tips: Media studio, Tweetdeck, Q&As

To register, go to:

May 07 2020 to May 08 2020

People respond to risk in many different very ways. Despite having all the facts, it is sometimes difficult to persuade people to do the right thing. What can behavioural economics say about how people respond to risk? How can behavioural economics guide policy making, public facing and media communications?
This webinar starts at 8:00 am EST.
To register, go to:

May 06 2020 to May 07 2020

El CEPREDENAC organiza este webinar para analizar el impacto del COVID-19, con una mirada en los riesgos transfronterizos que genera y en escenarios complejos que presenta ante la aproximación de la temporada ciclónica. Participarán del encuentro gobiernos locales y regionales de Centro América, México y Colombia.
Comienza a las 12:00 EST.
Para registrarse, ir a: 

May 06 2020

El Jefe de la Oficina Regional para las Américas y el Caribe de UNDRR, Raúl Salaza, dará una conferencia sobre la necesidad de adoptar un enfoque de riesgos sistémicos para enfrentar la temporada de ciclones tropicales en un escenario de COVID-19.
La conferncia comenzarás a las 12:00 pm (EDT) y tendrá lugar a través de la plataforma Zoom.
ID de reunión: 976 7624 6107
Contraseña: 547024

May 04 2020

Este webinar es organizado por el Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja para conversar sobre la importancia que tiene garantizar el bienestar físico y mental de los intervinientes que se encuentran brindando sus servicios durante la respuesta de COVID-19.

  • Dr Joseph Prewitt Diaz, Miembro IFRC Centro de Referencia Psicosocial
  • Psicóloga Karin Morón, Delegada IFRC Clúster Lima

El evento comienza a las 13:30 EST.
Para registrarse, ir a:

May 04 2020

La Cátedra se Seguridad, Emergencias y Catástrofes de la Universidad de Málaga y Deveryware organizan este webinar, con el siguiente programa:
12:00 Emergencia COVID-19 ¿Hay mando y control?
J. Miranda Director Cátedra de Seguridad, Emergencias y Catástrofes. UMA

12:15 COVID-19. Desconfinamiento: el territorio tras la tormenta.
J. Conesa. Jefe Servicio de Protección Civil Diputación de Málaga.

12:30 La sociedad civil en el espacio residencial.
A. Pestaña. Presidente del Colegio de Administradores de Fincas de Málaga y Melilla.

12:45 Las actuaciones en Protección Civil en la gestión del COVID-19.
B. Castrillo. Presidente de la ANEPPCE.
13:00 ¿Por qué llamarlo desescalada cuando es reinventarnos?
R. Gálvez. Vicepresidente de la ATPCA.

13:15  Protección Civil Municipal, "si no existiéramos, tendrían que inventarnos".
JL Pouy. Jefe de Protección Civil (técnico) Ayuntamiento de Blanes.

13:30 Mecanismo Europeo de Protección Civil en el COVID-19, ¿Y manana?.
L.Alfonso. Oficial de bomberos - Experto del Mecanismo Europeo de Protección Civil.

13:45 Errar para comunicar mejor. El valor de la información en tiempos del COVID-19.
F. Fernández. Periodista Especialista en comunicación de emergencias.
El mismo tendrá lugar a través de Google Meets. Comienza a las 12:00 am EST.
Para inscribirse, ir a:

May 01 2020 to May 02 2020

APCO and NICE are co-hosting another COVID-19 webinar, featuring a Q&A with 9-1-1 leaders from emergency communication centers around the country. They will share with participants how they are coping in the current crisis, what has worked, what hasn’t, and what they’re planning next.
They are kindly requesting for participants to submit their questions at: [email protected]

  • Tyrell Morris, Executive Director, City of New Orleans Parish Communications District
  • Robert Smuts, Deputy Director, San Francisco Department of Emergency Management
  • Deborah Wesolowski, Police Communications Coordinator, Miami Dade Police Department

Chris Wooten, Executive Vice President, NICE Public Safety
To register:

May 01 2020 to May 02 2020

The Panamerican Health Organizationin the Caribbean, is organizing this live event on Facebook do discuss mental health issues during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Participants will be able to poste their questions during the broadcast in the comments section of the Facebook page.
The live webcast begins at 10 am EST.
To participate:

April 30 2020 to May 01 2020

EENA is organizing this webinar to better understand the steps that tech platforms are taking to support public safety worldwide during the COVID-19 outbreak.

  • Various representatives, Google
  • Kirk Arthur, Microsoft
  • Zuzana Pucikova, Uber

Webinar starts at 15:00 CEST.
To register:

April 29 2020 to April 30 2020


  • Dra. Kary Amaya 
  • Lic. Víctor Hernández

El evento comenzará a las 14:00 (CST).
Tendrá lugar a través de la plataforma Zoom. 

April 29 2020

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies organizes this webiar to learn about the use of social media and how to fight misinformation in the webinar: It offers participants to volunteer in times of #COVID19, supporting the Red Cross from their social networks.
Webinat starts at 12:30 pm (EDT)
Join at:

April 29 2020 to April 30 2020

Research has shown that violence against women and children (VAWC)-particularly intimate partner violence (IPV) and severe punishment of children- tend to increase during times of stress and restriction of movements, such as during epidemics. In this webinar, participants will better understand why periods of high stress can cause violence to increase, particular risk factors as well as what families and individuals in the Caribbean can do to cope.
The webinar will be moderated by Golda Lee Bruce, IDB Caribbean Development and will feature the following panelists:

  • Laurence Telson, Operations Senior Specialist, Gender & Diveristy Division, IDB
  • Dr. Peter Neller, Clinical Psychologist at Caribbean Therapist
  • Prof. Opal Palmer Adisa, Director of the Institute for Gender & Development Studies, RCO, UWI Mona

To register go to:

April 28 2020

In the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, the European Emergency Number 112 Association has organized this webinar to address situational awareness and mentalhealth - key topics for emergencyservices. The webinar will feature:

  • Steve McLinden, T20-Digital Programme Manager, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, UK
  • Daniel Sundahl, First Responder, Mental Health Advocate and Artist

The webinar starts at 10:30 EST or 16:30 CEST.
To register, go to:

April 24 2020 to April 25 2020

HR & Wellness Best Practices for PSAPs During the COVID-19 Pandemic
It is essential to maintain effective 9-1-1 center operations during these unprecedented times. 9-1-1 staff  must be safe and healthy so that they can continue to protect the public. 
In this special COVID-19 webinar, participants will to learn:

  • Answers to HR-related questions on issues such as health screenings, essential-worker designations, staffing policies, and more; and
  • Actions that can be taken to promote wellness and mental hygiene in the center and at home.

To register:

April 23 2020 to April 24 2020

Where Will We Go After Coronavirus? Opportunities to Strengthen an Overwhelmed EMS Public Health Safety Net
This webinar is being organized by the Dornsife School of Public Health at Drexler University.
In this webinar, participants will discuss the overwhelmed EMS public health safety net and brainstorm on creative and innovative ways on how to better serve the community while at the same time protecting the mental and physical health of those who respond.
To register, go to:

April 23 2020 to April 24 2020
Plataforma Kudo | Kudo Platform
Washington, D.C.
United States

Presentación de la Plataforma Virtual y realización del Primer Conversatorio en línea dirigido a autoridades y funcionarios/as de los Sistemas de Emergencia y Seguridad (o equivalentes) de la región.
Plataforma KUDO.
Interpretación español/inglés disponible.
Para más información, contactar a: [email protected]

Presentation of the Virtual Platform and organization of the First Online Discussion with authorities and personnel working for Emergency and Security Systems in the region.
KUDO Platform.
Spanish/English interpretation available.
For more information, please contact: [email protected]

April 22 2020 to April 23 2020
Plataforma Zoom
United States

CEPREDENAC-SICA organiza este webinar para abordar las necesidades y los retos humanitarios que enfrenta la población migrante en el marco del COVID-19.

Platafarma Zoom

Para inscribirse ir a:

June 12 2019 to June 13 2019
United States

Espacio para discutir los comentarios recibidos sobre el Plan de Accion por parte de los Estados Miembros

Comisión Interamericana de Educación | Inter-American Committee on Education
June 03 2019 to June 07 2019
Comisión Interamericana de Educación | Inter-American Committee on Education
May 30 2019
Comisión Interamericana de Educación | Inter-American Committee on Education
April 30 2019
Comisión Interamericana de Educación | Inter-American Committee on Education
December 13 2016